(GIFT) A technique for assisting conception (see infertility), which can only be used if a woman has normal fallopian tubes. In , eggs are removed from an ovary during laparoscopy and mixed with sperm in the laboratory before both are introduced into a fallopian tube. A fertilized egg may then become implanted in the uterus.
(GIFT) a procedure for assisting conception, suitable only for women with healthy Fallopian tubes. In over 50% of women in whom infertility is diagnosed, the tubes are normal but some other factor, such as endometriosis, prevents conception. Using needle *aspiration, under laparoscopic or ultrasonic guidance, ova are removed from the ovary. After being mixed with the partner’s spermatozoa, they are introduced into a Fallopian tube, where fertilization takes place. The fertilized ovum can subsequently become implanted in the uterus.