See SHINGLES... herpes zoster
The product of the union of a male and a female gamete.... zygote
An infection or an infectious disease transmissible under natural conditions from vertebrate animal and humans.... zoonosis
An antiviral drug (trade name Relenza©) which ameliorates the symptoms of INFLUENZA. It is licensed in the United Kingdom for treating the A or B varieties, 48 hours after the onset of symptoms. In otherwise healthy people it reduces the duration of symptoms by around 24 hours. It is not yet known to what extent zanamivir can prevent complications in high-risk patients such as the elderly.... zanamivir
An antiviral drug used to treat AIDS (see AIDS/ HIV) and its related conditions, such as pneumocystis PNEUMONIA. The drug slows down the growth of human immunode?ciency virus (HIV) but does not cure the disease. It may be given intravenously or by mouth. Also called AZT, zidovudine has been in use since 1987, and it works by blocking the ENZYME that stimulates HIV to grow and multiply. It may cause ANAEMIA so regular blood tests are necessary.... zidovudine
A rare disorder in which severe peptic ulcers recur in the stomach and duodenum (see DUODENAL ULCER; STOMACH, DISEASES OF). It is caused by a tumour in the PANCREAS that produces a hormone, GASTRIN, which stimulates the stomach and duodenum to produce excess acid: this causes ulceration. Treatment is by surgery.... zollinger-ellison syndrome
The process whereby the zonule (see EYE) is dissolved by an ENZYME (chymotrypsin) as part of intracapsular cataract surgery. Once the zonule has been dissolved the cataract can be lifted out of the eye. (See EYE, DISORDERS OF – Cataract.)... zonulolysis
Or zygomatic bone. The name given to a bridge of bone formed by the union of a process from the temporal bone in the skull with one from the malar (cheek) bone. It lies in the region of the temple, gives attachment to the powerful masseter muscle which moves the lower jaw, and forms a protection to the side of the head.... zygoma
The mechanism of fermentation initiated by an ENZYME during DIGESTION.... zymolysis
An ingredient of many skin preparations that has a mild astringent action and a soothing effect. Zinc oxide is used to treat painful, itchy, or moist skin conditions and to ease the pain caused by haemorrhoids and insect bites or stings. It also blocks the ultraviolet rays of the sun (see sunscreens).... zinc oxide
A drug used in the short-term treatment of insomnia. Zolpidem has a brief duration of action and causes little hangover effect. Side effects include diarrhoea, nausea, and dizziness.... zolpidem
The thick, transparent, noncellular layer that surrounds a developing egg cell in the ovarian follicle. At fertilization, the zona pellucida is penetrated by at least 1 sperm.... zona pellucida
A drug used in the short-term treatment of insomnia. It has a brief duration of action and causes little hangover effect. Side effects include a bitter metallic taste, nausea, and dry mouth.... zopiclone
The arch of bone, commonly known as the cheek bone, on either side of the skull just below the eye socket. The zygomatic arch is formed of the zygomatic and temporal bones.... zygomatic arch
Synonym: C. verum Persl.
Family: Lauraceae.
Habitat: Western Ghats at low levels. Plantations of cinnamon are confined to Kerala State.
English: Cinnamon, Ceylon Cinnamon.
Ayurvedic: Tvak, Daaruchini, Chochaa, Choncha, Varaanga, Utkata, Daarusitaa (bark).
Unani: Daarchini (bark).
Siddha/Tamil: Elavangappattai.
Folk: Daalchini.
Action: Bark—carminative, astringent, antispasmodic, expectorant, haemostatic, antiseptic. Leaf— antidiabetic. Ground cinnamon is used in diarrhoea and dysentery; for cramps of the stomach, gastric irritation; for checking nausea and vomiting; used externally in toothache, neuralgia and rheumatism. The bark is included in medicinal preparations for indigestion, flatulence, flu, mothwashes, gargles, herbal teas.
Key application: As antibacterial and fungistatic. Internally, for loss of appetite, dyspeptic complaints such as mild spastic conditions of the gastrointestinal tract, bloating and flatulence. (German Commission E, ESCOP.) Contraindicated in stomach and duodenal ulcers. (WHO.)The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia ofIn- dia indicated the use of dried mature leaves of Cinnamomum tamala and dried inner bark of C. zeylanicum in sinusitis.Cinnamaldehyde is the major constituent (74%) of the essential oil from bark.Major constituent of the leaf oil is eugenol (28-98%) and that of root- bark oil camphor (60%).Cinnamaldehyde is hypotensive, spasmolytic and increases peripheral blood flow; and it inhibits cyclooxy- genase and lipoxygenase enzymes of arachidonic acid metabolism.Cinnamaldehyde exhibits CNS stimulant effects at high doses. (Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database, 2007.)The bark oil and extracts exhibit antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral activities, and enhance trypsin activity.Eugenol content of the leaf oil is antiseptic and anaesthetic. It is not inter- changable with the bark oil.Root bark oil acts as a stimulant in amenorrhoea. The bark contains tannins (6.5%) consisting of tetrahydrox- yflavandiols; diterpenes, cinnzeylanin and cinnzeylanol.C. malabatrum (Burm. f.) Blume is equated with Jangali Daarchini.
Dosage: Dried inner bark—1-3 g powder. (API Vol. I.)... cinnamomum zeylanicum
Causative virus of chicken pox and shingles.... herpes zoster virus
Family: Zingiberaceae.
Habitat: Cultivated throughout India; wild in Eastern Himalaya.
English: Zedoary, Zerumbet.
Ayurvedic: Karchuura, Draavida, Palaashi, Kachura, Gandhmuulaka, Shati.
Unani: Zarambaad.
Siddha/Tamil: Kichhilikkizhangu.
