Geum urbanum Health Dictionary

Geum Urbanum: From 1 Different Sources

auct. non Linn.

Family: Rosaceae.

Habitat: The temperate Himalayas from Kashmir to Kumaon at 3,0003,700 m Grows wild in Europe and Great Britain.

English: Avens Root, Herb Bennet, Wood Avens.

Action: Astringent, styptic, stomachic, febrifuge.

The herb and root was used in Europe in chronic dysentery, diarrhoea and intermittent fevers. In India, an infusion of the rootstock is used as sudorific in fevers, ague, chills and catarrh.

Eugenol is present in the root stock in combination with vacianose as phenolic glycoside gein. The rootstock contains tannins (30-40%).

A related species, G. elatum Wall., is found in the Himalayas from Kashmir to Sikkim It is used for dysentery and diarrhoea.
Health Source: Indian Medicinal Plants
Author: Health Dictionary


Geum urbanum. N.O. Rosaceae.

Synonym: Colewort, Herb Bennet.

Habitat: Hedges, woods and shady banks,

Features ? This slender, sparsely branched plant reaches a height of one to two feet. The stem leaves have two leaflets, with one margin-toothed terminal lobe. The root leaves are on long stalks with two small leaflets at the base. The yellow, erect flowers, with naked styles, appear between May and September. The root is short, hard and rough, with light brown rootlets.

Part used ? Herb and root.

Action: Astringent, tonic, antiseptic and stomachic.

The properties of Avens make for success in the treatment of diarrhoea and dysentery. The tonic effect upon the glands of the stomach and alimentary tract point to its helpfulness in dyspepsia. In general debility continued use has had good results. The astringent qualities may also be utilized in cases of relaxed throat Although wineglass-ful doses three or four times daily of the 1 ounce to 1 pint infusion are usually prescribed, Avens may be taken freely, and is, indeed, used by country people in certain districts as a beverage in place of tea or coffee.... avens

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