Dors Health Dictionary

Dors: From 1 Different Sources


(Adjective: dorsal.) The back or posterior part of an organ or structure. The dorsum of the hand is the opposite surface to the palm.... dorsum

Latissimus Dorsi

A large, ?at, triangular muscle in the back.... latissimus dorsi


Relating to the back, located on or near the back, or describing the uppermost part of a body structure when a person is lying face-down. The opposite of dorsal is ventral.... dorsal

Dorsal Root Ganglia

These are swellings on the dorsal roots of spinal nerves just proximal to the union of the dorsal and ventral nerve roots. They are situated in the inter-vertebral foramina and contain the cell bodies of sensory neurones. (See SPINAL COLUMN; SPINAL CORD.)... dorsal root ganglia


LOGWOOD. Peachwood. Haematoxylon campechianum L. German: Campechebaum. French: Campe?che. Italian: Campeggio. Part used: Heart wood chips or raspings.

Constituents: Haematoxylin, volatile oil, resin, tannin.

Action: astringent.

Uses: diarrhoea, dysentery, summer diarrhoea. Bleeding from the lungs, womb or bowels. Nasal polypi (douche).

Preparation. Half an ounce to 1 pint water simmered down to three-quarters volume. Dose: one-third to half a cup; children 2-4 teaspoons; thrice daily.

Liquid extract Logwood BPC (1934), dose, 2-8ml. ... dorsalis


n. backward flexion of the foot or hand or their digits; i.e. bending towards the upper surface.... dorsiflexion


adj. (in anatomy) extending from the back (dorsal) surface to the front (ventral) surface.... dorsoventral

Tabes Dorsalis

(locomotor ataxia) a form of neurosyphilis occurring 5–20 years after the original sexually transmitted infection. The infecting organisms progressively destroy the sensory nerves. Severe stabbing pains in the legs and trunk, an unsteady gait, and loss of bladder control are common. Some patients have blurred vision caused by damage to the optic nerves. Penicillin is used to arrest the progression of this illness. See also syphilis; general paralysis of the insane.... tabes dorsalis

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