Habitat: Waste places.
Features ? Stem erect, two or three feet high. Leaves in threes, ovate-truncate, serrate, two horns at base of leaf stalk. Flowers small, yellow, in one-sided clusters. Hay-like taste and scent.Part used ? Herb.Action: Carminative, emollient.
The 1 ounce to 1 pint infusion in wineglass doses as needed, to relieve flatulence. Sometimes used in fomentations and poultices.... melilotHabitat: Damp woods and other shady places.
Features ? This is, perhaps, best known of all wild plants, with its long-stalked, heart- shaped leaves, and delicate, characteristically-scented and coloured flowers.Part used ? Leaves and flowers.Action: Antiseptic and expectorant.
Remarkable claims have been made for violet leaves in the treatment of malignant tumours. The case of Lady Margaret Marsham, of Maidstone, was reported in the Daily Mail for November 14th, 1901. This lady, suffering from cancer of the throat, used an infusion, which was left to stand for twelve hours, of a handful of fresh violet leaves to a pint ofboiling water. After a fortnight of warm fomentations with this liquid the growth was said to have disappeared.The same newspaper, under date March 18th, 1905, told its readers that violet leaves as a cure for cancer were advocated in the current issue of the Lancet, where a remarkable case was reported by Dr. William Gordon, M.D. Such accounts as these, although interesting, should be read with considerable reserve.... violetSymptoms. Morning stiffness and pain wearing off later. Easy fatigue and decline in health. Nodules on surface of bones (elbows, wrists, fingers). Joint fluids (synovia) appear to be the object of attack for which abundant Vitamin C is preventative. Anaemia and muscle wasting call attention to inadequate nutrition, possibly from faulty food habits for which liver and intestine herbs are indicated.
Treatment. Varies in accord with individual needs. May have to be changed many times before progress is made. Whatever treatment is prescribed, agents should have a beneficial effect upon the stomach and intestines to ensure proper absorption of active ingredients. (Meadowsweet)
It is a widely held opinion that the first cause of this condition is a bacterial pathogen. An anti- inflammatory herb should be included in each combination of agents at the onset of the disease. See: ANTI-INFLAMMATORY HERBS. Guaiacum (Lignum vitae) and Turmeric (Curcuma longa) have a powerful anti-inflammatory action and have no adverse effects upon bone marrow cells or suppress the body’s immune system. Breast feeding cuts RA death rate.
Of therapeutic value according to the case. Agrimony, Angelica root, Balmony, Black Cohosh (particularly in presence of low back pain and sciatica), Bogbean, Boldo, Burdock, Celery, Cramp bark, Devil’s Claw, Echinacea (to cleanse and stimulate lymphatic system), Ginseng (Korean), Ginseng (Siberian), Liquorice, Meadowsweet, Poke root, Prickly Ash bark, White Poplar bark, White Willow bark, Wild Yam.
Tea. Formula. Equal parts. Alfalfa, Bogbean, Nettles. 1 heaped teaspoon to each cup boiling water; infuse 5-10 minutes, 1 cup thrice daily.
Decoction. Prickly Ash bark 1; Cramp bark 1; White Willow bark 2. Mix. 1oz to 1 pint water gently simmered 20 minutes. Dose: Half-1 cup thrice daily.
Tablets/capsules. Black Cohosh, Celery, Cramp bark, Devil’s Claw, Feverfew, Poke root, Prickly Ash, Wild Yam, Ligvites.
Alternative formulae:– Powders. White Willow bark 2; Devil’s Claw 1; Black Cohosh half; Ginger quarter. Mix. Dose: 750mg (three 00 capsules or half a teaspoon) thrice daily.
Liquid extracts. White Willow bark 2; Wild Yam half; Liquorice half; Guaiacum quarter. Mix. Dose: 1-2 teaspoons thrice daily.
