Fenestration Health Dictionary

Fenestration: From 2 Different Sources

A largely obsolete surgical operation to form a new opening in the bony LABYRINTH of the inner ear in the treatment of deafness caused by otosclerosis (see under EAR, DISEASES OF). Nowadays the disorder is usually surgically treated by STAPEDECTOMY.
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary
n. 1. (in dentistry) a ‘window’ of bone loss on the facial or lingual aspect of a tooth that places the exposed root surface directly in contact with the gum or the alveolar mucosa. 2. a surgical operation in which a new opening is formed in the bony *labyrinth of the inner ear as part of the treatment of deafness due to *otosclerosis. It is rarely performed today, having been superseded by *stapedectomy.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin


(otospongiosis) n. a disorder causing conductive *deafness in adult life. An overgrowth of the bone of the inner ear leads to the third ear ossicle (the stapes) becoming fixed to the fenestra ovalis, which separates the middle and inner ears, so that sounds cannot be conducted to the inner ear. Deafness is progressive and may become very severe, but treatment by surgery is usually highly effective (see fenestration; stapedectomy). Nonsurgical treatments include fluoride tablets and the provision of suitable *hearing aids.... otosclerosis

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