Fibroadenoma Health Dictionary

Fibroadenoma: From 3 Different Sources

A noncancerous fibrous tumour most commonly found in the breast. Fibroadenomas of the breast are painless, firm, round lumps and are usually 1–5 cm in diameter and movable. They occur most often in women under 30 and black women. Multiple tumours may develop in one or both breasts.

The lumps are removed surgically and the tissue examined to confirm diagnosis.

Health Source: BMA Medical Dictionary
Author: The British Medical Association
A benign tumour of glandular EPITHELIUM containing ?brous elements. The commonest benign tumour is of the breast, often occurring in young women.
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary

Breast, Disorders Of The

Disorders affecting the breast that are mostly minor and respond readily to treatment. The most important causes of problems are infection, such as mastitis, tumours, and hormonal changes. Breast cysts, fibroadenomas, other noncancerous tumours, or, more rarely, breast cancer may occur. Breast pain and tenderness is common just before menstruation or when a woman is taking hormones. Before menstruation, breasts may become bigger and lumpy. Such lumps shrink when menstruation is over. Hormonal disorders may, rarely, cause galactorrhoea (abnormal milk production). In men, gynaecomastia may result from hormonal disturbance or treatment with certain drugs.... breast, disorders of the

Breast Lump

Any mass, swelling, or cyst that can be felt in the breast tissue.

At least 90 per cent of lumps are noncancerous; the rest are breast cancer.

Many women have generally lumpy breasts, with the lumps more obvious in the days before a period.

Once known as fibrocystic disease or fibroadenosis, this is now considered to be a variation of normal.

Lumpy breasts do not increase the risk of developing breast cancer.

However, any new, distinct, or separate lump should be assessed by a doctor.

In a young woman, a single lump is most likely to be a fibroadenoma.

This noncancerous growth is usually round, firm, and rubbery, causes no pain, and can be moved about beneath the skin using the fingertips.

In an older woman, a lump is more likely to be a noncancerous, fluid-filled breast cyst.

Regular breast self-examination may detect any changes.

Treatment depends on the cause and type of lump.

Cysts can be drained in a simple outpatient procedure.

Other lumps can be removed surgically.... breast lump


n. a benign tumour of epithelial origin that is derived from glandular tissue or exhibits clearly defined glandular structures. Adenomas may undergo malignant change (see adenocarcinoma). Some show recognizable tissue elements, such as fibrous tissue (fibroadenomas), while others, such as some bronchial adenomas, may produce active compounds giving rise to clinical syndromes (see carcinoid). Tumours in certain organs, including the pituitary gland, are often classified by their histological staining affinities, for example eosinophil, basophil, and chromophobe adenomas.... adenoma

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