Ginseng - king plant Health Dictionary

Ginseng - King Plant: From 1 Different Sources

Panax schinseng, Nees. Panax ginseng. German: Gensang. French: Panax. Italian: Ginseng. Chinese: Huang shen. C.A. Meyer. Roots. More suited to men than women. Used as a medicine in the Far East for over 4,000 years. Source of natural steroids (oestrogens), raising natural immunity. All Ginsengs enhance the natural resistance and recuperative power of the body. Produces opposite effects; i.e. it is both sedative and stimulant; in some it raises, in others it lowers blood pressure. Raises some cholesterol factors while reducing the overall amount in the blood. Hypoglycaemic. Aphrodisiac. Heart tonic. Old age re-vitaliser. Adaptogen. Used by the People’s Republic of China for a wide range of disorders. Source of the element Germanium.

Constituents: gum, resin, starch, saponin glycosides, volatile oil.

Uses: Physical weakness, neurasthenia, recovery after surgery. Promotes physical and intellectual efficiency. A mood-raiser. Induces a feeling of well being and stability. Depression, sexual debility, sleeplessness. The sportsman’s remedy, improving running ability and endurance. Retards build-up of lactic acid which normally occurs during hard exercise and causes fatigue. Increases resistance to excess cold or heat exposure and to a working environment with a noisy background. Lessens side-effects of insulin in diabetes. To help the body adapt to a changed environment (jet lag). Enhances mental performance in students. Promotes biosynthesis of DNA and RNA.

Preparations: Miscellaneous products available. Single morning dose.

Decoction. Half-1 teaspoon to each cup water gently simmered 10 minutes, or added to a cup of domestic tea.

Powder. Half-1g daily.

Contra-indications: hyperactivity in children, pregnancy, high blood pressure, menopause. Not taken continuously but for periods from 1 week to 1 month. Should not be taken with coffee. 

Health Source: Bartrams Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine
Author: Health Encyclopedia


This English common name can refer to more than one species. For the banana-like plantain fruit, see Plátano; for the low-lying herb whose leaves are primarily used medicinally, see Llantén.... plantain

Plantar Fasciitis

See FASCIITIS.... plantar fasciitis


Describing anything related to the sole of the foot.... plantar

Plantar Wart

See wart, plantar.... plantar wart

Tropical Medicinal Plants

Tropical countries are a treasure house of a wide variety of medicinal plants. Some species are found wild, while a number of species have been domesticated by the farmers. Many species have been grown in homesteads and become part of traditional home remedies. A limited number of species are commercially cultivated though a few more have potential for large-scale production. The important tropical and subtropical medicinal plants are discussed here highlighting the importance, medicinal and other uses, distribution, botany, agrotechnology, chemical constituents and activity. For practical convenience of the discussion in this book, they are classified under the following four broad groups.

a) Medicinal herbs

b) Medicinal shrubs

c) Medicinal climbers

d)Medicinal trees... tropical medicinal plants

Banana And Plantain

Musa species

Description: These are treelike plants with several large leaves at the top. Their flowers are borne in dense hanging clusters.

Habitat and Distribution: Look for bananas and plantains in open fields or margins of forests where they are grown as a crop. They grow in the humid tropics.

Edible Parts: Their fruits are edible raw or cooked. They may be boiled or baked. You can boil their flowers and eat them like a vegetable. You can cook and eat the rootstocks and leaf sheaths of many species. The center or “heart” or the plant is edible year-round, cooked or raw.

