Eliminative Health Dictionary

Eliminative: From 1 Different Sources

A herb to disperse and promote excretion from the body accumulated poisonous substances, metabolites, that may have been ingested as additives in food, inhaled as part of the environment, or acquired as morbid products of inflammation left behind after some acute disease, such as influenza.

Some eliminatives have a biochemical action on cell wastes and toxins, breaking them down preparatory to voiding from the body. Others stimulate organs of elimination to speed them on their journey: liver, kidneys, skin, bowel. This group will therefore include diuretics, hepatics, lymphatics, expectorants, diaphoretics or laxatives according to indications of the case. 

Health Source: Bartrams Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine
Author: Health Encyclopedia


Toxic means poisonous. Auto-toxaemia is self-poisoning of the blood and tissues from absorption of bacterial toxins formed during infection from acute or chronic inflammatory disease; or due to defective excretory organs (kidneys, bowel, etc). Raw foods produce little waste, but putrefaction of meats and other acid foods in the intestine and colon create an environment in which hostile bacteria flourish. Retrograde tissue change may be brought about by an unhealthy lifestyle and diet where an accumulation of cell wastes dispose to congestion and decomposition.

Treatment. An eliminative group of herbs include: expectorants, diuretics, lymphatics and alteratives to promote chemical breakdown and expulsion of the body’s waste cell products.

Cleansing teas: Gotu Kola, Bogbean, Ginseng, Nettles, Alfalfa. Or, decoctions: Dandelion root (or Dandelion coffee), Burdock root, Yellow Dock root.

Tablets/capsules. Echinacea, Blue Flag root, Goldenseal, Ginseng, Poke root, Seaweed and Sarsaparilla, Garlic, “Natural Herb Tablet”.

Powders, Liquid Extracts, Tinctures. Combine: Echinacea 2; Goldenseal 1; Myrrh quarter. Doses. Powders: Quarter of a teaspoon. Liquid extracts: 30-60 drops. Tinctures: 1-2 teaspoons. In water or honey thrice daily.

Enema: Chamomile.

Saunas and sweat-promoting exercises; epsom salts bath.

Diet. Regular raw food days. Garlic, Onions, Watercress. Low fat, low salt, high fibre. Drink distilled water. Three-day fast once monthly.

Supplements. Vitamin B-complex, Vitamin C 1g thrice daily, niacin, sulphur, zinc.

Auto-toxaemia does not refer to the toxaemia of pregnancy, known as eclampsia, for which a different group of herbs is relevant.

Removal of dental amalgam fillings is believed to assist recovery.

Note: Toxaemia may be caused by the action of toxic molecular fragments known as “free-radicals” which corrode cell membranes and kill cells. See: FREE-RADICALS. ... auto-toxaemia

Cancer - Bronchial Carcinoma

The most common form of cancer throughout the world. Five year survival: 10 per cent. Its association with cigarette smoking is now established beyond doubt. Other causes include such occupational poisons as asbestos, arsenic, chromium, diesel fumes, etc. The squamous cell carcinoma is the most common of the four types.

Diagnosis is confirmed by sputum test, chest X-ray, bronchoscopy or biopsy. Earliest symptoms are persistent cough, pain in the chest, hoarseness of voice and difficulty of breathing. Physical examination is likely to reveal sensitivity and swelling of lymph nodes under arms.

Symptoms. Tiredness, lack of energy, possible pains in bones and over liver area. Clubbing of finger-tips indicate congestion of the lungs. Swelling of arms, neck and face may be obvious. A haematologist may find calcium salts in the blood. The supportive action of alteratives, eliminatives and lymphatic agents often alleviate symptoms where the act of swallowing has not been impaired.

Broncho-dilators (Lobelia, Ephedra, etc) assist breathing. Mullein has some reputation for pain relief. To arrest bleeding from the lesion (Blood root).

According to Dr Madaus, Germany, Rupturewort is specific on lung tissue. To disperse sputum (Elecampane, Red Clover). In advanced cases there may be swollen ankles and kidney breakdown for which Parsley root, Parsley Piert or Buchu may be indicated. Cough (Sundew, Irish Moss). Soft cough with much sputum (Iceland Moss). To increase resistance (Echinacea).

