Feedback mechanism Health Dictionary

Feedback Mechanism: From 1 Different Sources

Many glands which produce HORMONES are in?uenced by other hormones, particularly those secreted by the HYPOTHALAMUS (a controlling centre in the brain) and the PITUITARY GLAND. If the amount of hormone produced by a gland rises, negative feedback mechanisms operate by instructing the pituitary gland, via the hypothalamus, to produce less of the stimulating hormones. This cuts activity in the target gland. Should the amount of hormone produced fall, the feedback mechanism weakens with the result that the output of stimulating hormones increases.
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary


A self-regulating mechanism that controls certain body processes such as hormone and enzyme production. If, for example, levels of a hormone are too high, output of any substance

that stimulates the hormone’s release is inhibited; the result is reduced hormone production (negative feedback). The reverse process,(positive feedback) restores the balance if the level of hormone becomes too low.... feedback

Defence Mechanisms

Techniques used by the mind to cope with unpleasant or unwelcome emotions, impulses, experiences, or events. Repression of emotions surrounding a particular event or refusing to accept an event (denial) are both defence mechanisms.... defence mechanisms

Defence Mechanism

the means whereby an undesirable impulse or emotion can be avoided or controlled. Defence mechanisms are regarded as normal forms of self-protection; however, used excessively, they can become pathological. Many defence mechanisms have been described, including *repression, *projection, *reaction formation, *sublimation, and *splitting.... defence mechanism

Negative Feedback Loop

a physiological loop for the control of hormone production by a gland. High levels of a circulating hormone act to reduce production of the releasing factors triggering its own production, i.e. they have a negative *feedback on these trigger factors. As circulating levels of the hormone fall, the negative feedback is reduced and the releasing factor starts to be produced again, allowing the hormone level to rise again.... negative feedback loop

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