Draught Health Dictionary

Draught: From 1 Different Sources

A draught is a small mixture intended to be taken at one dose. It consists generally of two or four tablespoonfuls of ?uid.
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary


Agents that have anti-bacterial action on most strains of staphylococcus. For treatment of pus-forming lesions, necrotic tissue and for after-surgery infections.

Angostura, Balm, Barberry, Bayberry, Bearberry, Benzoin, Bistort, Blood root, Black Cohosh, Black Currant, Buchu, Bugleweed (Lycopus virginicus and Lycopus europaeus), Butternut (Juglans cinerea), Camphor, Catechu, Cola, Cornsilk, Elecampane, Eucalyptus, Fringe Tree, Goldenseal, Guaiacum, Holy Thistle, Hops, Jaborandi, Jalap, Jambul, Juniper, Kino, Ladysmantle, Labrador tea, Lavender, Liquorice, Male fern, Mandrake, Marjoram, Meadowsweet, Mountain Grape, Myrtle (common), Oleander, Olive, Orthosiphon, Pennyroyal, Peony (common), Pine (Hemlock spruce), Pulsatilla, Rhus toxicodendron, Sage, St John’s Wort, Senna, Sumach, Sumbul, Sundew, Thuja, Turmeric, Unicorn root true, Walnut (juglans regia), Wild Indigo. Propolis, a resin foraged by bees for the exclusion of draughts in the hive has proved to be an effective anti-staphylococcal. ... anti-staphylococcals


Blood in the urine. From the bladder – bright red. From the kidneys – smoky dark brown but not in clots. May not be long-lasting, clearing up without incident. Some food dyes and confectionery dye the urine red.

Symptoms. Where due to kidney: pain in the back on same side as affected kidney. May indicate tumour. Professional help should be sought. The main symptom of nephritis. Should not be confused with blood of the menstrual flow.

Alternatives. BHP (1983) recommends: Bur-Marigold, Horsetail, Sea Holly, Common Plantain, Beth root. HAMDAD recommends Grape seeds.

Cinnamon oil. Long traditional reputation in Malaysia for blood in the urine – 5-10 drops oil (or half a teaspoon powder) to control until medical attention is available or other measures adopted.

Formula. Sea Holly 3; Bur-Marigold 2; Beth root 1. Mix. Dose. Powders quarter of a teaspoon (375mg). Liquid Extracts 30-60 drops. Tinctures 1-2 teaspoons. In water thrice daily. Acute cases: every 2 hours. Dr Finlay Ellingwood. Formula. Liquid Extracts: Black Cohosh 20ml; Hydrangea 10ml; Chimiphila 5ml; Gelsemium 0.5ml. Mix. 20-40 drops in water every 2 hours, acute cases.

John Wesley (evangelist). Copious draughts of Yarrow Tea.

Note: Small stone or gravel are a common cause of blood in the urine. Rhubarb favours formation of stone, being able to induce oxaluria. Where drinking water has a high degree of hardness and rhubarb is eaten, calcium oxalate stones may be formed between the action of the water and the oxalic acid in the rhubarb.

Treatment by or in liaison with a general medical practitioner or hospital specialist. ... haematuria

Hippocrates – Oath Of

“I Swear . . . To my master in the healing art I shall pay the same respect as to my parents, and I shall share my life with him and pay all my debts to him. I shall regard his sons as my brothers, and I shall teach them the healing art if they desire to learn it, without fee or contract. I shall hand-on precepts, lectures and all other learning to my sons, to my master’s sons and to those pupils who are duly apprenticed and sworn, and to no others.

I will use my power to help the sick to the best of my ability and judgement. I will abstain from harming or wronging any man.

I will not give a fatal draught to anyone, even if it is demanded of me, nor will I suggest the giving of the draught. I will give no woman the means of procuring an abortion.

I will be chaste and holy in my life and actions. I will not cut, even for the stone, but I will leave all cutting to the practitioners of the craft.

Whenever I enter a house, I shall help the sick, and never shall I do any harm or injury. I will not indulge in sexual union with the bodies of women or men, whether free or slaves.

Whatever I see or hear, either in my profession or in private, I shall never divulge. All secrets shall be safe with me. If therefore I observe this Oath, may prosperity come to me and may I earn good repute among men through all the ages. If I break the Oath, may I receive the punishment given to all transgressors.” ... hippocrates – oath of

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