Throatwort. Scrophularia nodosa L. German: Kno?tige. French: Schofulaire des bois. Spanish: Scrophularia nudoso. Italian: Scrofularia maggiore.
Constituents: flavonoids, iridoids, phenolic acids.
Action: relaxing alterative, anodyne (mild – as applied to piles), diuretic (mild), laxative, anti- inflammatory, vulnerary, lymphatic, cardiac stimulant.
Uses: Skin eruptions that exude matter: scrofulous eczema, psoriasis, pemphigus. Severe itching. Swollen glands. Piles: hard, swollen and painful. Appendicitis. Lumps in the breast (traditional). It is called scrofula plant because of its reputation for discharging abscesses, boils, infected wounds, etc.
Combines well with Yellow Dock. Figwort 2; Yellow Dock 1.
Preparations: Thrice daily.
Tea. 1 heaped teaspoon to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes; dose – half-1 cup. Powder. 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon).
Liquid extract. Dose: 1-2ml.
Tincture BHP (1983) 1:10 in 45 per cent alcohol; dose – 2-4ml.
Note: Contra-indicated in tachycardia (rapid heart beat).
Mostly known as a cleansing herb, figwort tea was used in the past to treat tuberculosis. Some of the benefits of figwort tea are the detoxifying properties and the capacity to treat skin conditions.
About Figworth tea
Botanically called Scrophularia nodosa, figwort is also known as carpenter’s square, knotted figwort, throatwort or rose noble.
Figwort is a perennial plant with thick square fleshy stems and green or purple flowers, commonly found in the cooler woodlands of Europe, North America and Central Asia. It is harvested in the summer when it is in bloom.
It was used in the past to treat tuberculosis commonly called scrofula. It is commonly known as a powerful diuretic and a detoxifier. In China it is associated with salt and taken as a yin tonic. Figwort is typically prepared as a tea infusion, a tincture or as a compress.
Figwort tea is prepared from the aerial parts and the roots. Figwort tea contains saponins, cardioactive, glycosides, flavonoids, resin, sugar and organic acids.
Ho to prepare figwort tea
To make figwort tea, use two teaspoons of dried figwort herbs in a cup of boiling water. Take it out of the heat, and let the mix infuse for about 10 - 15 minutes. It is recommended to be taken not more than twice a day.
Benefits of figwort tea
Figwort tea is used externally to treat skin conditions, such as eczema and psoriasis. It may also help heal wounds, ulcers, burns, and hemorrhoids.
In homeopathic medicine, figwort tea is used to treat decreased resistance, tonsillitis, and lymph edema. It is used internally for its mild laxative effect and its mild diuretic and heart strengthening properties.
Figwort tea may stimulate the lymphatic system.
Some people believe that figwort Tea may have anti tumor properties.
Side effects of figwort tea
Pregnant and breastfeeding women should also avoid use, as well as those with cardiac conditions or diabetes, as it might create cardiac disturbances or slow the heart beatings or interfere with some medication.
Figwort tea is mainly considered safe for regular consumption but do not ignore it’s precautions before deciding to drink it regularly.... figwort tea