Alternatives. Secondary to primary treatment. Of possible value.

Teas. Violet leaves, Mullein leaves, Yarrow leaves, Gotu Kola leaves, White Horehound leaves. Flavour with a little Liquorice if unpalatable.

Tablets/capsules. Lobelia, Iceland Moss, Echinacea, Poke root.

Formula. Equal parts: Violet, Red Clover, Garden Thyme, Yarrow, Liquorice. Dose: Powders: 750mg (three 00 capsules or half a teaspoon. Liquid Extracts: 1-2 teaspoons. Tinctures: 1-3 teaspoons. Thrice daily, and during the night if relief is sought.

Practitioner. Tinctures BHP (1983). Ephedra 4; Red Clover 4, Yellow Dock 2; Bugleweed 2; Blood root quarter; Liquorice quarter (liquid extract). Mix. Start low: 30-60 drops in water before meals and at bedtime increasing to maximum tolerance level.

Aromatherapy. Oils: Eucalyptus or Thyme on tissue to assist breathing. Inhale.

Diet. See: DIET – CANCER.

Treatment by a general medical practitioner or hospital specialist. ... cancer - bronchial carcinoma


A group of agents which increases the secretion of bile and its expulsion from the gall bladder. They are usually bitter and being slightly laxative and eliminative in character, are indicated in some liver diseases.

Aloe Vera, Artichoke, Balmony, Barberry, Belladonna, Boneset, Black root, Blue Flag, Boldo, Butternut, Chiretta, Dandelion, Fringe Tree, Fumitory, Gentian, Greater Celandine, Goldenseal, Heather flowers, Liquorice, Mountain Grape, Quassia, Wahoo, White Poplar, Wild Yam, Yellow Dock. ... cholagogues

Confusional State

An acute distressing symptom in elderly and very young people. ‘Lack of clarity in thinking.’ Mild brain failure. Temporary character-change and alteration in behaviour. Absence of classical symptoms of illness. Cannot formulate answers.

Diagnosis: dementia requires six months mental impairment, whereas acute confusional states may develop in a few days. Distinguish from Alzheimer’s disease.

Causes: Oxygen deficiency in the tissues (Vitamin E). Toxaemia (eliminatives). Delirium (nerve relaxants). Infections (Echinacea). Metabolism (Dandelion). Drugs (Ginseng). Hypothermia (Cayenne). Nutritional (Slippery Elm, thiamine).

Tea. Combine herbs, equal parts: Agrimony, Skullcap, Balm. 2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water; infuse 5-15 minutes. 1 cup freely.

Ginkgo: Favourable results reported.

Vitamins. B-complex. B12. Thiamine. E (1000iu daily). Minerals. Dolomite. Zinc. ... confusional state


A protective reflex for the expulsion of an obstruction or irritant from lower respiratory organs. Causes are legion, smoking being most common. A cough is often secondary to an underlying condition which should receive prompt attention, (bronchitis, pleurisy, croup, etc).

The modern herbalist does not use suppressives but favours expectorants or ‘eliminatives’ to soothe irritated surfaces and expel excess mucus. If a dry unproductive irritating cough persists despite treatment, a qualified practitioner should be consulted.

Addition of a nervine (Skullcap, Wild Lettuce, etc) acts as a relaxant. May be a particular help for nervous cough. Add Hawthorn or Motherwort to sustain the heart where necessary.

Alternatives. Teas. Any one: Aniseed, Caraway, Blessed Thistle, Coltsfoot, Comfrey leaves, Ground Ivy, Hyssop, Liquorice (shredded root), Marshmallow, Mouse Ear, Mullein, Plantain, Soapwort, Iceland Moss, Wild Violet, Thyme, White Horehound, Lungwort. Formulae:

(1) Equal parts; Coltsfoot, White Horehound, Liquorice. (2) Equal parts; Hyssop, White Horehound, Valerian. (3) Equal parts; Mullein, Lemon Balm, Valerian.