Action: Carminative, stomaehie, gastrointestinal stimulant, diuretic, expectorant, demulcent, rubefacient. Used in flatulence and dyspepsia. Fresh root is used for checking lecorrhoeal discharge; also for blood purification. Zedoary's effect on digestive organs is similar to ginger but milder.
Along with other therapeutic applications, The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India indicated the use of the rhizome in goiter.The rhizomes are a source of Shoti Starch, used as a food for babies and convalescents, recovering from chronic stomatitis. It is cooling and demulcent.Zedoary, dried rhizomes, contains a number of terpenoids, including curcumene, curcumenone, curdione, curcumenol. Curzerenone, furanoger- menone, germacrone, germacrone epoxide; a volatile oil (1.0-1.5%) resembling ginger oil, and starch (50%).Zedoary is thought to stimulate bile production (due to sesquiterpene ke- tones) and gall bladder emptying (due to cucuminoid constituents).The sesquiterpenes, germacrone, germacrone epoxide, curzerenone and curcumenol showed CNS depressant properties. Curzerenone also showed a potent protective effect against induced lesions in rats. Both curz- erenone and curcumenol showed a moderate analgesic action.The terpenoid furanogermenone exhibits antiallergic activity. (Powdered zedoary, mixed with fructose, is used as an antiallergant in Japan.)Curcumenol and curdione are shown to possess tumour-inhibiting property. The rhizome is used in China for extradural haematomas and certain types of tumours. It has been reported in China that zedoary reduced cervical cancer and increased the effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy.The volatile oil of zedoary exhibits antimicrobial and antifungal activity. The antifungal constituent of the oil has been reported as methyl-p-methoxy- cinnamate.
Dosage: Dried rhizome—1-3 g powder. (API Vol. IV.)... curcuma zedoaria
(Armenian) Form of Isabel, meaning “my God is bountiful” Zabela, Zabelah, Zabella, Zabele, Zabelle, Zabele, Zabelia, Zabeliah, Zabelea, Zabeleah... zabel
(American) Form of Sabrina, meaning “a legendary princess” Zabreena, Zabrinah, Zabrinna, Zabryna, Zabryne, Zabrynya, Zabreana, Zabreane, Zabreenia, Zabrinia, Zabrinnia, Zabrynia, Zabrine... zabrina
(Hebrew) One who is pure and just Zaccae, Zacae, Zacii, Zaccii, Zacai, Zackai, Zackae, Zakai, Zakae... zaccai
(Hebrew) Form of Zacharie, meaning “God is remembered” Zacha, Zachie, Zachi, Zachee, Zachea, Zacheah... zachah
(Hebrew) God is remembered Zacharee, Zacharey, Zacaree, Zaccaree, Zacari, Zaccari, Zecharie, Zecharee, Zecharey, Zacara, Zacceaus, Zacaria, Zachoia, Zackaria, Zakaria, Zakira, Zackeisha, Zackeria, Zacharea, Zachareah, Zakarea, Zakareah, Zacarea, Zacareah... zacharie
(Arabic) Fortunate one; lucky; prosperous Zayda, Zaida, Zayeda, Zayedah, Zadda, Zaddah, Zadah, Zaeda, Zaedah... zada
(Hebrew) One who sings Zaphara, Zafarra, Zapharra, Zafarah, Zafarrah, Zapharah, Zapharrah... zafara
(Armenian) Resembling a flower Zagiri, Zagirie, Zagiree, Zagirea, Zagireah, Zagiry, Zagirey, Zagira, Zagirah... zagir
Family: Plumbaginaceae.
Habitat: Cultivated in gardens throughout India; also found wild in Peninsular India.
English: Ceylon Leadwort, Leadwort.
Ayurvedic: Chitraka, Agni, Vahni, Jvalanaakhya, Krshaanu, Hutaasha, Dahana, Sikhi.
Unani: Sheetraj Hindi.
Siddha/Tamil: Chittramoolam.
Action: Root—intestinal flora normalizer, stimulates digestive processes; used for dyspepsia. Root paste is applied in order to open abscesses; a paste prepared with milk, vinegar or salt and water, is used externally in leprosy and other obstinate skin diseases. A cold infusion is used for influenza and black-water fever.
Key application: In sprue, malabsorption syndrome, piles and inflammatory diseases of ano-rectum. (The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India.)The root yielded naphthoquinone derivatives, plumbagin being the most important active principle.The root extract, after processing for plumbagin enhancement, has been used in a number of drug formulations for liver ailments. Experimentally, plumbagin prevented the accumulation of triglycerides in liver and aorta and regressed atheromatous plaques and abdominal aorta. The chloroform extract of the root showed significant activity against pencillin-resistant (also non-pencillin resistant) strains of Neisseria gonorrhoea. (The root is used for treating sexually transmitted diseases in traditional Indian medicine.)In Siddha medicine, in Tamil Nadu, the plant is an ingredient in a number of drug formulations for treating cancers of the uterus, breast, lungs and oral cavity, in addition to haemorrhoids.Plumbagin is abortifacient, antiovu- latory; causes selective testicular lesions in dogs; in lower doses it behaves like a spindle poison, in higher concentration exhibits radiomimetic nu- cleotoxic and cytotoxic effects.
Dosage: Detoxified root—1-2 g powder. (API, Vol. I.)... plumbago zeylanica
(Hebrew) Of the morning light; dawn Zahir, Zahyr, Zaher... zahar
(Hebrew) The golden one Zahava, Zachava, Zahavya, Zechava, Zehavia, Zehava, Zehuva, Zehavit, Zehavi, Zehave, Zeheva... zahavah
(Arabic) Feminine form of Zahi; brilliant and beautiful Zahiah, Zaheea, Zaheeah... zahia
(Arabic) A brilliant woman; radiant Zahiyah, Zehiya, Zehiyah, Zeheeya, Zaheeya, Zeheeyah, Zaheeyah, Zaheiya, Zaheiyah, Zahieya, Zahieyah... zahiya
Having a lucid dream means dreaming while being aware of the fact that you are dreaming.
