Tumours of the eye are rare. When eye tumours do occur, they are usually cancerous and painless.
Retinoblastoma is a cancerous tumour of the retina that occurs in one or both eyes and most often affects children. It may be treated by radiotherapy, laser treatment, or cryosurgery, but the eye may have to be removed to prevent spread of the tumour.
Malignant melanoma is a cancer of the choroid. It usually affects older people. There are no symptoms in the early stages, but it eventually causes retinal detachment and distortion of vision. Small tumours can be treated by laser, but the eye may need to be removed to avoid spread of the tumour.
Secondary eye tumours occur when cancer elsewhere in the body spreads to the eye. Symptoms depend on the tumour’s location and growth rate. It may be controlled by radiotherapy.
Basal cell carcinoma is the most common type of tumour affecting the eyelid. It usually has a crusty central crater and a rolled edge. In the early stages, treatment may be possible by surgery, radiotherapy, or cryosurgery.
Cancerous or noncancerous tumours in the adrenal glands, usually causing excess secretion of hormones. Adrenal tumours are rare. Tumours of the adrenal cortex may secrete aldosterone, causing primary aldosteronism, or hydrocortisone, causing Cushing’s syndrome. Tumours of the medulla may cause excess secretion of adrenaline and noradrenaline. Two types of tumour affect the medulla: phaeochromocytoma and neuroblastoma, which affects children. These tumours cause intermittent hypertension and sweating attacks. Surgical removal of a tumour usually cures these conditions.... adrenal tumours
Cancerous or noncancerous growths in the intestine. Cancerous tumours commonly affect the large intestine (see colon, cancer of; rectum, cancer of); the small intestine is only rarely affected. Lymphomas and carcinoid tumours (leading to carcinoid syndrome) may sometimes develop in the intestine; noncancerous tumours include polyps in the colon, and adenomas, leiomyomas, lipomas, and angiomas in the small intestine.... intestine, tumours of