Functional recovery index Health Dictionary

Functional Recovery Index: From 1 Different Sources

an international index, published by the World Health Organization, that grades the degree of recovery after serious injury.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin

Body Mass Index

Body Mass Index (BMI) provides objective criteria of size to enable an estimation to be made of an individual’s level or risk of morbidity and mortality. The BMI, which is derived from the extensive data held by life-insurance companies, is calculated by dividing a person’s weight by the square of his or her height (kilograms/ metres2). Acceptable BMIs range from 20 to 25 and any ?gure above 30 characterises obesity. The Index may be used (with some modi?cation) to assess children and adolescents. (See OBESITY.)... body mass index

Recovery Position

If an individual is unconscious – whether as a result of accident or illness or when in the postoperative recovery unit – but is breathing and has a pulse, he or she should be placed in the recovery position. The individual is turned on his or her side to allow the tongue to fall forwards and so reduce the likelihood of pharyngeal obstruction (see PHARYNX). Fluid in the mouth can also drain outwards instead of into the TRACHEA and LUNGS. The person can lie on either side with upper or lower leg ?exed. Sometimes the semi-prone position is used; this gives better drainage from the mouth and greater stability during transport, but makes it more di?cult to observe the face, colour or breathing. (See APPENDIX 1: BASIC FIRST AID.)... recovery position

Therapeutic Index

In anticancer therapy, this is the ratio of a dose of the treatment agent that damages normal cells to the dose necessary to produce a determined level of anticancer activity. The index shows the e?ectiveness of the treatment against the cancer.... therapeutic index


An imbalance of response, without permanent tissue damage, and generally reversible.... functional

Functional Diseases

See PSYCHOSOMATIC DISEASES.... functional diseases

Functional Status

The extent to which an individual is able to perform activities that are associated with the routines of daily living. See “activities of daily living”; and “instrumental activities of daily living”.... functional status

Health Indicator / Index

A characteristic of an individual, population or environment which is subjected to measurement and can be used to describe one or more aspects of the health of an individual or population (quality, quantity and time). A health index comprises a number of indicators.... health indicator / index

Human Development Index (hdi)

A composite index that measures the overall achievements in a country in three basic dimensions of human development— longevity, knowledge and a decent standard of living. It is measured by life expectancy, educational attainment and adjusted income per capita in purchasing power parity (PPP) US dollars. The HDI is a summary, not a comprehensive measure of human development.... human development index (hdi)


In epidemiology and related sciences, this word usually means a rating scale, e.g. a set of numbers derived from a series of observations of specified variables.... index

Index Medicus

A monthly publication produced by the National Library of Medicine in the USA. The publication indexes leading biomedical literature from throughout the world. Indexing is by author and by subject.... index medicus

Functional Disorders

A term for any illness in which there is no evidence of organic disturbance even though physical performance is impaired.... functional disorders

Apnoea Index

the number of *apnoea episodes per hour of sleep.... apnoea index

Cardiac Index

the volume of blood pumped from the heart’s left ventricle divided by body surface area, expressed as litres per minute per square metre (l/min/m2). It is determined by heart rate and stroke volume index (the volume of blood pumped by the heart with each beat), and provides a normal range (2.5–4.0 l/min/m2) regardless of the size of the patient.... cardiac index

Cephalic Index

a measure of the shape of a skull, commonly used in *craniometry: the ratio of the greatest breadth, multiplied by 100, to the greatest length of the skull. See also brachycephaly; dolichocephaly.... cephalic index

Cervical Resistance Index

measurement of the resistance of the cervix during the passage of a series of metal (Hegar) dilators. Lack of resistance in a nonpregnant women may suggest cervical weakness when she has experienced a previous second-trimester pregnancy loss or if she has had previous surgery to the cervix, and may indicate *cervical cerclage in the event of future pregnancies.... cervical resistance index

Dermatology Life Quality Index

(DLQI) a validated questionnaire designed by Finlay in 1994 to assess the impact of skin diseases on psychological and social wellbeing. It is the most common *quality of life tool used as an endpoint in dermatology clinical trials. DLQI scores of more than 10 (indicating a severe impact on life) are required before biological treatments for psoriasis may be administered in the UK.... dermatology life quality index

Functional Disorder

a condition in which a patient complains of symptoms for which no physical cause can be found. Such a condition is frequently an indication of a psychiatric disorder. Compare organic disorder.... functional disorder

Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery

(FESS) see endoscopic sinus surgery.... functional endoscopic sinus surgery

Functional Foods

natural or processed foods that contain a known biologically active component that gives clinically proven health benefits in addition to the traditional nutrient value. For example, stanols and sterols added to margarine-type spreads lower cholesterol. See also prebiotics; probiotics.... functional foods

Functional Independence Measure

(FIM) a table recommended by the WHO for assessing the degree of whole-person disability, being particularly useful for judging the extent of recovery from serious injury. It has five grades, ranging from 0 (fully independent) to 4 (completely dependent).... functional independence measure

Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging

(fMRI) a type of *magnetic resonance imaging that measures the increased hemodynamic response seen with neural activity in the brain or spinal cord. fMRI has allowed major advances in brain mapping (i.e. matching sections of the brain with particular behaviours, thoughts, or emotions).... functional magnetic resonance imaging

Functional Seizure

see non-epileptic seizure.... functional seizure

Glycaemic Index

(GI) a ranking system measuring the effect carbohydrate (CHO) ingestion has on blood glucose levels. Glucose is used as the standard reference value (50 g glucose has a GI of 100). A portion of food containing 50 g CHO is ingested and the effect on blood glucose levels measured over a three-hour period and compared with the effect of 50 g of glucose. Foods with a low GI (<60), such as apples, yoghurt, and beans, are slowly absorbed, causing a lower and more prolonged increase in blood glucose levels, than foods with a high GI (>70), e.g. white bread, white rice, and potatoes. Low GI foods help with diabetes control and may be beneficial in the treatment of *polycystic ovary syndrome. The glycaemic load (GL) also takes into account the amount of food that is eaten: GL = (g CHO in food portion eaten × GI)/100.... glycaemic index

 labelling Index

the proportion of cells in a sample of tissue that are producing DNA. Cells that are synthesizing DNA take up tritiated thymidine, which shows up on an autoradiograph (see autoradiography) of the sample....  labelling index

Mitotic Index

the proportion of cells in a tissue that are dividing at a given time.... mitotic index

Pressure Index

(PI) the ratio of the pressure in the posterior tibial artery to that in the brachial artery, which reflects the degree of arterial obstruction in the artery of the lower limb.... pressure index

Psoriasis Area Severity Index

(PASI) a semiobjective severity score for psoriasis, including measurement of surface area affected and the degree of erythema, induration, and scale. It is commonly used in clinical trials and to ration expensive treatments for psoriasis. Severe disease equates to scores over 10 and it is often interpreted with the *dermatology life quality index (DLQI) score.... psoriasis area severity index

Risk Of Malignancy Index

(RMI) a scoring system that combines ultrasound findings, menopausal status and age, and serum CA125 levels to give an estimate of the risk of malignancy in a woman with a mass in the Fallopian tubes or ovaries. If the total RMI score is <200 the risk of malignancy is considered to be low. If the total RMI score is >200 the chances of malignancy are raised and management should be planned with a gynaecological oncologist.... risk of malignancy index

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