However, many people become lucid in the middle of the dream or, on the contrary, fall lose reality contact after being lucid at first.
Although traditional medicine can’t be very helpful in these cases, alternative medicine has a few tricks up its sleeve.
How a Tea for Lucid Dreams Works
A Tea for Lucid Dreams’ main purpose is to make you recall what you have dreamed by calming your nervous system and improving your memory function.
These teas are good for a number of other diseases, such as memory loss, headaches or migraines. However, talk to an herbalist or to your doctor before starting any kind of herbal treatment in order to make sure everything will be alright.
Efficient Tea for Lucid Dreams
In order to work properly, a Tea for Lucid Dreams needs to be both very efficient and one hundred percent safe (since lucid dreams are not exactly a medical problem, you may want to avoid developing one).
A tea that is rich in antioxidants, nutrients, tannins, volatile oils and minerals (sodium, magnesium, iron, manganese) would be very adequate.
You may want to avoid teas with a large amount of acid agents (they could cause stomach pain). If you don’t know which teas could be useful for lucid dreams, here’s a list for guidance:
- Green Tea – contains all the ingredients necessary to sustain life, so it’s useful for a wide range of ailments, not just lucid dreams. If you’re suffering from infertility, anemia, asthenia, loss of appetite, digestive tract complaints or nervous system failure, this decoction could also be useful.
However, you must avoid it at all costs if you’re experiencing some menstrual or menopausal symptoms. The same advice if you’re pregnant (it may cause uterine contractions and therefore miscarriage).
- Valerian Tea – was been used as a sleep aid since ancient times, when the Romans and the Greeks took it before going to bed. This Tea for Lucid Dreams, thanks to its active compounds, is a mild sedative and could also work miracles on your nervous system.
However, you need to make sure that you don’t exceed the number of cups recommended per day in order to avoid hallucinations, tiredness or even death.
- Chamomile Tea – of course, the world’s greatest panacea shouldn’t be left aside. If you’re having trouble remembering your dreams, try a cup of Chamomile Tea before you go to bed! This Tea has a great fragrance and a pleasant smell. Plus, it’s one hundred percent safe so you can drink as much as you want.
Tea for Lucid Dreams Side Effects
When taken according to specifications, these teas are generally safe. However, exceeding the number of cups recommended per day may lead to a number of health problems, such as diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, upset stomach or even death!
If you’ve been taking one of these decoctions for a while and you’re experience a negative response from your body, ask for medical assistance right away!
Don’t take a Tea for Lucid Dreams if you’re pregnant, breastfeeding, on blood thinners or anticoagulants. The same advice in case you’re preparing for a surgery.
If your doctor says it’s ok to start an herbal treatment, choose a tea that fits best your requirements and enjoy its wonderful benefits!
... tea for lucid dreams
(Linn.) Nash.
Synonym: Andropogon muricatus Retz.A. squarrosus Hook. f. (non L. f.).
Family: Gramineae; Poaceae.
Habitat: A perennial grass, cultivated chiefly in Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh., Punjab and the West Coast.
English: Vetiver, Khas.
Ayurvedic: Ushira, Bahu-muulaka, Sugandhimuula, Jataamedaa, Indragupta, Nalada, Laamajjaka, Sevya, Samagandhaka, Jalavaasa, Virana, Aadhya.
Unani: Cuscus, Khas
Siddha: Vettiver, Vilamichaver.
Action: Root—infusion used as refrigerant, febrifuge, diaphoretic; stimulant, stomachic, antispasmod- ic, emmenagogue, astringent, blood purifier. Used in fevers, colic, flatulence, vomiting, spermatorrhoea and strangury. Root oil—used in obstinate vomiting, colic and flatulence.
The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia ofIn- dia recommend the root in dysuria.Major constituents of North Indian laevorotatory oil, (obtained from wild roots) are antipodal terpenoids, while those of South Indian dextrorotatory oils (obtained from cultivated roots) are sesquiterpene ketones and alcohols.The North India Khas oil contains large amounts of khusilal, other ses- quiterpenes include khusol, khusimol, khusitone, cadinene and laevojuneol. The South Indian Khas oil constituents are largely nootkatone, vestipiranes and substances of tricyclic zizaane structure. Khusilal is absent in typical dextrorotatory Khas oils.The oils from other producing countries are found to be dextrorotatory similar to that from South India.
