Habitat: Tropical forests of Assam, Bengal, Orissa and the Andamans.
Ayurvedic: Paaraavata, Kowaa.Folk: Kaphal (Nepal), Kujithekera (Assam).Action: Sun-dried slices of the fruit are used in dysentery. The latex is used as febrifuge. Gum-resin— drastic cathartic (may produce nausea and vomiting).
The fruits from Assam contain: total soluble solids 9.8, titrable acidity 4.7, total sugars 3.8% and vitamin C 8.64 mg/gThe latex gave xanthones, cowanin, cowanol, cowaxanthone and norcow- anin.The bark contains cowanin, cow- anol, cowaxanthone and rubraxan- thone.Cawanol and cowaxanthone are reported to exhibit moderate antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus au- reus.