Drumstick fingers Health Dictionary

Drumstick Fingers: From 1 Different Sources

Thickening or widening of the fingertips caused by tumour or other permanent congestion, heart or lung trouble. See: HEART DISEASE, TUBERCULOSIS, CHRONIC LUNG COMPLAINTS. 
Health Source: Bartrams Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine
Author: Health Encyclopedia

Dead Fingers

See RAYNAUD’S DISEASE.... dead fingers

Webbed Fingers

Or toes – see also SYNDACTYLY. A deformity sometimes present at birth, and which tends to run in families. The web may be quite a thin structure, or the ?ngers may be closely united by solid tissue. In any case, separation is a matter of considerable di?culty, because, if the web is simply divided, it heals up as before. A special operation is necessary, consisting in turning back a ?ap of the web upon each of the united ?ngers, or some other device to produce healing in the new position.... webbed fingers

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