Dosage: Fibrous root—3-6 g for infusion. (API, Vol. III.)... vetiveria zizaniodes
(Arabic) A beautiful woman Zainah, Zainna, Zeina, Zeinna, Zeinnah, Zainnah, Zinaida, Zinaidah, Zeinah, Zaynah, Zayna, Zaena, Zaenah... zaina
(Arabic) A fragrant flowering plant Zaynab, Zaenab... zainab
(Swahili) One who is known for her beauty Zaynabu, Zaenabu... zainabu
(Arabic / Irish) Resembling a rose / form of Sara, meaning “princess; lady” Zairah, Zayra, Zayrah, Zaera, Zaerah... zaira
(African) A woman from Zaire; form of Zara, meaning “princess; lady / day’s awakening; dawn” Zair, Zaeire, Zaeir... zaire
(Swahili) One who is pure; chaste Zaaka, Zacka, Zakka, Zacca, Zakah, Zackah, Zaccah... zaka
(Russian) Form of Jacqueline, meaning “the supplanter” Zakelinah, Zakelyna, Zakeleena, Zacelina, Zacelyna, Zackelina, Zackelyna, Zakeleana, Zakeline, Zakelyn, Zakelyne, Zaceline, Zacelyn, Zackelin, Zackelyn, Zakeleen, Zakelin... zakelina
(Arabic / Swahili) One who is chaste; pure / an intelligent woman Zakiah, Zakea, Zakeia, Zakiya, Zakiyah, Zakeya, Zakaya, Zakeyia, Zakiyyah, Zakiyya, Zakkiyya, Zakiyaa, Zakya, Zakeah... zakia
A nucleoside REVERSE TRANSCRIPTASE INHIBITOR used in the treatment of HIV, in combination with other antiretroviral drugs. Serious side-effects include the risk of peripheral NEUROPATHY and of pancreatitis (see PANCREAS, DISEASES OF).... zalcitabine
(Swahili) Born into royalty; wellborn Zalikah, Zalyka, Zalik, Zulika, Zuleika, Zaliki, Zalike, Zaleeka, Zaleekah, Zaleika, Zaleikah, Zalieka, Zaliekah... zalika
(Latin) One from the town of Zama Zamah, Zamma, Zammah... zama
(Hebrew) A songstress Zemarah, Zamarah, Zamarra, Zamarrah, Zemara, Zemarra, Zemarrah, Zema, Zamirra, Zamirrah, Zamirah, Zamira... zamara
(Hebrew) One who meditates Zambdah... zambda
(African) Woman from Zambia Zambe, Zambi, Zambie, Zamby, Zambey, Zambea, Zambeah... zambee
(Zulu) One who strives to succeed Zamellah, Zamy, Zamie, Zami, Zamey, Zamee, Zamea, Zameah... zamella
(Hebrew) An intelligent ruler Zamire, Zameer, Zameere, Zamyr, Zamyre... zamir
(Spanish) From the city of Zamora Zamorah, Zamorrah, Zamorra... zamora
(Romanian / Hebrew) In mythology, the three Graces / form of Susanna, meaning “resembling a graceful white lily” Zanna, Zanah, Zannah... zana
Carrot (Daucus carota).
Plant Part Used: Root.Dominican Medicinal Uses: Root: juice, orally, for diabetes, anemia, cancer, improved vision, tumors, uterine fibroids, menopausal hot flashes, nourishment, to strengthen the blood, diarrhea, stomach ailments, gastrointestinal inflammation and liver disorders.Safety: Generally considered safe; root is widely consumed.Clinical Data: Human clinical trials: antioxidant, colonic motility, dental caries, hypocholesterolemic (root).Laboratory & Preclinical Data: In vivo: hepatoprotective (root).In vitro: antibacterial, antispasmodic, antitumor (seed extract or constituents), antioxidant, carotene bioavailability, hormonal effects (root).Nutrition: vitamin A precursors.* See entry for Zanahoria in “Part 3: Dominican Medicinal Plant Profiles” of this book for more information, including references.... zanahoria
(Greek) Form of Alexandra, meaning “helper and defender of mankind” Zandrah, Zanndra, Zahndra, Zandria, Zandrea, Zandrya, Zandry, Zandrie, Zondra, Zondria, Zondrya, Zohndra, Zohndria, Zohndrya, Zandree, Zandreah... zandra
(Scandinavian) One who is bold Zain, Zaine, Zayn, Zayne, Zaen, Zaene... zane
(Hebrew) A gracious gift from God Zanetah, Zanita, Zaneeta, Zanetta, Zanyta, Zanete, Zanett, Zanette, Zanitra... zaneta
(Hebrew) One who is prone to for- getfulness Zanoa... zanoah
(Swahili) A beautiful young woman Zantah... zanta
(Greek) Form of Xanthe, meaning “yellow-haired woman; blonde” Zantha, Zanthia, Zanth, Zanthiya, Zanthea, Zantheah... zanthe
Synonym: Z. alatum Roxb. Z. var. planispinum Sieb. & Zucc.
Family: Rutaceae.
Habitat: Jammu & Kashmir and Garhwal.
English: Toothache tree, Indian Prickly Ash.
Ayurvedic: Tumburu (fruit). Tejabala, Tejaswani, Tejohva, Tejovati (stem bark).
Unani: Faaghir, Kabaab-e- Khandaan.
Siddha: Tejyovathi.
Folk: Nepaali Dhaniyaa.
Action: Stem bark—used in cough, dyspnoea, hiccup, stomatitis, rheumatism. (The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India.) Stems and thorns—hypoglycaemic. Bark— used for cleaning teeth, also for treating diarrhoea. Fruits, seeds, bark—carminative, antispasmodic, anthelmintic. Fruits and seeds— used as a tonic in fever, dyspepsia and skin diseases. Essential oil of the fruit—antibacterial, antifungal and deodorant. Used in tooth powders.
The essential oil from dried fruits contains linalool (64.1%), linalyl acetate, citral, geraniol methyl cinna- mate, limonene and sabinene.Dried bark and branches contain lignans—sesamin, fargesin, eudesmin; a lactone pulviatide; dictamine, 8- hydroxydictamine and gamma-faga- rine; magnoflorine and xanthoplanine. The root contains magnoflorine, xan- thoplanine, skimmianine, dictamine and gamma-fagarine. Seeds contain flavonoids tambulin and tambulol.
