Keynotes: brain and lungs.
Constituents: terpenes, tannins, lignans, flavonoids, and gingkolide B which is a platelet activating factor (PAF).
Action: nutritive, tuberculostatic. A compound (BN 52021) from the tree antagonises bronchospasm and tends to resolve breathing difficulties. Circulatory stimulant. Increases brain blood flow, Peripheral vasodilator, Energy enhancer. (JAM, Vol 6, No 2)
Uses: Respiratory complaints, especially asthma. Inhibits platelet clumping: of value in coronary artery disease. Tinnitus. Intermittent claudication. Raynaud’s disease. Thrombosis. Cold hands and feet. Spontaneous bruising. Early stages of Alzheimer’s disease. Cerebral insufficiency in old age. Varicose veins. Some antitumor activity against sarcoma in mice recorded. Piles. Temporal arteritis. Cramp in the calves – walking-distance increased. Tired brain, impaired memory. Coronary artery disease. Hearing loss, depression, vertigo, headache. To increase resistance to adverse environmental factors. Chronic fatigue syndrome (ME). Subclinical neurosis. Headache. Depression. Impaired mental ability. Hangover. Preparations. Thrice daily. Large doses may be required.
Tea (leaves). 1 heaped teaspoon to each cup of water gently simmered 5 minutes. Dose: half-1 cup. Tablets/capsules. 250mg. Maintenance dose: one tablet or capsule increasing to two in acute cases. Chinese Medicine. “Seeds moisten the lungs, stop coughing, and strengthen the body.”
“I have seen a reduction in severity and frequency of asthma attacks and a marked reduction in use of brocho-dilating drugs by the use of Ginkgo.” (Brown D., Phytotherapy Review and Commentary, Townsend Letter to Doctors, October 1990 pp648-9)
German medicine. No drug interactions and very low levels of side-effects. Important remedy to the German Health Service at a cost of 286 million DM in 1989. (Kleijnen J. & Knipschild P. The Lancet 1992, 340, Nov 7)
Tincture. 2 tsp a.m. and p.m.