Family: Euphorbiaceae.
Habitat: Smaller var., equated with E. thymifolia, is found in tropical plains and low hills of India, ascending to 1,750 m. Bigger var., E. pilulifera/E. hirta Linn. is found in warmer parts of India from Punjab eastwards, and southwards to Kanyakumari.
Ayurvedic: Dudhi (smaller var.), Dugdhikaa, Naagaarjuni, Swaaduparni.
Siddha/Tamil: Sittrapaladi.
Action: Plant—antispasmodic, bronchodilator, antiasthmat- ic (used in bronchial asthma), galactagogue (also used for spermatorrhoea). Root—used in amenorrhoea. Latex—used in ringworm, dandruff. Leaf, seed and latex—purgative. A decoction of the plant, with honey, is given to treat haematuria.
Aerial parts gave epitaraxerol, n- hexacosanol, euphorbol, two derivatives of deoxyphorbol-OAC, 24-meth- ylene cycloartenol and quercetin galactoside. Co-carcinogenic activity is due to phorbol derivatives. The plant exhibits antimicrobial activity due to alkaloids.
Dosage: Whole plant—10-20 g paste. (CCRAS.)
Family: Euphorbiaceae.
Habitat: Native to Africa; naturalized in the warmer parts of India.
English: Milk-Bush, Milk Hedge, Indian tree Spurge, Aveloz, Petroleum Plant
Ayurvedic: Saptalaa, Saatalaa.
Siddha/Tamil: Tirukalli.
Folk: Angulia-thuuhar.
Action: Purgative, emetic, antiasthmatic, bechic. Used for whooping cough, asthma, dyspepsia, biliousness, jaundice, enlargement of spleen, leucorrhoea. Latex—applied externally on warts.
Used as a purgative and for rheumatism and neuralgia. Stem bark—used for gastralgia, colic, asthma.The latex contains an ingol ester besides triterpenoids, euphorbinol and cycloeuphordenol.Presence of a number of ingenol and phorbol esters (diterpenoids), and tri- terpenoids are reported from the plant. The stem gave hentriacontane, hentri- acontanol, beta-sitosterol, Me-ellagic and ellagic acids and kaempferol glu- coside.The latex is a weak tumour promoter.... euphorbia thymifolia