Dosage: Stem bark—10-20g for decoction; fruit—3-4 g. (API, Vol. II; Vol. IV.)... zanthoxylum armatum
(Hebrew) Of the beautiful dawn Zaralinda, Zaralynda, Zarahlindah, Zaralyndah, Zarahlynda, Zarahlyndah, Zaralenda, Zarahlenda... zarahlinda
(Russian / Slavic) Born at sunrise / in mythology, the goddess of beauty; the heavenly bride Zarya, Zariah, Zaryah... zaria
(American) The lion princess Zariell, Zariele, Zarielle, Zariela, Zariella... zariel
(Arabic) A bright woman Zarminah, Zarmeena, Zarmeenah, Zarmiena, Zarmienah, Zarmeinah, Zarmeina, Zarmyna, Zarmynah, Zarmeana, Zarmeanah... zarmina
(Hindi) Resembling a spring of water Zarnah, Zarnia, Zarniah... zarna
(Arabic) A great huntress Zarolla, Zarolia, Zarolya, Zarolea, Zarolah, Zarollah, Zaroleah, Zaroliah, Zarolyah... zarola
(Arabic) Having bluish-green eyes; from the city of Zarqa Zarqaa... zarqa
(Russian) Form of Sasha, meaning “helper and defender of mankind” Zascha, Zashka, Zasho, Zashenka, Zosha, Zoscha, Zoshka... zasha
(African) She is the crown Zawditu, Zewditu, Zaudytu, Zawdytu, Zewdytu... zauditu
(Spanish) Form of Xaviera, meaning “owner of a new house; one who is bright “ Zavierah, Zavira, Zavera, Zavyera, Zavirah, Zaverah, Zavyerah... zaviera
(English) Form of Sabrina, meaning “a legendary princess” Zavrinah, Zavreena, Zavreenah, Zavriena, Zavrienah, Zavryna, Zavrynah, Zavreina, Zavreinah, Zavreana, Zavreanah... zavrina
(Swahili) A gift; a present Zawati, Zawadia, Zawatia, Zawady, Zawaty, Zawadie, Zawadee, Zawadea, Zawadeah, Zawadey, Zawatie, Zawatey, Zawatee, Zawatea, Zawateah... zawadi
(Tibetan) A victorious woman Zayah... zaya
(Hebrew) From the olive tree Zayita, Zayitah... zayit
(English) A heavenly woman Zayleigh, Zayli, Zaylie, Zaylea, Zayleah, Zayley, Zayly, Zalee, Zaleigh, Zalie, Zali, Zaley, Zaly, Zalea, Zaleah... zaylee
(Tibetan) A beautiful woman Zaypanah, Zaypo, Zaypanna, Zaypannah... zaypana
(Hebrew / Arabic) Belonging to all / one who is flowery Zazah, Zazu, Zazza, Zazzah, Zazzu... zaza
(Polish) An outstanding woman Zazulah, Zazulla, Zazullah... zazula
(Slovene) Feminine form of Zdenek; from Sidon Zdena, Zdenuska, Zdenicka, Zdenika, Zdenyka, Zdeninka, Zdenynka... zdenka
(Czech) Glory of the moment Zdevsa, Zdysa, Zdisa, Zdyska, Zdiska, Zdislava, Zdyslava... zdeslava
(Arabic) One who is distinguished; outstanding... zeahire
(Persian) A known beauty Zebbah, Zebara, Zebarah, Zebarra, Zebarrah... zebba
(Greek) One who is gifted Zebinah, Zebeena, Zebeenah, Zebeana, Zebeanah, Zebyna, Zebynah, Zebiena, Zebienah, Zebeina, Zebeinah... zebina
See Scorpaenidae.... zebra fish
(Hebrew) Surrounded by light Zeharah, Zeharra, Zeharrah... zehara
(Hebrew) A golden child Zehava, Zehavi, Zehavit, Zehuva, Zehavie, Zehavee, Zehavea, Zehaveah, Zehavy, Zehavey... zehave
(Hebrew) One who is protected Zehirah, Zeheera, Zehyra, Zehiera, Zeheerah, Zehyrah, Zehierah, Zeheira, Zeheirah, Zeheara, Zehearah... zehira
(Somali) One who is good and well-behaved... zeinab
(Greek) One who is blessed with happiness Zelah... zela
(German) Gray-haired battlemaiden Zeldah, Zelde, Zellda... zelda
(Greek) In mythology, a city that was home to Padarus Zeleiah... zeleia
(English) Of the sunshine Zeline, Zeleen, Zeleene, Zelyn, Zelyne, Zelean, Zeleane, Zelen, Zelein, Zeleine... zelene
(American) One who stays in control Zelfah, Zelpha, Zelphah... zelfa
(German) Shield of victory Zelindah, Zelynda, Zalinda, Zalynda, Zelyndah, Zalindah, Zalyndah... zelinda
(German) One who resists Zellah... zella
(German) Form of Selma, meaning “having divine protection” Zelmah, Zalma, Zalmah... zelma
(Hebrew) A joyous melody Zemira, Zemyra, Zimira, Zymira, Zymyra, Zemila, Zemilah, Zemeela, Zemyla, Zimyla, Zymyla... zemirah
(African) One having great fame Zenah, Zina, Zeena, Zenna, Zana, Zeana, Zeina... zena
(Greek) White-winged dove; in mythology, a daughter of Zeus Zenaidah, Zenayda, Zenaide, Zenayde, Zinaida, Zenina, Zenna, Zenaydah, Zenaeda, Zenaedah... zenaida
(Greek) One who is generous... zenas
(Persian) A sacred woman Zendah, Zinda, Zindah, Zynda, Zyndah... zenda
(Russian) Form of Eugenia, meaning “a wellborn woman”... zenechka