Tinctures. Cramp bark 1; Bogbean 1; Prickly Ash half; Meadowsweet 1; Fennel half. Mix. Dose: 1-3 teaspoons thrice daily.
Ligvites. (Gerard House)
Cod Liver oil. Contains organic iodine, an important factor in softening-up fibrous tissue, to assist metabolism of uric-acid, help formation of haemoglobin, dilate blood vessels; all related to arthritics. The oil, taken internally, can reach and nourish cartilage by the process of osmosis; its constituents filter into cartilage and impart increased elasticity.
Topical. Evening Primrose oil, Wintergreen lotion, Comfrey poultice. Hydrotherapy: hot fomentations of Hops, Chamomile or Ragwort. Cold water packs: crushed ice or packet of frozen peas in a damp towel applied daily for 10 minutes for stiffness and pain. See: MASSAGE OIL.
Aromatherapy. Massage oils, any one: Cajeput, Juniper, Pine or Rosemary. 6 drops to 2 teaspoons Almond oil.
Supportives: under-water massage, brush baths, sweat packs, Rosemary baths, exposure of joints to sunlight.
Diet. Low salt, low fat, oily fish, Mate tea, Dandelion coffee. On exacerbation of the disease cut out all dairy products.
Supplements. Daily. Evening Primrose capsules: four 500mg; Vitamin C (1-3g); Bromelain 250mg between meals; Zinc 25mg.
General. Residence in a warm climate. Yoga. Disability and deformity may be avoided by a conscientious approach to the subject. ... arthritis – rheumatoid
BURSITIS. Tendinitis. Inflammation of a bursa – a soft-tissue elastic sac between bones that glide over one another, as in elbow and shoulder. Contains a little fluid, its purpose being to form a cushion against friction. In the knee-joint it is known as ‘housemaid’s knee’; over the hips as ‘weaver’s bottom’, joints becoming red, hot and painful.
Deposits of calcium may thicken walls and form a focus of pressure, causing pain. Relief comes when the swelling disperses or bursts. In the 60-70 age group rupture of tendons is a frequent cause. Bursitis accounts for two-thirds of shoulder pains. Neglected, it may progress to ‘frozen shoulder’ in later life. Teas. Celery seeds, Comfrey leaf, Nettles, Wintergreen.
Tablets/capsules. Prickly Ash, Lobelia, Wild Yam, Helonias.
Alternative formulae:– Powders. Turmeric 2; Prickly Ash 1; Cayenne quarter. Mix. Dose: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon) thrice daily.
Liquid extracts. Equal parts: Black Cohosh, Devil’s Claw, Turmeric. Mix. Dose: 30-60 drops thrice daily.
Tinctures. White Willow bark 2; Prickly Ash bark 1; Wild Yam 1; Capsicum quarter. Mix. Dose: 2 teaspoons thrice daily.
Cider vinegar. 2-3 teaspoons to glass of water 2-3 times daily.
Topical. Apply strapping plaster to arrest swelling. See: FOMENTATIONS. POTATO. BRAN OR COMFREY ROOT POULTICE.
Aromatherapy. Cajeput, Chamomile, Origans, Rosemary. 6 drops of any one oil in 2 teaspoons Almond oil for massage.
Diet. See: DIET – GENERAL.
Supplements. Vitamin A. Vitamin C (3-4g). Vitamin E (400iu). Zinc 15mg.
General. Cold packs. Compression bandages. Gentle massage under the knee where knee joint is involved. For septic bursa add Echinacea to internal medication or apply ointment. For drainage, aspiration is sometimes necessary. Protect knees with knee-pads. Turmeric acquires reputation for relief. ... bush tea
Requirements. Basin, towel, kettle of water, piece of cotton wool, oilcloth, binder and safety pins. Method: Place towel across basin; lay flannel on towel and press down. Pour on hot herbal infusion, decoction or tincture and thoroughly soak. Bring together ends of the towel and twist hands in opposite directions to squeeze out surplus fluid. Untwist towel, free the flannel, shake it out and apply direct to the skin. Smear affected skin with olive oil before application. Add a layer of cotton wool; cover with plastic or oilskin; bind in position and pin securely. Moisten compress when dry, every half hour or less.