Other Uses: You can use the layers of the lower third of the plants to cover coals to roast food. You can also use their stumps to get water (see Chapter 6). You can use their leaves to wrap other foods for cooking or storage.... banana and plantain

Drink More Plantain Tea

If you haven’t heard much about plantain tea, it’s time to find out! As an herbal tea, it has a pretty pleasant, earthy taste, as well as many health benefits. About Plantain Tea Plantain tea is made from plantain. It is a perennial plant that grows all around the world, in Europe, Asia, Africa and America. The plantain has a tough rhizome with several large, dark green leaves. The flowers of the plant are brown, with four stamens and purple-colored anthers and the fruit is a two-celled capsule with seeds inside it. Many consider this plant to be a weed. However, the leaves are edible, and are often used in salads, or cooked as greens. Plantain Tea constituents Plantain, as an herbal plant, has many important active constituents. They include beta carotene, calcium, linoleic acid, oleanolic acid, sorbitol, tannin, and vitamin C. They are all transferred to plantain tea, as well. How to prepare Plantain Tea For a cup of plantain tea, you can use the leaves, roots and/or seeds of the plant. Just add one tablespoon of the dried plants to a cup of freshly boiled water. Let it steep for about 10 minutes, then strain. You can drink it both hot and cold. Plantain Tea Benefits Plantain tea is often used in the treatment of various respiratory problems, as it acts as a mild expectorant. These include asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, sore throats, and coughs. Plantain tea can also be used to lower blood pressure and control sugar blood levels. Drinking plantain tea can help you if you’ve got diarrhea or dysentery. It is also used to treat irritated or bleeding hemorrhoids, kidney and bladder problems, bleeding caused by cystitis, and urinary tract infections. Plantain tea can be used topically, as well. It works as an antivenin, and it also promotes the healing of various wounds, skin inflammations, scars, cuts, rashes, and swellings. It can also be applied to the eye, in case your eyes are irritated. Plantain Tea Side Effects If you’re pregnant, it’s best to avoid drinking plantain tea. It can affect the uterus, which might lead to unwanted miscarriages. It is not known how safe it is to drink plantain tea if you’re breast feeding, but it is recommended to avoid it, just in case it might affect the baby. Don’t drink plantain tea if you’re allergic to any plants part of the plantain family. Also, you might get an allergic reaction from drinking the tea if you’re allergic to melon. Drinking too much plantain tea may lead to some side effects, as well. Generally, it is recommended that you not drink more than 5-6 cups of tea, no matter the type of tea. If you’re drinking too much tea, you might get some of the following symptoms: diarrhea, low blood pressure, headaches, loss of appetite, vomiting, insomnia, dizziness, and irregular heartbeats. Plantain tea helps you stay healthy! It is considered safe for both children and adults. Just be careful with the few side effects and you’re free to enjoy plantain tea!... drink more plantain tea


Love, Wishes, Healing, Beauty, Protection, Lust... ginseng

Indian Medicinal Plants

Indian Medicinal Plants

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... indian medicinal plants

Medicinal Plants

Medicinal Plants

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... medicinal plants

Medicinal Plants Glossary

Medicinal Plants Glossary

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... medicinal plants glossary

Plantago Amplexicaulis

Cav. var. bauphula (Edgew.) Pilger.

Family: Plantaginaceae.

Habitat: Punjab, Rajasthan and Delhi.

English: Brown Ispaghula.

Unani: Aspaghol.

Action: Seed—astringent. Seed coat—demulcent.

See Plantago ovata.... plantago amplexicaulis

Plantar Dermatosis

A common form of eczema (see DERMATITIS) of the soles of the feet typically seen in boys with an atopic (see ATOPY) background who constantly wear trainers.... plantar dermatosis

Psoriasis Plantaris

Psoriasis of the sole... psoriasis plantaris

Siberian Ginseng

Siberian ginseng restores balance to the body both biochemically and physically. it also helps your hypothalamus... siberian ginseng

Ginseng Tea

Used for centuries in Asian medicine as a cure for almost anything, nowadays Ginseng tea is consumed around the world due to its important health benefits. Read more about its origin, various types, benefits and side effects.