Decoctions. Any one: Balm of Gilead buds, Elecampane root, Fenugreek seeds, Grindelia, Marshmallow root, Pleurisy root, Wild Lettuce, Wild Cherry bark. Valerian (nervous cough). Formula: Equal parts: Elecampane root, Marshmallow root, Wild Cherry bark. 1 heaped teaspoon to 2 cups water gently simmered 20 minutes. Half-1 cup freely.

Tablets/capsules. Lobelia, Iceland Moss, Garlic.

Powders. Formula: equal parts, Lobelia, Liquorice root, Elecampane. Dose: 750mg (three 00 capsules or half a teaspoon) 2-3 times daily.

Liquid Extracts. (1) Formula: Lobelia 2; Sundew 3; Red Clover 3; Ginseng 6. 30-60 drops in hot water, every 2 hours. (George Slack)

(2) Formula Elderflowers 1; Boneset 1; Hyssop 2; Liquorice half. 1 teaspoon in cup hot water, every 2 hours.

Tinctures. Formula. Elecampane 2; Black Cohosh 2; Lobelia 1; Few drops Tincture Capsicum. Dose: 30- 60 drops in hot water every 2 hours.

BHP (1983) recommends: Elecampane, Hops, Mullein, Wild Cherry bark, Wild Lettuce.

Potter’s. Balm of Gilead Cough Mixture.

Onion juice and honey.

Topical. Rub back and chest with Olbas oil, or warm Camphorated oil. Bran or Slippery Elm poultices to chest.

Aromatherapy. Chamomile and Thyme, 5 drops each in cup boiling water, with towel over the head, as an inhalant.

Preventative. 2 Garlic capsules or tablets at night. Honey. German Chamomile tea.


Enema, Coffee

Injection of a strong infusion of coffee into the rectum is given in some cases of terminal disease to cleanse the bowel, and for sedative effect to assuage the pain of malignancy. When cancer cells are released into the bloodstream they are borne to the liver where they are broken down and expelled from the body via the eliminative organs. Such organs may be congested by by-products of disease. Coffee enemas are used for their detoxifying effect.

3 heaped tablespoons of ground coffee (not Instant) to 2 pints (1 litre) water. Bring to boil. Simmer 20 minutes. Strain when warm. Inject one or more pints according to tolerance. “Coffee retention enemas may be given at frequent intervals where well-tolerated, with no side effects.” (Mayo Clinic) (JAMA 245, 591, 1981) ... enema, coffee


Nail loss. Paronychia. Clubbing. Brittle nails. Deformity (koilonychia). Spoon-shaped, as from iron-deficiency anaemia. A wide range of diseases affect the nails which, themselves, provide useful clues to underlying constitutional disturbance. Brittle and malformed nails are usually due to mineral deficiency. Ridging and grooving show altered nutrition and damage to the nail bed. Psoriasis nails are pitted.

Infections include candidiasis (monilia), ringworm, staphylococcal or streptococcal bacteria. Biting of fingernails reveals anxiety. Colour change and atrophy of nails may be caused by antibiotics, antimalarials, betablockers, gold and arsenic medicines, steroids, “The Pill”; requiring Eliminatives, liver, kidney and possibly Lymphatic agents.

For in-growing toenail – see entry.

Alternatives. General, internal. For antifungals, see: WHITLOW. Mineral-rich herbs for nutrition.

Teas: Alfalfa, Carragheen, Horsetail, Gotu Kola, Red Clover, Oats (for silicon salts), Plantain, Silverweed, Clivers, Dandelion.

Decoctions: Yellow Dock, Burdock, Sarsaparilla, Queen’s Delight.

Tablets or capsules: Alfalfa. Kelp. Bamboo gum.

Formula. Horsetail 2; Gotu Kola 1; Thuja quarter. Dose: Liquid extracts: 1 teaspoon. Tinctures: 2 teaspoons. Powders: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon). Thrice daily.

Cider Vinegar, See entry. Efficacy recorded.

Topical. Alternatives:– Apply to the nail:

(1) Liquid Extract or Tincture Thuja. (Ellingwood)

(2) Blood root. (J.T Kent MD)

(3) Evening Primrose oil.