Herbs commonly used: Chickweed, Comfrey, Elder, Linseed, Fenugreek seeds, Irish Moss, Marigold, Marshmallow, Mullein, Plantain, Slippery Elm, German Chamomile, Hounds Tongue. ... compresses
Bacteria invades where there has been continued irritation, such as that of ‘sand’ or ‘gravel’ in the urine. Bacillus coli resides in the rectum but may invade the bladder. Urine is often turbid and evil- smelling. By travelling down the ureters, kidney infection may be conveyed to the lining of the bladder.
A common cause is dietetic indiscretion such as too much spicy food (curries, peppers), vinegar, coffee, alcohol, tea – too much and too strong, cola and other stimulants. Too much meat concentrates the urine, as do other high purine foods. Eighty per cent of women have at least one experience of cystitis during their lifetime. Other common causes: vaginal deodorants, freshener tissues, pants washed in biological washing powders, tampons, bubble-bath liquids, sexual aids such as spermicidal creams. The Pill.
Plenty of fluid should be drunk, either in the form of herbal teas (Alfalfa, etc) or bottled waters rather than coffee or tea. These dilute the irritating effect of uric acid in the urine.
Treatment. Bed-rest, abundant herb teas, non-caffeine drinks or plain water. Barley water.
Alternatives. Agrimony, Bearberry, Buchu (urinary antiseptic), Cornsilk (soothing to mucous surfaces), Couchgrass, Elderflowers, Juniper (not with inflammation), Lime flowers, Parsley, Parsley Piert, Pellitory, Plantain, Wild Carrot, Marshmallow (burning), Mullein, Rupturewort, Yarrow.
Tea: formula No 1. Equal parts: Cornsilk, Elderflowers, Marshmallow. Mix. 1-2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water; infuse 5-10 minutes; 1 cup freely.
Tea: formula No 2. Equal parts: Bearberry, Buchu, Couchgrass. Mix. 1 heaped teaspoon to each cup boiling water; infuse 5-10 minutes; 1 cup freely.
Barberry bark. 1 teaspoon to each cup cold water; steep overnight. 1 cup freely, next day.
Maria Treben’s tea. Equal parts: Horsetail, Ladysmantle, Shepherd’s Purse, Yarrow. 2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water. Infuse 15 minutes: 2-3 cups daily.
Tablets/capsules. Buchu, Dandelion, Echinacea, Goldenseal, Potter’s “Antitis”.
Formula. Marshmallow root 2; Echinacea 2; Goldenseal 1. Mix. Dose: Powders: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon). Liquid extracts: 1 teaspoon. Tinctures: 2 teaspoons. 2-3 times daily.
E.G. Jones MNIMH. Tinctures, equal parts: Kava Kava, Saw Palmetto, Sweet Sumach. 20-30 drops in water thrice daily. Consistent results reported.
Practitioner. Where much pus is present in the urine, inject: 5 drops Tincture Myrrh to each cup warm water, per catheter.
External. Fomentations to low centre abdomen (including genital area). Two towels are required: one squeezed out in hot water and placed in position for 5 minutes. Replace with one squeezed out in cold water; apply for 1 minute. Repeat applications for half an hour daily. Hot hip baths twice weekly. Aromatherapy. 5 drops each: Cajeput and Juniper in bathwater.
Diet. Fresh and conservatively-cooked vegetables, adequate protein (vegetable), polyunsaturated oils. Organic foods with an absence of additives and tartrazine colourings, potassium broth, watermelon, carrots and carrot juice, baked potatoes, whole grains, parsnips, Garlic. Yoghurt, pumpkin seeds; Slippery Elm gruel at almost every meal. Herb teas. Avoid hot spices, condiments, coffee, tea and cola drinks.
