An inspection of the structures of the eyes, either as part of a vision test or to make a diagnosis when an eye disorder is suspected.
An eye examination usually begins with inspection of the external appearance of the eyes, lids, and surrounding skin. A check of eye movements is usually performed and the examiner looks for squint. A check of the visual acuity in each eye using a Snellen chart follows. Refraction testing (using lenses of different strengths) may be performed to determine what glasses or contact lenses, if any, may be needed. A test of the visual fields may be performed, especially in suspected cases of glaucoma or neurological conditions. Colour vision may be checked because loss of colour perception is an indication of certain disorders of the retina or optic nerve. To check for abrasions or ulcers, the conjunctiva and cornea may be stained with fluorescein. Applanation tonometry is an essential test for glaucoma.
The ophthalmoscope is an instrument used to examine the inside of the eye, particularly the retina. The slit-lamp microscope, with its illumination and lens magnification, allows examination of the conjunctiva, cornea, front chamber of the eye, iris, and lens. For a full view of the lens and the structures behind it, the pupil must be widely dilated with eye-drops.
That part of a patient’s consultation with a doctor in which the doctor looks, feels (palpates) and listens to (auscultates) various parts of the patient’s body. Along with the history of the patient’s symptoms, this enables the doctor to assess the patient’s condition and decide whether an immediate diagnosis is possible or whether laboratory or imaging investigations are needed to reach a diagnosis. A full physical examination may take 30 minutes or more. Physical examination, along with certain standard investigations, is done when a person attends for a ‘preventive’ check-up of his or her state of health.... physical examination
Also called an autopsy (and less commonly, necropsy), this is an examination of a body to discover the causes of death. Such an examination is sometimes required by law. An unnatural death; a death occurring in suspicious circumstances; or a death when a doctor feels unable to complete a certi?cate about the cause – all must be reported to the CORONER (in Scotland, to the procurator ?scal). He or she may order an autopsy to be carried out as part of the inquiry into cause of death. Sometimes doctors may request the permission of relatives to perform a post-mortem so that they may discover something of value for the improvement of medical care. Relatives may refuse consent. (See also DEATH, CAUSES OF.)... post-mortem examination
(MSE) a full psychiatric examination of signs and symptoms, which takes place during a psychiatric interview and should apply only to signs and symptoms elicited at that time; it should not take into account historical information. The examination is usually divided into the following subheadings: appearance and behaviour, speech, mood, *affect, thought and perception, *insight, and orientation. Usually it also includes a *risk assessment.... mental state examination
(MMSE) a brief 30-point questionnaire that is used to screen for cognitive impairment in the diagnosis of dementia. It is also used to estimate the severity of cognitive impairment and to follow the course of cognitive changes in an individual over time, thus making it an effective way to document response to treatment. It tests functions including arithmetic, memory, and orientation.... mini-mental state examination
(OSCE) a type of examination used increasingly in the health sciences (medicine, dentistry, nursing, physiotherapy, pharmacy) to assess clinical skills in examination, communication, medical procedures, and interpretation of results. The examination usually takes the form of a circuit of stations around which each candidate moves after a specified time interval (5–10 minutes) at each station. Stations are a mixture of interactive and noninteractive tasks. Some have an examiner and a simulated patient, either an actor for assessment of communication or history-taking skills or a manikin of a specific part of the body (e.g. to demonstrate how to use an auriscope). Other stations have investigation results with a list of questions that are to be completed on computer-marked examination papers. Each station has a different examiner and the stations are standardized with specific marking criteria, thus enabling fairer comparison with peers.... objective structured clinical examination