Habitat: Cultivated in Assam, Maharashtra and Bengal.
English: Ramontchi, Madagascar Plum, Mauritius Plum, Governor's Plum.Ayurvedic: Vikankata, Yajnya- vrksha, Gopakantaa, Sruva-vrksha.Siddha/Tamil: Sottai-kala, Katukala.Folk: Poniol (Assam), Kataaya, Kakaiyaa.Action: Gum—anticholerin. Used as a gargle. Applied to eczema and skin diseases. Bark—antidysenteric, astringent, diuretic. Seed— antirheumatic. Fruit—stomachic. Root—applied externally in skin diseases. Leaves and young shoots— astringent and stomachic.
The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India recommends the use of the leaf and stem bark in jaundice, oedema and diseases due to vitiated blood.The bark contains a phenolic gluco- side ester, (-)-flacourtin. The heart- wood contains the steroid, ramonto- side, beta-sitosterol and its beta-D- glucopyranoside.The fruits contain 3.9-7.2% protein, vitamin C and mineral matter 0.39%; calcium 24.1 and phosphorus 12.5 mg/100 g. Fruits are given in jaundice and enlarged spleen.Dosage: Leaf—50-100 g for decoction. (API Vol. IV.) (Also bark—CCRAS.)