Electronystagmography Health Dictionary

Electronystagmography: From 1 Different Sources

A method of recording the types of nystagmus in order to investigate their cause. Electrical changes caused by eye movements are picked up by electrodes placed near the eyes and are recorded on a graph.
Health Source: BMA Medical Dictionary
Author: The British Medical Association

Ear, Examination Of

The ear may be examined to investigate earache, discharge from the ear (see ear, discharge from), hearing loss, a feeling of fullness in the ear, disturbed balance, tinnitus, or swelling of lymph nodes (see glands, swollen) around the ear.

To view the ear canal and eardrum, an otoscope may be used. To obtain images of the middle and inner ears, X-rays, CT scanning, or MRI may be carried out. Hearing and balance can be assessed by means of hearing tests or caloric tests. Electronystagmography assesses balance by watching eye movements when water is inserted into the ear. ear, foreign body in Foreign bodies can easily enter the ear canal. Children often insert objects into their ears, and insects may crawl or fly in. Objects in the ear must be removed by a doctor. This can be done by syringing of the ear or by using fine-toothed forceps. Insects can sometimes be floated out with olive oil or lukewarm water.... ear, examination of


A condition in which there is involuntary movement of the eyes.

In the most common type, jerky nystagmus, the eyes repeatedly move slowly in one direction and then rapidly in the other. Less commonly, nystagmus is “pendular”, with the eyes moving evenly from side to side.

Nystagmus may be congenital, in which case the cause is unknown. It also occurs in albinism and as a result of any very severe defect of vision present at birth, such as congenital cataract.

Persistent nystagmus appearing later in life usually indicates a nervous system disorder (such as multiple sclerosis, a brain tumour, or an alcohol-related disorder), or a disorder of the balancing mechanism in the inner ear. Adultonset nystagmus is occasionally seen as an occupational disorder in people who work in poor light.

Electronystagmography, a method of recording eye movements, may be used to identify the type of nystagmus.... nystagmus

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