More about Ginseng tea

Ginseng is an herbaceous perennial plant with fleshy roots that grows in the forest and is native to parts of Asia and North America. Nowadays there are many types of Ginseng, cultivated in various parts of the world. However, there are two main types of Ginseng : Oriental ginseng and American ginseng. Ginseng tea is made from the juicy roots of the plant. Sometimes, the leaves can also be used but they are less important than the root. The root contains most of the essential nutrients. Ginseng root can be used in two ways : fresh or dried. You can buy it as a whole, sliced, powder like or directly as teabags. Ginseng tea has a reputation of being a strong aphrodisiac, especially for men. Included in teas or in other medicines, it is often used to treat ejaculation problems. The tea is considered as an overall tonic for the whole body enhancing vitality. The taste of Ginseng tea is very particular. Many people think it can be a sharp, earthy with a strong aftertaste. However, for people with an acidic condition, it can taste very bitter indeed.

How to brew Ginseng tea

If we refer to the drink, you should know that one cup of ginseng tea is equivalent to one tea bag, one teaspoon of ginseng tea cut, two to three grams of ginseng, or five to eight slices of ginseng. Add the necessary amount of ginseng to a cup of hot water. Let it infuse for four to five minutes. You can leave it longer as well, but you should know that the longer you allow the ginseng to stay in the water, you will get a stronger tea. For a better taste, you may also add honey or other natural sweeteners like for example citrus fruits or even mix together with other types of teas. Later on, you can also reuse the slices or the tea bag that you used previously for one or two extra cups of ginseng tea. If you drink ginseng tea for the first time, it is advisable to prepare the ginseng tea initially for no more than five minutes. Give yourself time to get familiar with its taste at first. Alternatively, you can boil three cups of water, add eight to ten ginseng slices then let them boil for fifteen to twenty minutes. Drain the tea and let it cool. The ginseng tea can be served warm or cold as an iced ginseng tea. Store the tea in the refrigerator. For best results, ginseng tea should be consumed in cycles, such as three weeks on and one week off. Ginseng tea should not be drunk for more than three months at a time.

Health Benefits of Ginseng tea

Ginseng tea has traditionally been seen as a “cure-all” for many types of ailments. This tea has many health benefits like:
  • Boosting the appetite
  • Improving the digestion
  • Aiding in respiration
  • Rejuvenating the body
  • Reducing physical and mental stress
  • Enhancing sexual virility and libido especially for men
  • Reducing the symptoms of arthritis and asthma
  • Lessening the effects of diabetes, Crohn’s disease and TMJ syndrome
  • Counteracting headaches and diarrhea
  • Strengthening the immune system
  • Fighting the fatigue
  • Reducing bad cholesterol
  • Boosting blood circulation

Side Effects of Ginseng tea

The side effects of ginseng tea have always been disputed. It may react with some medications or pre-existing conditions. Avoid drinking this type of tea during pregnancy or nursing, and do not take it for longer than three months in a row. Ginseng tea should not be taken with other herbs which stimulates the nervous system or with oral diabetes medications. Ginseng tea should be avoided by those with psychological conditions. People suffering for hypertension, or high blood pressure or those who are taking other stimulants should consult their physician before drinking ginseng tea. Ginseng tea is not suitable for children. Although sometimes the side effects of the ginseng tea are still a subject of debate, if you take into consideration the precautions, drinking it from time to time will surely have a tonic effect on your body as it proved its qualities along the centuries. Drink it during breakfast to boost up your day.... ginseng tea

Plantago Lanceolata


Family: Plantaginaceae.

Habitat: Western Himalayas, from Kashmir to Garhwal and Simla.

English: Rib Grass, Ribwort Plantain, English Plantain, Buckhorn Plantain.

Unani: Baartang, Aspaghol.

Folk: Balatang.

Action: Leaf and root—astringent, bechic, antiasthmatic, anti-inflammatory, hypothermic, diuretic. Seed—cathartic, diuretic, haemostatic.

Key application: Internally, for catarrhs of the respiratory tract and inflammatory alterations of the oral and pharyngeal mucosa; externally for inflammatory reactions of the skin. (German Commission E, ESCOP.)