(Greek) Form of Xenia, meaning “one who is hospitable; welcoming” Zeniah, Zeenia, Zenya, Zennia, Zenea, Zeenya... zenia
(Greek) Sign or symbol; in mythology, a child of Zeus Zenobiah, Zenobya, Zenobe, Zenobie, Zenobey, Zenovia, Zenobee, Zenoby, Zenobea, Zenobeah... zenobia
(Russian) One who is born of Zeus... zenochka
(Greek) Of the West wind Zephyra, Zephira, Zephria, Zephra, Zephyer, Zefiryn, Zefiryna, Zefyrin, Zefyrina, Zefyryn, Zefyryna, Zafirin, Zafirina, Zyphire, Zefuyn... zephyr
(Hebrew) A sower of seeds Zerah, Zeria, Zeriah, Zera’im, Zerra, Zerrah... zera
(Polish) Form of Geraldina, meaning “one who rules with the spear” Zeraldinah, Zeraldeena, Zeraldeenah, Zeraldiena, Zeraldienah, Zeraldeina, Zeraldeinah, Zeraldyna, Zeraldynah, Zeraldeana, Zeraldeanah... zeraldina
(Turkish) Resembling the wild apricot Zerdalie, Zerdaly, Zerdaley, Zerdalya, Zerdalia, Zerdalee, Zerdalea, Zerdalea... zerdali
(Teutonic) An armored battle- maiden Zerelde, Zereld... zerelda
(Turkish) The golden woman Zerenah, Zereena, Zereenah, Zeriena, Zerienah, Zereina, Zereinah, Zeryna, Zerynah, Zereana, Zereanah... zerena
(Latin) Of the beautiful dawn Zerlinah, Zerleena, Zerlyna, Zerleen, Zerline, Zerlyn, Zerlyne, Zerlean, Zerleane, Zerleana, Zerlee, Zerla, Zerlinda, Zaralinda... zerlina
(Turkish) A golden woman Zerren, Zerran, Zerryn, Zerron... zerrin
(African) The firstborn of twins Zesyro, Zeseero, Zesiero, Zeseiro, Zesearo... zesiro
(Greek) Born last; the sixth letter of the Greek alphabet Zetah... zeta
(Portuguese) Resembling the rose Zettah... zetta
(Greek) In mythology, the daughter of the river Eridanos... zeuxippe
(African) An African queen Zhengah, Zenga, Zengah... zhenga
(Chinese) An honorable woman... zhong
(Chinese) Having great intelligence... zhuo
(American) Goddess of the sky Ziarr, Zyarre, Zyarr... ziarre
(Armenian) Resembling a rainbow Ziazann, Zyazan, Zyazann... ziazan
(Hungarian) A Gypsy girl Ziganah, Zygana, Zigane, Ziganna, Zigannah, Zyganna, Zygannah, Zyganah... zigana
(Native American) One who spins Zihnah, Zyhna, Zyhnah... zihna
(Hebrew) A shady woman; a shadow Zilyas, Zylias, Zylyas... zilias
(Hebrew) The shadowed one Zilla, Zila, Zyla, Zylla, Zilah, Zylah, Zyllah... zillah
(Hebrew) One who is frail but dignified; in the Bible, a concubine of Jacob Zilpa, Zylpa, Zilpha, Zylpha, Zylpah, Zilphah, Zylphah... zilpah
(Russian) Form of Theresa, meaning “a harvester” Zilyah, Zylya, Zylyah... zilya
(African) Woman from Zimbabwe Zymbab, Zimbob, Zymbob... zimbab
(Hebrew) Song of praise Zimrah, Zimria, Zemira, Zemora, Zamora, Zamira, Zymria, Zamyra... zimra
(Hebrew) My field, my vine Zimzie, Zimzee, Zimzea, Zimzeah, Zimzey, Zimzy... zimzi
(Arabic) A decoration; graceful beauty Zeenat, Zynat, Zienat, Zeinat, Zeanat... zinat
(Incan) One who is dearly loved Zinchitah, Zinchyta, Zinchytah, Zincheeta, Zincheetah, Zinchieta, Zinchietah, Zincheita, Zincheitah, Zincheata, Zincheatah... zinchita
(Celtic / Russian) One who is fair; pale / one who is wise Zinervah, Zynerva, Zynervah... zinerva
(Native American) Resembling a bird that walks... zintka mani
(Native American) Resembling a flying bird Zintkalah Kinyan, Zintkalla Kinyan, Zintkallah Kinyan, Zyntkala Kinyan, Zyntkalah Kinyan, Zyntkallah Kinyan, Zyntkalla Kinyan... zintkala kinyan
(Native American) Resembling a songbird Zintkalah Lowansa, Zintkalla Lowansa, Zintkallah Lowansa, Zyntkala Lowansa, Zyntkalah Lowansa, Zyntkallah Lowansa, Zyntkalla Lowansa... zintkala lowansa
(Native American) Resembling a bluebird... zintkato
(African) One who is aware Zinyezah, Zynyeza, Zynyezah... zinyeza
(Hebrew) A beauty; little bird; in the Bible, the wife of Moses Zippora, Ziporah, Zipora, Zypora, Zyppora, Ziproh, Zipporia... zipporah
(African) The pathway Zirah, Zirra, Zirrah, Zyra, Zyrah, Zyrra, Zyrrah... zira
(Native American) From the water Ziracuni, Ziracunie, Ziracuney, Ziracunee, Ziracunea, Ziracuneah, Zyracuny, Zyracuni, Zyracuni, Zyracunee, Zyracuney, Zyracunea, Zyracuneah... ziracuny
(Hebrew) One who is sweet Zissel, Zisal, Zysel, Zysal, Zyssel, Zissal, Zyssal... zisel
Family: Zingiberaceae.
Habitat: Native to Southeast Asia; now cultivated mainly in Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Maharashtra.
English: Ginger.
