adj. not involving a joint. The term is commonly used to specify a fracture pattern or the position of a bone tumour. It is also used to describe nonarticular or systemic manifestations of severe rheumatoid arthritis; for example, inflammation of the eyes, lungs, and heart, skin nodules and vasculitis, and nerve damage (neuropathy). See also intra-articular; periarticular.
Extra- is the Latin pre?x meaning outside of, or in addition – such as extracapsular, meaning outside the capsule of a joint, and extrasystole, meaning an additional contraction of the heart.... extra
The world’s most comprehensive source of drug information in a single volume. Provides an accurate and concise summary of the properties, actions, and uses of plant and other medicines in clinical use. All information evaluated by expert editorial staff of the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. ... martindale, the extra pharmacopoeia