Globularin and methyl ester of de- sacetyl asperulosidic acid were isolated from the plant along with cat- apol. A crude mucilage, isolated from the leaves, contains L-arabinose 26.0, D-galactose 35.8, D-glucose 21.9, D- mannose 4.6, L-rhamnose 4.6 and uronic acid 6.9%. Alpha-D-glucan was separated from this mucilage.

Leaves gave aucubin and esculetin, in addition to polysaccharides. The whole plant yielded rhamnosidoglyco- side of caffeic acid. Seeds contain 1.1% aucubin. Aucubin exhibits antibacterial activity. Hepatoprotective effect is also attributed to the aucubin content.

Alcoholic extract of young leaves exhibit antibacterial action against Streptococcus betahaemolyticus, Micrococ- cus pyogenes var. aureus and Bacillus subtilis, thus confirming their wound- healing properties.... plantago lanceolata

Water Plantain

Alisma plantago-aquatica

Description: This plant has small, white flowers and heart-shaped leaves with pointed tips. The leaves are clustered at the base of the plant.

Habitat and Distribution: Look for this plant in fresh water and in wet, full sun areas in Temperate and Tropical Zones.

Edible Parts: The rootstocks are a good source of starch. Boil or soak them in water to remove the bitter taste.


To avoid parasites, always cook aquatic plants.... water plantain

Wax Plant

Protection... wax plant

Indian Ginseng

Withania somnifera


San: Aswagandha, Varahakarni

Hin: Asgandh, Punir Mal: Amukkuram

Tam: Amukkira

Tel: Vajigandha

Mar: Askandha

Guj: Ghoda

Kan: Viremaddinagaddi

Importance: Indian ginseng or Winter cherry is an erect branching perennial undershrub which is considered to be one of the best rejuvenating agents in Ayurveda. Its roots, leaves and seeds are used in Ayurvedic and Unani medicines, to combat diseases ranging from tuberculosis to arthritis. The pharmacological activity of the plant is attributed to the presence of several alkaloids and withaniols. Roots are prescribed in medicines for hiccup, several female disorders, bronchitis, rheumatism, dropsy, stomach and lung inflammations and skin diseases. Its roots and paste of green leaves are used to relieve joint pains and inflammation. It is also an ingredient of medicaments prescribed for curing disability and sexual weakness in male. Leaves are used in eye diseases. Seeds are diuretic. It is a constituent of the herbal drug ‘Lactare’ which is a galactagogue.

Aswagandha was observed to increase cell-mediated immunity, prevent stress induced changes in adrenal function and enhance protein synthesis. Milk fortified with it increases total proteins and body weight. It is a well known rejuvenating agent capable of imparting long life, youthful vigour and intellectual power. It improves physical strength and is prescribed in all cases of general debility. Aswagandha powder (6-12g) twice a day along with honey and ghee is advised for tuberculosis in Sushruta Samhita. It also provides sound sleep (Prakash, 1997).

Distribution: Aswagandha is believed to have oriental origin. It is found wild in the forests of Mandsaur and Bastar in Mandhya Pradesh, the foot hills of Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and western Himalayas in India. It is also found wild in the Mediterranean region in North America. In India it is cultivated in Madhya Pradesh, Rajastan and other drier parts of the country.

Botany: Aswagandha belongs to the genus Withania and family Solanaceae. Two species, viz, W. coagulans Dunal and W. somnifera Dunal are found in India. W. coagulans is a rigid grey under shrub of 60-120cm high. W. somnifera is erect, evergreen, tomentose shrub, 30-75cm in height. Roots are stout, fleshy, cylindrical, 1-2cm in diameter and whitish brown in colour. Leaves are simple, ovate, glabrous and opposite. Flowers are bisexual, inconspicuous, greenish or dull yellow in colour born on axillary umbellate cymes, comprising 5 sepals, petals and stamens each; the two celled ovary has a single style and a bilobed stigma. The petals are united and tubular. The stamens are attached to the corolla tube and bear erect anthers which form a close column or cone around the style. Pollen production is poor. The fruit is a small berry, globose, orange red when mature and is enclosed in persistent calyx. The seeds are small, flat, yellow and reniform in shape and very light in weight. The chromosome number 2n = 48.