Supplements. Vitamins A, B, C, E, bioflavonoids, beta carotene, dolomite, propolis, zinc. ... cystitis
Causes: referred pain from a disordered abdominal organ, displacement of pelvis, lumbosacral spine, slipped disc and lumbar spondylosis. See: LUMBAR INTERVERTEBRAL DISC PROLAPSE.
Paget’s disease or lumbago not associated with sciatica (radiating pain down the back of the leg via the sciatic nerve).
Symptoms. Local tenderness, reduced range of movement, muscle spasm. Usually better by rest; worse by movement.
Differential diagnosis: exclude other pelvic disorders such as structural bony displacements, infection from other organs, carcinoma of the womb or prostate gland. Pain in the small of the back may indicate kidney disease or stone. See: KIDNEY DISEASE, GYNAECOLOGICAL PROBLEMS.
Frequent causes: varicosities of the womb and pelvis. These are identical to varicose veins elsewhere, venous circulation being congested. Pressure on a vein from the ovaries may manifest as lumbago – treatment is the same as for varicose veins.
Root cause of the pain should be traced where possible. As most cases of backache defy accurate diagnosis the following general treatments are recommended. For more specific treatments, reference should be made to the various subdivisions of rheumatic disorders. See: RHEUMATIC AND ARTHRITIC DISORDERS, ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS, etc.
Alternatives. Barberry (commended by Dr Finlay Ellingwood), Black Cohosh, Bogbean, Buchu, Burdock, Celery, Devil’s Claw, Horsetail, St John’s Wort (tenderness of spine to the touch), White Willow, Wild Yam (muscle spasm).
Celery tea. Barberry tea. See entries.
Decoction. Formula. White Willow 3; Wild Yam 2; Juniper half; Valerian half. Prepare: 3 heaped 5ml teaspoons to 1 pint (500ml) water; simmer gently 15-20 minutes. Dose: 1 wineglassful (100ml or 3fl oz) thrice daily.
Tablets/capsules. Black Cohosh, Celery, Devil’s Claw, Wild Yam, Ligvites.
Formula. Devil’s Claw 2; Black Cohosh 1; Valerian 1; Juniper half. Mix. Dose: Powders: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon). Liquid extracts: 1 teaspoon. Tinctures: 2 teaspoons. Action is enhanced where dose is taken in cup Dandelion coffee, otherwise a little water.
Practitioner. Tincture Black Cohosh 4; Tincture Arnica 1. Mix. Dose: 10-20 drops, thrice daily. Black Cohosh and Arnica are two of the most positive synergists known to scientific herbalism. Both are specific for striped muscle tissue. Common disorders of the voluntary muscles quickly respond. (James A. Cannon MD, Pickens, SC, USA)
Practitioner: alternative. Tincture Gelsemium. 10 drops to 100ml water; dose, 1 teaspoon every 2 hours. Topical. Castor oil pack at night. Warm fomentations of Lobelia and Hops. Warm potato poultice. Cayenne salve. Camphorated, Jojoba or Evening Primrose oil. Lotion: equal parts tinctures: Lobelia, Ragwort and St John’s Wort; mix: 10-20 drops on cotton wool or suitable material and applied to affected area. Arnica lotion. Wintergreen.
Chiropractic technique. Ice and low back pain. Patient lies on his stomach with two pillows under abdomen, the low back in an arched position. Apply ice-bag or packet of peas from the freezer on top of lumbar area; pillow on top to hold ice firm. Patient not to lie or sit on ice-pack.
Diet. Oily fish.
Supplements. Daily. Vitamin B-complex, Vitamin C (500mg); Vitamin D 500iu; Vitamin E (400iu). Dolomite. Niacin.
Supportives. Bedrest in acute stage. Diathermy. Spinal support. Relaxation techniques to reduce muscle tension. ... lumbago