staff.Synonym: E. divaricata (L.) Alston. Tabernaemontana coronaria R.Br.Family: Apocynaceae.
Habitat: Throughout the sub- Himalayan tract from Garhwal eastwards to Assam and Bengal, extending southwards to North Circars.
English: East Indian Rosebay.Ayurvedic: Nandivrksha, Tagar.Siddha/Tamil: Nandiyaavattam.Action: Topically anodyne; chewed for relief of toothache; administered as a vermicide. Various parts of the plant are used in the indigenous system of medicine for skin diseases and cancer.
The plant from Sri Lanka and Pakistan contains several indole alkaloids, including voacristine.Isovoacristic hydrochloride caused bradycardia in frogs and rabbits. The decoction of leaves exhibits antihypertensive and diuretic activity. Taberson- ine, reported in the flowers, showed hypotensive effect on anaesthetized cats.The most abundant alkaloids in stem cortex are tabernaemontanine, dregamine and 20-epi ervatamine.