Dtpa Health Dictionary

Dtpa: From 1 Different Sources

diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid, which when labelled with *technetium-99m is used as a tracer to obtain *scintigrams of the kidney over a period of time, by means of a *gamma camera. DTPA is filtered out of the blood by the kidneys and passes into the urine; it is used to show the function of the kidney and reflux from the bladder up the ureter. It is particularly useful in assessing obstruction to urinary drainage from the kidneys.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin

Kidney Imaging

Techniques for visualizing the kidneys, usually performed for diagnosis. Ultrasound scanning can be used to identify kidney enlargement, a cyst or tumour, and the site of any blockage. Conventional X-rays show the outline of the kidneys and most kidney stones. Intravenous urography shows the internal anatomy of the kidney and ureters. Angiography is used to image blood circulation through the kidneys. CT scanning and MRI provide detailed cross-sectional images and can show abscesses or tumours. Two types of radionuclide scanning are used for the kidney: DMSA and DTPA scanning. DMSA is a substance given by intravenous injection that binds to cells in the kidney tubule, giving a single, static picture of the kidneys. DTPA, also given intravenously, is filtered in the kidneys and passes out in the urine. Pictures taken at intervals record its passage through the urinary tract and show kidney function. ... kidney imaging


mercaptoacetyltriglycine: a tracer used in nuclear medicine, during *renography, when labelled with technetium-99m. This agent is cleared by glomerular filtration and tubular secretion by the kidneys. It can be used to measure effective renal plasma flow and to give anatomical information. Compared with a *DTPA scan, it can be used in patients with impaired renal function.... mag3


(isotope renography) n. the radiological study of the kidneys by a *gamma camera following the intravenous injection of a radioactive *tracer, which is concentrated and excreted by the kidneys. The radioactive isotope (usually *technetium-99m) emits gamma rays, which are recorded by the camera positioned over the kidneys. A graph of the radioactivity in each kidney over time provides information on its function and rate of drainage. See DMSA; DTPA; MAG3.... renography

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