Ayurvedic: Fresh rhizome— Aardraka, Aadrikaa, Shrngibera, shrngavera, Katubhadra. Dried rhi- zome—Shunthi, Naagara, Naagaraa, Naagaraka, Aushadha, Mahaushad- ha, Vishvaa, Vishvabheshaja, Vishvaaushadha.
Unani: Fresh rhizome—Zanjabeel- e-Ratab, Al-Zanjabeel. Dried rhizome—zanjabeel, Zanjabeel-e- yaabis.
Siddha: Fresh rhizome—Inji, Allam, Lokottai. Dried rhizome— chukku, Sunthi.
Action: Rhizome—antiemetic, antiflatulent, hypocholesterolaemic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, expectorant, circulatory stimulant, diaphoretic, increases bioavailabil- ity of prescription drugs. Used for irritable bowel and diarrhoea, colds and influenza. Showed encouraging results in migraine and cluster headache (J Ethnophar- macol, 1990, 29, 267-273; Aust J Med Herbalism, 1995, 7/3, 6978; Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database, 2007.) The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India recommends dried rhizomes in dyspepsia, loss of appetite, tympanitis, anaemia, rheumatism, cough and dyspnoea; fresh rhizomes in constipation, colic, oedema and throat infections.
Key application: For dyspepsia and prevention of motion sickness (German Commission E); vomiting of pregnancy, anorexia, bronchitis and rheumatic complaints (The British Herbal Compendium); as a post-operative antiemetic. (ESCOP).The rhizome contains an essential oil containing monoterpenes, mainly geranial and neral; and sesquiterpenes, mainly beta-sesquiphellandrene, beta- bisabolene, ar-curcumene and alpha- zingiberene; pungent principles, consisting of gingerols, shogaols and related phenolic ketone derivatives. Other constituents include diarylheptenones, diterpenes, gingesulphonic acid and monoacyldigalactosyl glycerols.Gingerol and shogaol have been shown to suppress gastric contractions. Both fresh and dried rhizomes suppress gastric secretion and reduce vomiting. Gingerol and shogaol have gained importance due to their sedative, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, analgesic, hypotensive and hepatopro- tective activities.Cardiotonic effects of ginger has been attributed to 6-and 8-shagaols and gingerols. (Antithrombotic effects remain unconfirmed.) Antimigraine effect is due to ginger's ability to decrease platelet aggregation. It also acts as a potent inhibitor of prostaglandins which enhance release of substance P from trigeminal fibers. (PDR, 2004.)Indian ginger is considered only second to Jamaican in quality.There are three main types of Indian ginger—Cochin ginger (light brown or yellowish grey; Calicut ginger from Malabar (orange or reddish brown, resembling African ginger) and Kolkata ginger (greyish brown to greyish blue).... zingiber officinale
(Latin / Spanish) Patron of housewives and servants / little rose Zitah, Zeeta, Zyta, Zeetah, Zytah, Zieta, Zietah, Zeita, Zeitah, Zeata, Zeatah... zita
(Slavic) To live famously Zitomirah, Zytomira, Zitomeera, Zitomyra, Zytomyra, Zytomirah, Zitomeerah, Zytomeera, Zytomeerah... zitomira
(Swahili) Woman of the lake Ziwah, Zywa, Zywah... ziwa
(Hungarian) Dedicated to God Zeezee, Zyzy, Ziezie, Zeazea, Zeyzey... zizi
(Slavic) Feminine form of Zlatan; golden Zlatta, Zlatah, Zlattah ... zlata
(Native American) To be spinning ... zlhna
(Polish) Form of Sophie, meaning “having great wisdom and foresight” Zochah, Zosia, Zotia, Zosiah, Zotiah... zocha
(Slavic) Form of Sophia, meaning “having great wisdom and foresight” Zofiah, Zophia, Zophiah, Zophya, Zofie, Zofee, Zofey, Zofi, Zofy, Zophee, Zophy, Zophie, Zophi, Zophey... zofia
(Italian / African) A piece of earth / one who is quiet and tranquil Zolah, Zoela, Zoila, Zolla, Zollah... zola
(Latin) A decorative sash; belt Zonah, Zonia, Zonna, Zonnah... zona
Two names for the eruption popularly known as shingles. (See HERPES ZOSTER.)... zona and zoster
(Native American) An honest woman... zonta
A specialised structure serving as an organ of a siphonophore such as Physalia. Different individuals in the colony often take on specialised functions such as feeding, defence and reproduction - up to a thousand zooids maybe found in a single colony.... zooid
(American) An energetic woman Zoomi, Zoomie, Zoomy, Zoomey, Zoomee, Zoomea, Zoomeah... zoom
Animal diseases which can be transmitted to humans. There are more than 150 infections of domestic and wild vertebrates which can be transmitted in this way, including BOVINE SPONGIFORM ENCEPHALOPATHY (BSE), bovine tuberculosis, BRUCELLOSIS, HYDATID cysts, RINGWORM, TOXOCARIASIS, TOXOPLASMOSIS, LEPTOSPIROSIS, LISTERIOSIS, and RABIES.... zoonoses
(Slavic) Born at dawn; aurora Zorah, Zorna, Zorra, Zorya, Zorane, Zory, Zorrah, Zorey, Zoree, Zorea, Zoreah, Zori, Zorie... zora
(Sanskrit) A woman of power Zordena, Zoranah, Zordenah, Zorrana, Zorranna... zorana
(Basque) One who is lucky Zoriah... zoria
(Slavic) Golden-haired woman Zorinah, Zoryna, Zoreena, Zoreane, Zoreana, Zorean, Zoree, Zoreen, Zoreene, Zorie, Zori, Zorin, Zorine, Zoryne... zorina
(Basque) One who is happy... zoriona
(Greek) A lively and energetic woman Zosah... zosa
(Greek) Form of Sophia, meaning “having great wisdom and foresight” Zsofie, Zsofi, Zsofiah, Zsophia, Zsophie, Zsophi, Zsofika... zsofia
(Swahili) The best one Zubedah... zubeda