The cultivated plants have sizable differences from the wild forms not only in their morphological characters but also in the therapeutical action, though the alkaloids present are the same in both (Kaul, 1957). Some botanists, therefore, described the cultivated plant distinct from wild taxa and have coined a new name W. aswagandha (Kaul, 1957) which is contested by Atal and Schwarting (1961).

Agrotechnology: Asgandh is a tropical crop growing well under dry climate. The areas receiving 600 to 750mm rainfall is best suited to this crop. Rainy season crop requires relatively dry season and the roots are fully developed when 1-2 late winter rains are received. Sandy loam or light red soils having a pH of 7.5- 8.0 with good drainage are suitable for its cultivation. It is usually cultivated on poor and marginal soils. Withania is propagated through seeds. It is a late kharif crop and planting is done in August. Seeds are either broadcast-sown or seedlings are raised in nursery and then transplanted. Seed rate is 10-12 kg/ha for broadcasting and 5kg/ha for transplanting. In direct sown crop plants are thinned and gap filling is done 25-30 days after sowing. Seeds should be treated with Dithane M-45 at 3g/kg of seeds before sowing. Seeds are sown in the nursery just before the onset of rainy season and covered with light soil. Seeds germinate in 6-7 days. When seedlings are six weeks old they are transplanted at 60cm in furrows taken 60cm apart. The crop is mainly grown as a rainfed crop on residual fertility and no manure or fertilizers are applied to this crop generally. However, application of organic manure is beneficial for realizing better yields. It is not a fertilizer responsive crop. One hand weeding 25-30 days after sowing helps to control weeds effectively. No serious pest is reported in this crop. Diseases like seedling rot and blight are observed. Seedling mortality becomes serious under high temperature and humid conditions. The disease can be minimized by use of disease free seeds and treatment with thiram or deltan at 3-4g/kg seed before sowing. Further, use of crop rotation, timely sowing and keeping field well drained also protect the crop. Spraying with 0.3% fytolan, dithane Z-78 or dithane M-45 will help controlling the disease incidence. Spraying is repeated at 15 days interval if the disease persists. Aswagandha is a crop of 150-170 days duration. The maturity of the crop is judged by the drying of the leaves and reddening of berries. Harvesting usually starts from January and continues till March. Roots, leaves and seeds are the economical parts. The entire plant is uprooted for roots, which are separated from the aerial parts. The berries are plucked from dried plants and are threshed to obtain the seeds. The yield is 400-500kg of dry roots and 50-75kg seeds per hectare.

Post harvest technology: The roots are separated from the plant by cutting the stem 1-2cm above the crown.

Roots are then cut into small pieces of 7-10cm to facilitate drying. Occasionally, the roots are dried as a whole. The dried roots are cleaned, trimmed, graded, packed and marketed. Roots are carefully hand sorted into the following four grades.

Grade A: Root pieces 7cm long, 1-1.5cm diameter, brittle, solid, and pure white from outside.

Grade B: Root pieces 5cm long, 1cm diameter, brittle, solid and white from outside.

Grade C: Root pieces 3-4cm long, less than 1cm diameter and solid. Lower grade: Root pieces smaller, hollow and yellowish from outside.

