Eris Health Dictionary

Eris: From 1 Different Sources

(Greek) In mythology, goddess of discord

Eriss, Erisse, Erys, Eryss, Erysse

Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary

Girardinia Heterophylla


Synonym: G. diversifolia (Link) Eriss.

Family: Urticaceae.

Habitat: Temperate and sub-tropical Himalayas from Kashmir to Sikkim, and in Assam and Khasi hills.

English: Himalayan Nettle.

Ayurvedic: Vrishchikaa.

Folk: Bichhuu-booti, Awaa, Chikri.

Action: Leaves—decoction is given in fevers; applied externally to swollen joints, also as a paste for headache. (Due to stringing hair, the plant causes dermatitis and is known as Bichhuu.)

The leaves contain 5-OH-trypta- mine and histamine, also AC-choline.

The plant gave beta-sitosterol.... girardinia heterophylla

Populus Alba


Family: Salicaceae.

Habitat: Northwestern Himalaya at 1,200-3,000 m, also grown in avenues.

English: White Poplar.

Folk: Safedaa, Jangali Fraas.

Action: Bark—antirheumatic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antipyretic, diuretic, febrifuge, stimulant, antiseptic. Used for arthritis, rheumatic affections, cystitis and other urinary diseases, stomach and liver disorders, anorexia and debility.

Key application: Unopened leaf- buds externally for haemorrhoids, frostbite and sunburn. (German Commission E.)

The bark contains glycosides, salicin and populin, erisin and tannin (5-9%). Salicin, a bitter tonic and antiperiod- ic, is used like quinine in intermittent fever, also in rheumatism.... populus alba

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