Galact Health Dictionary

Galact: From 1 Different Sources


This term may refer to unusually copious secretion of milk from the mammary glands when a mother is feeding her baby. It is also used to describe secretion of milk after the mother has stopped breast feeding.... galactorrhoea


A herb to increase flow of breast milk in nursing mothers. Agnus Castus, (John Parkinson, 1640) Aniseed, Basil, Caraway, Centuary, Cumin, Fennel, Goat’s Rue, Holy Thistle, Nettles, Raspberry, Vervain. ... galactagogue


A cyst-like swelling in the breast which forms as a result of obstruction in the milk-duct draining the swollen area.... galactocele


A very rare, recessively inherited disease, with an incidence of around one in 75,000 births. Its importance lies in the disastrous consequences of it being overlooked, and results from the de?ciency of an ENZYME essential for the metabolism of GALACTOSE. Normal at birth, affected infants soon develop jaundice, vomiting, diarrhoea, and fail to thrive on starting milk feeds. If the disorder remains unrecognised, liver disease, cataracts (see EYE, DISORDERS OF) and mental retardation result. Treatment consists of a lactose-free diet, and special lactose-free milks are now available.... galactosaemia


A constituent of lactose, galactose is a simple sugar that is changed in the liver to glucose. A rare genetic metabolic disease, GALACTOSAEMIA, results in infants being unable to achieve this conversion because the enzyme necessary for the reaction is absent.... galactose


Promoting the flow of milk... galactogenic


Medicine that promotes secretion of milk... galactogogue


Excessive or spontaneous flow of milk... galactorrhea

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