Mild cases usually develop over several days and may cause only a slight fever and mild headache. In serious cases, symptoms develop rapidly and include weakness or paralysis, speech, memory, and hearing problems, and gradual loss of consciousness; coma and seizures may also occur. If the meninges are inflamed, other symptoms may develop, such as a stiff neck and abnormal sensitivity to light.
Diagnosis is based on results of blood tests, CT scanning or MRI, EEG, lumbar puncture, and, rarely, a brain biopsy. Encephalitis due to herpes simplex is treated with intravenous infusion of the antiviral drug aciclovir, but there is no known treatment for encephalitis caused by other viral infections.
– there may be epidemics spread by the bite of mosquitoes or ticks.
The clinical features begin with in?uenza-like symptoms – aches, temperature and wretchedness; then the patient develops a headache with drowsiness, confusion and neck sti?ness. Severely ill patients develop changes in behaviour, abnormalities of speech, and deterioration, sometimes with epileptic seizures. Some develop paralysis and memory loss. CT (see COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY) and MRI brain scans show brain swelling, and damage to the temporal lobes if the herpes virus is involved. ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPHY (EEG), which records the brainwaves, is abnormal. Diagnosis is possible by an examination of the blood or other body ?uids for antibody reaction to the virus, and modern laboratory techniques are very speci?c.
In general, drugs are not e?ective against viruses – antibiotics are of no use. Herpes encephalitis does respond to treatment with the antiviral agent, aciclovir. Treatment is supportive: patients should be given painkillers, and ?uid replacement drugs to reduce brain swelling and counter epilepsy if it occurs. Fortunately, most sufferers from encephalitis make a complete recovery, but some are left severely disabled with physical defects, personality and memory disturbance, and epileptic ?ts. Rabies is always fatal and the changes found in patients with AIDS are almost always progressive. Except in very speci?c circumstances, it is not possible to be immunised against encephalitis.
Encephalitis lethargica is one, now rare, variety that reached epidemic levels after World War I. It was characterised by drowsiness and headache leading on to COMA. The disease occasionally occurs as a complication after mumps and sometimes affected individuals subsequently develop postencephalitic PARKINSONISM.