The inner feeling of maleness or femaleness.
Gender identity is not necessarily the same as biological sex.
It is fixed within the first 2–3 years of life and is reinforced during puberty; once established, it cannot usually be changed.
Gender identity problems, such as transsexualism, occur when a person has persistent feelings of discomfort about his or her sexual identity.
a condition in which an individual belongs to one gender on the basis of physical appearance and genetics but identifies psychologically with the other gender. The name was introduced in DSM-5; in DSM-IV-TR it was called gender identity disorder. The condition is diagnosed only where there is evidence of strong and persistent cross-gender identification and discomfort about one’s sex, these cause significant distress and social impairment, and there is no concurrent endocrine disorder. Treatment may include counselling, hormone therapy, and gender reassignment surgery. See also transgender.... gender dysphoria