Habitat: Hedgerows and about walls.
Features ? Stem up to four feet, angular, longitudinal channels. Leaves alternate, five to seven lobes, silvery-white down beneath, nearly smooth above. Flowers (July and August) ovoid, purplish, in clusters. Odour aromatic, leaves slightly bitter.Part used ? Leaves.Action: Emmenagogue, diuretic, diaphoretic.
In menstrual obstruction, usually with Pennyroyal and Southernwood. Infusion of 1 ounce to 1 pint boiling water, wineglass doses.... mugwortHabitat: Introduced to Kashmir for experimental cultivation.
Ayurvedic: Kantakaari (related species).Action: An important source of solasodine, a nitrogen analogue of diosgenin and one of the starting materials for the synthesis of corticosteroids and other steroidal hormones.
See S. xanthocarpum. The leaves, stems, flowers and green fruits contain the glycoalkaloid, solaso- nine, of which solasodine is the agly- cone. Besides solasonine, the plantFamily: Solanaceae.Habitat: The temperate Himalayas from Kashmir to Sikkim at altitudes of 1,200-2,400 m.
English: Woody Night Shade, Bittersweet, Bitter Nightshade, Felonwort.Ayurvedic: Kaakamaachi-vishesha, Valli-kantakaarikaa.Unani: Mako (red var.).Action: Twigs and root bark— stimulating, expectorant, hepatic, astringent, antirheumatic, alterative, antifungal. Dried branches— sedative and analgesic. Used for chronic bronchitis, chronic eczema and rheumatism.
Key application: As a supportive therapy for chronic eczema. (German Commission E.)The plant is rich in alkaloidal glyco- sides. Alpha-, beta-, gamma-solamari- ne were isolated from the fruits. Toma- tidenol I existed in the plant as alpha- and beta-solamarine. Solasodine was obtained in traces as secondary alkaloid; it existed as solasonine and sola- margine. Aerial parts gave alpha-and beta-soladulcine, the glycoalkaloids. The sterols were present in free form and as esters, glucosides and palmitic esters of glucosides.Beta-solamarine shows significant tumour-inhibiting activity. Steroidal saponins are antifungal; alkaloids are anticholinergic; solasodine exhibit antiphlogistic activity.... solanum dulcamaraAction: stimulating expectorant, diuretic, hepatic, anti-rheumatic, anti-fungal, alterative. Contains saponin glycoside Dulcamarin.
Uses: Chronic bronchitis. Chronic eczema with itching. Gout. Mild analgesic for rheumatism. Warts, tumours, (external).
Preparations: Thrice daily.
Decoction: half-2g twigs to each cup water simmer 10 minutes. Dose: half a cup.
Liquid extract: 2-4ml in water.
French traditional: wives boiled handful of twigs or root-bark in lard for ulcers, warts and ringworm. Contra-indication: pregnancy and lactation. ... bittersweet
Action. Many bacteria cannot live in the presence of honey since honey draws from them the moisture essential to their existence. It is a potent inhibitor of the growth of bacteria: salmonella, shigella and E. coli. Taken internally and externally, hastens granulation and arrests necrotic tissue. A natural bacteriostatic and bactericide.
Of an alkaline action, honey assists digestion, decreasing acidity. It has been used with success for burns, frostbite, colic, dry cough, inflammations, involuntary twitching of eyes and mouth; to keep a singer’s throat in condition. Some cases of tuberculosis have found it a life-preserver.
A cooling analgesic: dressings smeared with honey and left on after pain has subsided to prevent swelling – for cuts, scratches, fistula, boils, felon, animal bites; stings of mosquitoes, wasps, bees, fleas, etc. May be applied to any kind of wound: dip gauze strips in pure honey and bind infected area; leave 24 hours.
Insomnia: 2 teaspoons to glass of hot milk at bedtime.
Arterio-sclerosis: with pollen, is said to arrest thickening of the arteries.
2, 3 or more teaspoons daily to prevent colds and influenza.
2 teaspoons in water or tea for renewed vitality when tired.
Rheumatism and arthritis: 2 teaspoons honey and 2 teaspoons Cider vinegar in water 2-3 times daily.
“The taking of honey each day is advised in order to keep the lymph flowing at its normal tempo and thus avoid degenerative disease which shortens life. The real value of honey is to maintain a normal flow of the tissue fluid called lymph. When this flow-rate slows down, then calcium and iron are precipitated as sediment. When the lymph flow is stagnant, then harmful micro-organisms invade the body and sickness appears.” (D.C. Jarvis MD)
Where sweetening is required to ensure patient compliance, honey is better than sugar. Its virtues deteriorate in open sunlight. Should not be heated above 40°C. ... honey
Constituents: flavonoids, coumarins, mucilage, Vitamin C, calcium oxalate.
Action: prevention and treatment of scurvy, anti-infective, anti-inflammatory, anti-fat, antihistamine.
Contains citric acid which is an anti-bacterial capable of destroying some viruses and bacteria.
Uses: Coughs, colds, influenza and onset of fevers generally. Traditionally a whole lemon was roasted or baked in a moderate oven for half an hour and as much juice drunk as tolerated. Sore throat (gargle). Diphtheria: impressive cures reported. Persist until false membrane is detached: Neat lemon juice gargle hourly, swallowing 1-2 teaspoons. If too strong, may be diluted. Often overlooked for hiccoughs. Dropsy: lemon fast. 3-4 days on lemon juice alone: no solid food, tea, stimulants, etc. Biliousness, sick headache: juice of a lemon morning and evening; sweeten with honey if necessary. Malaria: half a teacup juice in water every 2-3 hours. Rheumatism: juice of half lemon before meals and at bedtime; may be diluted. For rheumatism, anecdotal success has been reported by combining equal parts lemon juice and molasses: tablespoon thrice daily before meals. Cellulitis. A lemon mask helps to fade spots.
External: erysipelas, corns, lesions of scurvy. “For a felon (whitlow) cut off end of a lemon; insert finger and bind securely. In the morning remove exudation of matter.” (Chinese Barefoot doctor)
Preparations: Tincture Limonis P (1948) (dose, 2-4ml) is sometimes available but recorded successes have been chiefly due to use of the juice. Oil Lemon BP. Used also in Aromatherapy.
Note: When drinking lemon juice care should be taken to see juice does not come in direct contact with the teeth, the enamel of which it erodes. The juice may remove some calculi from the body, but after having cleared the bloodstream it leeches calcium from the teeth and bones. It is a known cause of arthritis, inducing dryness and subsequent erosion of cartilage of the joints. ... lemon