An appliance inserted into a body cavity or wound to release air or to permit drainage.
Drains range from simple soft rubber tubes that pass from a body cavity into a dressing to wide-bore tubes that connect to a collection bag or bottle.
Suction drains are thin tubes with many small holes to help collect fluid or air, which is drawn into a vacuum bottle.
1. n. a device, usually a tube or wick, used to draw fluid from an internal body cavity to the surface. A drain is sometimes inserted during an operation to ensure that any fluid formed immediately passes to the surface, so preventing an accumulation that may become infected or cause pressure in the operation site. Negative pressure (suction) can be applied through a tube drain to increase its effectiveness. Chest drains can be used in the treatment of chest trauma to drain blood (haemothorax) or air (pneumothorax) that accumulates in the pleural space. 2. vb. see drainage.... drain