Etiology. Poor dental hygiene, diabetes, pregnancy, leukaemia, Vitamin C deficiency, drugs, debilitating diseases. The condition has spread rapidly due to oral sex. Untreated, teeth may loosen and fall out. Symptoms. Bleeding gums, pain, swelling, possible ulceration (Trench mouth). Breath reminiscent of stale cabbage.
Alternatives. Formula. Equal parts tinctures Goldenseal and Myrrh: dose – 5-10 drops in water thrice daily.
Tablets/Capsules. Echinacea – dosage as on bottle; plus Blue Flag root on retiring.
Old Dorset, combination of herbs. Equal parts: Marjoram, Chamomile, Garden Sage. Mix. 1 heaped teaspoon to each cup boiling water. Infuse 15 minutes in a covered vessel. Dose – half-1 cup freely. Used also as a mouth wash.
Topical. Mouth washes: Avens, Bayberry, Black Catechu, Echinacea, Goldenseal, Ladies Mantle, Myrrh, Poke root, Rhatany root, Sage, Silverweed, Tormentil, Wild Indigo.
Tea Tree oil, mouth wash. 1 drop to each cup of warm water. May be diluted many times yet still be effective.
Bilberry tea. Special reference to this condition. Good results reported.
Aloe Vera. Brush gums with fresh juice, or gel, to firm-up loose teeth.
Diet. Avoid sugar, refined foods, dairy products and hot spicy foods. Low-salt.
Supplements. Daily. Vitamin C 1-2g, Vitamin Q10 60mg, Vitamin E 200iu, Selenium 50mcg, Zinc 15mg.