Properties and activity: Aswagandha roots contain alkaloids, starch, reducing sugar, hentriacontane, glycosides, dulcital, withaniol acid and a neutral compound. Wide variation (0.13-0.31%) is observed in alkaloid content. Majumdar (1955) isolated 8 amorphous bases such as withanine, somniferine, somniferinine, somnine, withananine, withananinine, pseudowithanine and withasomnine. Other alkaloids reported are nicotine, tropine, pseudotropine, 3, -tigloyloxytropane, choline, cuscudohygrine, anaferine, anahygrine and others. Free aminoacids in the roots include aspartic acid, glycine, tyrosine, alanine, proline, tryptophan, glutamic acid and cystine. Leaves contain 12 withanolides, alkaloids, glycosides, glucose and free amino acids. Berries contain a milk coagulating enzyme, two esterases, free amino acids, fatty oil, essential oil and alkaloids. Methods for alkaloid’s analysis in Asgandh roots have also been reported (Majumdar, 1955; Mishra, 1989; Maheshwari, 1989). Withania roots are astringent, bitter, acrid, somniferous, thermogenic, stimulant, aphrodisiac, diuretic and tonic. Leaf is antibiotic, antitumourous, antihepatotoxic and antiinflammatory. Seed is milk coagulating, hypnotic and diuretic.... indian ginseng

Plantago Major


Family: Plantaginaceae.

Habitat: The temperate and alpine Himalayas from Kashmir to Bhutan at altitudes of 600-3,500 m.

English: Broadleaf Plantain.

Ayurvedic: Ashvagola (var.).

Folk: Isabgol.

Action: Plant—haemostatic, antihistaminic, antibacterial, wound-healing in burns and inflammation of tissues. Leaves— cooling, astringent, diuretic, vulnerary, febrifuge. Used for diarrhoea, bacillary dysentery, hepatitis, urinary diseases, piles, ulcers and skin diseases. Leaves are used for cystitis with blood, haematuria and other bladder disorders.

The aqueous extract of the leaves showed anti-inflammatory activity in mice.

The aerial parts contain an iridoid glucoside, majoroside. The leaves contain a phenylpropanoid glycoside, plantamajoside, exhibiting antibacterial activity against several pathogenic bacteria including E. coli and Staphy- lococcus aureus. (The glycoside is less inhibitory than the free acids, caffeic, ferulic, and rosmarinic and esculetin.)... plantago major

Plantago Ovata


Synonym: P. Ispaghula Roxb.

Family: Plantaginaceae.

Habitat: Cultivated In Parts Of Rajasthan And Maharashtra.

English: Ispaghula, Spogel Seeds, Blond Psyllium.

Ayurvedic: Ashvagola. Ashwakarna (Also Equated With Shorea Robusta).

Unani: Aspaghol.

Siddha/Tamil: Isapppa.

Folk: Isabgol.

Action: Seed And Husk—Laxative, Diuretic, Demulcent, Bechic, Cholinergic. Used In Inflammatory Conditions Of The Mucous Membrane Of Gastrointestinal And Genitourinary Tract, Chronic Amoebic And Bacillary Dysentery; Also In Hypercholesterolemia.

Key Application ? In Chronic Constipation And Irritable Bowel. (German Commission E.) Also In Constipation Due To Duodenal Ulcer Or Diverticulitis (Who.) German Commission E Also Noted That Blond Psyllium Seed Lowers Serum Cholesterol Levels. It Has Also Been Shown To Slow Sugar Absorption Thereby Reducing Blood Glucose. (Escop.) Use Of Blond Psyllium Husk Up To Six Months Did Not Clinically Alter Vitamin Or Mineral Status In A Review Of Eight Human Trials. It Did Not Reduce Absorption Of Calcium. (J Am Geriatr Soc, 43, 1995; Am J Clin Nutr, 71, 2000; Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database, 2007.)

The Seed Contains Amino Acids Including Valine, Alanine, Glutamic Acid, Glycine, Cystine, Lysine, Leucine And Tyrosine; And A Mucilage Consisting Of A Mixture Of Polysaccharides Composed Mainly Of Xylose, Arabinose And Galacturonic Acid; Rhamnose And Galactose Are Also Present. The Seeds Also Gave Aucubin, The Antibacterial Principle. The Seed Coat Contains Fatty Acids Mainly Linoleic, Oleic And Palmitic Acids In Decreasing Concentrations.

