Fetal scalp electrode Health Dictionary

Fetal Scalp Electrode: From 1 Different Sources

an electrical wire set into a sharp spiral metal tip and encased in a plastic sheath. It is attached to the fetal scalp for direct measurement of fetal heart rate by electrical activity.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin

Fetal Blood Sampling

A procedure performed during a mother’s labour in which a blood sample is taken from a vein in the scalp of the FETUS. This enables tests to be performed that indicate whether the fetus is, for example, suffering from a shortage of oxygen (HYPOXIA). If so, the obstetrician will usually accelerate the baby’s birth.... fetal blood sampling

Fetal Transplant

A procedure in which cells – for example, from the pancreas – are taken from an aborted FETUS and then transplanted into the malfunctioning organ (pancreas) of an individual with a disorder of that organ (in this case, diabetes). The cells from the fetus are intended to take over the function of the host’s diseased or damaged cells. Fetal brain cells have also been transplanted into brains of people suffering from PARKINSONISM. These treatments are at an experimental stage.... fetal transplant


The soft covering of the SKULL on the top of the head. It consists of ?ve layers, which from the surface inwards are as follows: the skin, from which grows hair; next a subcutaneous layer of fat; thirdly, a tough ?brous membrane known as the epicranium; fourthly, a loose layer of connective tissue attaching the epicranium to the deepest layer, and permitting the free movement of the scalp; and, ?nally, another ?brous layer clinging closely to the skull, and known as the pericranium.... scalp

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

A disorder of newborn infants that is caused by the toxic effects on the growing FETUS of excessive amounts of alcohol taken by the mother. Low birth-weight and retarded growth are the main consequences, but affected babies may have hand and facial deformities and are sometimes mentally retarded.... fetal alcohol syndrome

Fetal Circulation

Blood circulation in the fetus is different from the normal circulation after birth (see circulatory system). The fetus neither breathes nor eats. Therefore, oxygen and nutrients are obtained and waste products such as carbon dioxide are removed via the placenta. Fetal blood reaches the placenta through blood vessels in the umbilical cord. The maternal and fetal circulations are separated by a thin membrane in the placenta, which allows the exchange of nutrients and waste products.

The other fundamental difference in circulation is that most blood bypasses the lungs in the fetus through 2 special channels in the fetal heart.

Blood passes from the right atrium of the heart to the left atrium through the foramen ovale.

Another channel, known as the ductus arteriosus, allows blood to pass from the pulmonary artery to the aorta.

Both channels normally close after birth.

In rare cases, they fail to close, causing a congenital heart disorder (see heart disease, congenital).... fetal circulation

Fetal Distress

The physical stress experienced by a fetus during labour as a result of its not receiving enough oxygen. During a contraction, the uterus tightens and reduces the oxygen supply from the placenta to the fetus. If, in addition, there are problems, such as pressure on the umbilical cord or the mother’s losing blood, there may be an inadequate amount of oxygen reaching the fetus.

Fetal distress may cause the baby’s heart-rate to slow or to fail to show normal variability, which can be recorded on a cardiotocograph (see fetal heart monitoring). Acidosis (high acidity in the body), which can be detected in a sample of blood taken from the scalp, indicates that the oxygen supply to the fetus is inadequate. Signs of meconium in the amniotic fluid can also be an indication of fetal distress.

Fetal distress sometimes occurs as a temporary episode, but, if acidosis is severe, the distressed fetus may need to be delivered promptly by caesarean section, forceps delivery, or vacuum extraction. (See also childbirth.)... fetal distress

Fetal Heart Monitoring

The use of an instrument to record and/or listen to an unborn baby’s heartbeat during pregnancy and labour. Monitoring is carried out at intervals throughout pregnancy if tests indicate that the placenta is not functioning normally or if the baby’s growth is slow. During labour, monitoring can detect fetal distress, in which oxygen deprivation causes abnormality in the fetal heart-rate.

The simplest form of fetal heart monitoring involves the use of a special fetal stethoscope. Cardiotocography, a more sophisticated electronic version, makes a continuous paper recording of the heartbeat together with a recording of the uterine contractions. The heartbeat is picked up either externally by an ultrasound transducer strapped to the mother’s abdomen or, as an alternative during labour, internally by an electrode attached to the baby’s scalp that passes through the vagina and cervix.... fetal heart monitoring


n. see fulguration.... electrodesiccation

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

(FASD, fetal alcohol syndrome, FAS) a condition of newborn babies that results from the toxic effects on the fetus of maternal alcohol abuse. Babies have a low birth weight and growth is retarded. They have a small head (*microcephaly), low-set ears, eye, nose, lip, and nail abnormalities, and disturbances of behaviour and intellect. The greater the alcohol abuse, the more severe the fetal manifestations.... fetal alcohol spectrum disorder

Fetal Growth Chart

a graph, customized to a pregnant woman’s height, weight, and other factors, that plots *fundal height and estimated fetal weight on ultrasound against weeks of gestation. The graph, which shows centile lines (see centile chart), improves prediction of a baby who is *small for gestational age.... fetal growth chart

Fetal Growth Restriction

see intrauterine growth restriction.... fetal growth restriction

Fetal Implant

(fetal graft) the introduction of an ovum, fertilized in vitro and developed to the *blastocyst stage, into the uterus of a postmenopausal woman in order that she may become pregnant. Before this procedure, the woman’s uterus must be prepared, by hormone therapy, to receive and nurture the blastocyst. Hormone treatment is continued throughout the pregnancy.... fetal implant

Intrauterine Fetal Death

death of a fetus in the uterus after 24 weeks of gestation. See stillbirth.... intrauterine fetal death

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