Evacuant Health Dictionary

Evacuant: From 1 Different Sources

Evacuant is a name for a purgative medicine (see LAXATIVES).
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary


A rectal infusion chiefly water given as an aid to evacuation of the bowel or, injected slowly can be an aid to dehydration. An enema may also be of great value in the treatment of some diseases. Injection of fluid (herb teas, etc) through a tube into the rectum, via the anus, to relieve constipation or convey medication or nutriment. A herbal tea may be given as a stimulating nervine (to rouse from severe prostration as in apoplexy, meningitis); relaxant (when the body is feverish and tense); or to re-activate after collapse and shock. Usual enemata: 2 pints herb tea.

Bayberry bark, Burdock root, Catnep, Lobelia, Fenugreek seeds, Raspberry leaves, Chickweed, Tormentil, Lime flowers, Mullein.

Evacuant Children. Catnep tea, with 2 teaspoons honey. Adults. Catnep, Raspberry leaves.

Stimulating nervine: Skullcap, Oatmeal, Oats, Bayberry bark.

Relaxant: Lobelia, Lime flowers, Mullein.

To re-activate after collapse: Teaspoon Composition powder. Ginger; or 20 drops tincture Myrrh.

To soothe pain of diverticulosis: Fenugreek seeds, Marshmallow root, Oatmeal.

Alternatives to coffee for cancer: Raspberry leaves, Red Clover flowers, Burdock root, Yellow Dock. For bowel infections: typhoid (Boneset and Skullcap – equal parts): dysentery (raspberry leaves 10, Myrrh 1): diverticulitis (German Chamomile 8, Goldenseal 1). Impacted faeces: Chamomile tea with teaspoon Olive Oil.

When the stomach rejects a medicine an alternative route is by enema into the bowel.

Olive Oil enema: 5oz Olive Oil in 20oz boiled water.

Myrrh enema: 20 drops Tincture Myrrh in 20oz boiled water for bowel infections.

Slippery Elm enema: half a teaspoon Slippery Elm powder in 20 boiled water.

Raspberry leaf enema: 1oz Raspberry leaves in 1 pint (20oz) boiling water; infuse until warm, strain and inject for irritable bowel and other conditions.

Enemas should not be given to children. ... enema

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