(4) Contents of a Vitamin E capsule.

(5) Tincture Myrrh.

Diet. Nails are almost wholly protein. High protein. Onions, Garlic, Soya products, Carrot juice, Cod Liver oil, Kelp.

Vitamins. A. B-complex. B6. B12. Folic acid.

Minerals. Calcium. Dolomite. Copper. Iron. Silica. Stannum, Zinc. ... nails


The world’s biggest killer of children. Inflammation of the bowel by production of too much mucous secretion.

Causes: faulty absorption of fats, bacterial or viral infection, nervous bowel, anxiety or psychosomatic disturbance, malfunction of the thyroid gland, etc.

Looseness of the bowels may sometimes occur as an acute cleansing eliminative effort by Nature to expel wastes and impurities. Dehydration can be serious in children. For presence of mucous or blood in the stool refer to DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS.

Differential diagnosis. Crohn’s disease, Gastroenteritis, Diverticulosis, Ulcerative colitis, Dysentery, Salmonella.

Travel diarrhoea: ‘blight of holiday and business trips abroad’ due to E. Coli. Acute, usually non- persistent self-limiting condition. Ginger, crystallised or powder in capsules or tablets is known to reduce the incidence in high risk areas.

Imported bloody diarrhoeas – salmonella, shigella or amoebic infections should receive special investigation by a competent authority, a consultant in infectious diseases. First-aid until the practitioner comes: 2-5 drops oil of Peppermint in water.

Children’s diarrhoea. Re-hydration after severe loss of fluids – glass of water containing 1 teaspoon salt and 2 teaspoons sugar.

Over 13,000 children die from this preventable disease every day, many in the developing countries. This simple combination of sugar and salt prevents dehydration, the most common cause of death from acute diarrhoea, and has helped save tens of thousands of lives.

Alternatives. Rest. Avoid caffeine and alcohol drinks. Plenty of astringent herb teas to reduce the associated hyperperistalsis. Children – half-dose.

Teas. Any one of the following: Agrimony, Avens, Burmarigold, Black Walnut leaves, Burnet (greater or garden), Ground Ivy, Ladysmantle, Hops (nervous bowel), Plantain, Peppermint, Periwinkle (vinca major), Meadowsweet, Silverweed, Shepherd’s Purse, Tormentil. Sage. Formulae: (1) equal parts; Raspberry leaves, Agrimony, Avens. Or (2) equal parts; Raspberry leaves, Plantain, Silverweed. 2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water; infuse 5-15 minutes. Half-1 cup freely. For nerve exhaustion: add a sprinkle of Valerian.

Seeds. Coriander, Caraway or Fenugreek. Half a teaspoon to each cup water, brought to boil; vessel removed as soon as boiling point is reached. Half-1 cup freely.

Decoctions. Any one of the following: Bayberry, Cranesbill (American), Rhatany root, Sweet Chestnut leaves, Oak bark, Wild Yam, Iceland Moss.

Powders. Any one: Calamus, Bayberry, Oak bark, Cinnamon, Black Catechu, Wild Yam. Add pinch of Ginger.

Tinctures. (1) Combine Bayberry 2; Ginger 1. Or (2) Combine Bayberry 1; Raspberry leaves 2. One to two 5ml teaspoons thrice daily after meals.

Tincture, or spirits of Camphor: 5-10 drops in water every 3-4 hours for severe depletion of body fluids. Adults only.

Aloe Vera. Scientific papers confirm efficacy.

Dr Finlay Ellingwood. Castor oil: 5 drops every 2 hours.

Bilberry juice. Half-1 cup freely.

Goldenseal. Antibacterial. 5-10 drops, tincture, 3-4 times daily. Adults only.

Diet. Avoid cow’s milk. 3-day fast on fruit juices and herb teas alone, followed by gruel made from Slippery Elm, Oatmeal or Arrowroot. Yoghurt. Bilberry fruit. Carob bean products: chocolate or other preparations. Ensure adequate fluid intake.

Supplementation. Vitamins A, B12, C, D. Minerals: Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium, Zinc. Preventative. 2 drops oil of Peppermint morning and evening. ... diarrhoea

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