The Seeds Show A Liver Protective Effect On Induced Hepatotoxicity In Mice. In China, The Plant Is Used Clinically To Treat Certain Types Of Hepatitis (Activity Due To Aucubin Content).

Dosage: Husk—5-10 G. (Ccras.)... plantago ovata

Plantain, Broad And Narrow Leaf

Plantago species

Description: The broad leaf plantain has leaves over 2.5 centimeters across that grow close to the ground. The flowers are on a spike that rises from the middle of the cluster of leaves. The narrow leaf plantain has leaves up to 12 centimeters long and 2.5 centimeters wide, covered with hairs. The leaves form a rosette. The flowers are small and inconspicuous.

Habitat and Distribution: Look for these plants in lawns and along roads in the North Temperate Zone. This plant is a common weed throughout much of the world.

Edible Parts: The young tender leaves are edible raw. Older leaves should be cooked. Seeds are edible raw or roasted.

Other Uses: To relieve pain from wounds and sores, wash and soak the entire plant for a short time and apply it to the injured area. To treat diarrhea, drink tea made from 28 grams (1 ounce) of the plant leaves boiled in 0.5 liter of water. The seeds and seed husks act as laxatives.... plantain, broad and narrow leaf

Xenotrans Plantation

TRANSPLANTATION of organs from one species to another – for example, from pigs to humans. The use of organs from appropriately cloned animals was seen as a possible solution to the shortage of human organs for transplantation; however, research has shown that rejection remains a problem and there is also an unresolved possibility that diseases might be transmitted across the species barrier. It seems likely that STEM CELL research will provide a more realistic source of tissues for transplantation to replace diseased organs in humans.... xenotrans plantation

Ginseng - American

Five-fingers. Panax quinquefolium L. Dried root. Keynote: stress with stomach symptoms.

Action: adaptogen, digestive relaxant, hypoglycaemic, aphrodisiac, old-age re-vitaliser.

Uses: Irritable or nervous stomach caused by pressure of work and other stresses. Lack of appetite. Low blood pressure. Sustains nerves and immune system in physical exhaustion and infection.

Preparations: Average dose: half-4 grams dried root. Thrice daily. Powder: made palatable in honey. ... ginseng - american

Juvenile Plantar Dermatosis

see dermatosis.... juvenile plantar dermatosis

King–kopetzky Syndrome

see obscure auditory dysfunction.... king–kopetzky syndrome

Plantar Arch

the arch in the sole of the foot formed by anastomosing branches of the plantar arteries.... plantar arch

Red Ginseng Tea

Red Ginseng Tea is extracted from a human-shaped perennial plant originating from China and Korea, where its root has been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years. The Chinese considered that ginseng tea had the power to prolong life and cure a variety of diseases. Red ginseng teais obtained from the unpeeled dried ginseng root which has undergone a steaming process and thus turned reddish-brown. Red Ginseng Tea brewing The red ginseng tea steeping process requires a minimum of five minutes which allows the extraction of the best ingredients from the plant root with healing properties. The ideal brewing temperature is eighty degrees Celsius. It is best served with honey. Red Ginseng Tea health benefits For centuries, red ginseng tea has been used to raise mental alertness and avert tiredness. The root of the plant is full of beneficial minerals and vitamins, as well as essential oils and natural enzymes. Red ginseng tea has both a stimulating and calming effect on the mind, it reduces stress, it improves blood circulation, digestion and the respiratory function. In addition, the immune system is strenghtened. Red ginseng tea consumption is also related to an increased metabolic rate, which leads to a faster weight loss process. Furthermore, research shows that one of the health benefits of red ginseng tea includes its cancer-preventive properties and its potential ability to treat Lyme disease. Red Ginseng Tea side effects Red Ginseng Tea is generally known to have no or only mild side effects which are usually the result of excessive tea consumption - it is therefore advisable to have a moderate tea intake and to seek advice from a health expert first. Some of these side effects include insomnia, nausea, headaches, anxiety, high or low blood pressure, irregular heartbeat or digestive problems. It is not recommended to consume red ginseng tea along with other medication, because it can interact with it and lead to unpleasant side effects. The consumption of red ginseng tea should mainly be avoided by children, pregnant women, people with diabetes, blood pressure poblems or those affected by prostate, uterine, ovarian or breast cancer. Red Ginseng Tea is sweet, tasty and has a stimulating effect, giving you the boost you need throughout the day. You can now enjoy a delightful cup of tea and benefit from its tremendously positive effects.... red ginseng tea