(Arabic) Form of Salama, meaning “one who is peaceful and safe” Zulima, Zuleima, Zulemah, Zulimah, Zalama, Zulyma, Zuleyma, Zuleyka... zulema
(Arabic) A vibrant woman Zulmah... zulma
Typically means “fresh juice of (plant name)”; can also refer to the seed oil of a plant. Look up the plant name which follows this description of the plant preparation used. To prepare a zumo, the fresh or raw plant part used (whether a fruit, leaf, root, seed or entire plant) is squeezed, liquefied in a blender or juicer or grated and strained to extract its juice. This preparation may be administered orally or topically.... zumo de
(Native American) One who is creative Zunie, Zuny, Zuney, Zunee, Zunea, Zuneah... zuni
(Arabic) A lovely woman Zurafah, Zirafa, Zirafah, Ziraf, Zurufa, Zurufah, Zuruf, Zuraffa, Zuraffah... zurafa
(Hebrew) The Lord is my rock Zurielle, Zurial, Zuriella, Zuriela, Zuriele, Zuriale, Zurialle... zuriel
(Spanish) One who is fair-skinned Zurinah, Zurine, Zurinia, Zurinna, Zureena, Zureenah, Zurienah, Zuriena, Zureina, Zureinah, Zurynah, Zuryna... zurina
(Sioux) One who has a brave heart Zuyanah, Zuyanna, Zuyannah... zuyana
(Polish) Form of Susan, meaning “resembling a graceful white lily” Zuzah, Zusa, Zuzia, Zuzu, Zuzana, Zuzka, Zuzanka, Zuzanny... zuza
(Basque) One who is correct Zuzenah, Zuzenna, Zuzennah... zuzena
(Arabic) A beautiful woman Zweenah, Zwina, Zwinah, Zwyna, Zwynah, Zwiena, Zwienah, Zweina, Zweinah, Zweana, Zweanah... zweena
Subtypes of a microbial species that are separated on the basis of their isoenzyme patterns (eg. zymodemes of Entamoeba histolytica). ... zymodeme
(Polish) Form of Theresa, meaning “a harvester” Zytta, Zytah, Zyttah... zyta
(Polish) Resembling a rose; form of Zoe, meaning “a life-giving woman; alive” Zytkah, Zytcka, Zytckah... zytka
The virus that causes chickenpox and shingles.... varicella–zoster
See zygote intrafallopian transfer.... zift
A type of in vitro fertilization, also referred to as , in which ova are fertilized outside the body and returned to a fallopian tube rather than to the uterus.... zygote intrafallopian transfer
an antibiotic effective against a number of microorganisms. Combined with polymyxin B, it is applied externally to treat infections of the skin and eyes.... bacitracin zinc
see osteomalacia. [E. Looser (1877–1936), Swiss surgeon]... looser zone
the area of the *cervix of the uterus where the squamous epithelium, which covers the vaginal portion of the cervix, joins with the columnar epithelium, which forms the lining (endocervix) of the cervical canal.... transformation zone
n. see leukotriene receptor antagonist.... zafirlukast
n. see hypnotic.... zaleplon
n. see ranitidine.... zantac
n. see lutein.... zeaxanthin
n. a protein found in maize.... zein
an acid-fast *carbol fuchsin stain used specifically for identifying the tubercle bacillus. [F. Ziehl (1857–1926), German bacteriologist; F. K. A. Neelsen (1854–94), German pathologist]... ziehl–neelsen stain
a combination of severe *hyperlipidaemia, haemolytic *anaemia, and *jaundice seen in susceptible individuals drinking alcohol to excess. [L. Zieve (1915–2000), US physician]... zieve’s syndrome
a mosquito-borne virus that usually causes mild symptoms in humans, including fever, skin rashes, muscle and joint pain, and headache. However, infection during pregnancy can result in brain abnormalities of the fetus, notably *microcephaly. Zika virus can also trigger *Guillain–Barré syndrome. Infection is usually from a mosquito bite, although the virus may also be transmitted by sexual intercourse.... zika virus
a preparation used in the treatment of proven zinc deficiency.... zinc sulphate
(zinc undecylenate) an antifungal agent with uses similar to those of *undecenoic acid.... zinc undecenoate
(zolendronate) a *bisphosphonate drug that is used to treat Paget’s disease and malignant *hypercalcaemia and is also establishing a role in treating bone metastases, both in terms of symptom relief and preventing bone fractures.... zoledronic acid
n. see 5HT1 agonist.... zolmitriptan
(zonula) n. (in anatomy) a small band or zone; for example the zonule of Zinn (zonula ciliaris) is the suspensory ligament of the eye. —zonular adj.... zonule
n. excessively strong fear of animals. See phobia.... zoophobia
n. an ion that bears a positive and a negative charge. Amino acids can yield zwitterions.... zwitterion
n. see bupropion.... zyban
(zygoma, malar bone) either of a pair of bones that form the prominent part of the cheeks and contribute to the orbits. See skull.... zygomatic bone
n. the second stage of the first prophase of *meiosis, in which the homologous chromosomes form pairs (bivalents).... zygotene
n. see proenzyme.... zymogen
n. the science of the study of yeasts and fermentation.... zymology
n. 1. the process of *fermentation, brought about by yeast organisms. 2. the changes in the body that occur in certain infectious diseases, once thought to be the result of a process similar to fermentation. —zymotic adj.... zymosis
an old name for a contagious disease, which was formerly thought to develop within the body following infection in a process similar to the fermentation and growth of yeast.... zymotic disease