Bayberry bark, Burdock root, Catnep, Lobelia, Fenugreek seeds, Raspberry leaves, Chickweed, Tormentil, Lime flowers, Mullein.
Evacuant Children. Catnep tea, with 2 teaspoons honey. Adults. Catnep, Raspberry leaves.
Stimulating nervine: Skullcap, Oatmeal, Oats, Bayberry bark.
Relaxant: Lobelia, Lime flowers, Mullein.
To re-activate after collapse: Teaspoon Composition powder. Ginger; or 20 drops tincture Myrrh.
To soothe pain of diverticulosis: Fenugreek seeds, Marshmallow root, Oatmeal.
Alternatives to coffee for cancer: Raspberry leaves, Red Clover flowers, Burdock root, Yellow Dock. For bowel infections: typhoid (Boneset and Skullcap – equal parts): dysentery (raspberry leaves 10, Myrrh 1): diverticulitis (German Chamomile 8, Goldenseal 1). Impacted faeces: Chamomile tea with teaspoon Olive Oil.
When the stomach rejects a medicine an alternative route is by enema into the bowel.
Olive Oil enema: 5oz Olive Oil in 20oz boiled water.
Myrrh enema: 20 drops Tincture Myrrh in 20oz boiled water for bowel infections.
Slippery Elm enema: half a teaspoon Slippery Elm powder in 20 boiled water.
Raspberry leaf enema: 1oz Raspberry leaves in 1 pint (20oz) boiling water; infuse until warm, strain and inject for irritable bowel and other conditions.
Enemas should not be given to children.