Castor Oil Plant

Palma Christi. Ricinus communis L. Part used: oil expressed cold drawn from the seeds without the aid of heat. Versatile agent for skin diseases. “Biochemical precursor of prostaglandins . . . a trigger mechanism to immune system T-cells in the skin causing them to activate a local immune system reaction through the lymphatics.” (Harvey Grady, Edgar Cayce Foundation, Virginia Beach, Va., USA)

Action: anti-allergenic, galactagogue. Canary Island nursing mothers bind leaves to the breast to increase secretion of milk. Vitality of cells is upgraded by contact with the oil. Oral contraceptive. (V.J. Brondegaard, Plants Med. 23, 167, 1973) A traditional purgative.

Uses: Internal. Rarely used, except for varied forms of allergy (penicillin, hay fever, etc): 5 drops oil in honey, 3-4 times daily. Mouth ulcers, smear with oil. Large doses avoided.

Topical. Anti-fungal, emollient, anodyne.

Application to warts, corns, bunions, skin disorders, psoriasis, eczema, nail infection, bedsores, pigmented mole, ringworm, itch, ear-infection in children (drops), leg ulcers – dab with smear for pain relief, rodent ulcers made bearable, gangrene (with tincture Myrrh drops). Oil massaged into scalp for 20 minutes daily for falling hair. Eyelids, to soothe and heal. Age spots: brown patches on face, arms or hands have been known to disappear when persevering with a smear of each – Castor oil and Bicarbonate of Soda.

Preparations: Internal use: oil – 5 to 20ml, as prescribed.

External use: Zinc and Castor oil cream, or ointment. Or, Castor oil only.

Castor oil pack, to stimulate the immune system: apply soft pad of material saturated with Castor oil; hold in position with elastic bandage for skin diseases, pains of arthritis or rheumatism; lacerated and well-sutured wounds that refuse to heal. Renew oil when pad becomes dry. Oil may be used as a vehicle for eye drops. ... castor oil plant

Plantar Reflex

a reflex obtained by drawing a bluntly pointed object (such as a key) along the outer border of the sole of the foot from the heel to the little toe. The normal flexor response is a bunching and downward movement of the toes. An upward movement of the big toe is called an extensor response (or Babinski reflex or response). In all persons over the age of 18 months this is a sensitive indication of damage to the *pyramidal system in either the brain or spinal cord.... plantar reflex


adj. walking on the entire sole of the foot: a habit of humans, bears, and some other animals.... plantigrade

Steroids, Plant

The previous subject is obviously an endless one, but as this is the glossary of an herbal nature, let me assure you, virtually no plants have a direct steroid hormone-mimicking effect. There are a few notable exceptions with limited application, like Cimicifuga and Licorice. Plant steroids are usually called phytosterols, and, when they have any hormonal effect at all, it is usually to interfere with human hormone functions. Beta sitosterol, found in lots of food, interferes with the ability to absorb cholesterol from the diet. Corn oil and legumes are two well-endowed sources that can help lower cholesterol absorption. This is of only limited value, however, since cholesterol is readily manufactured in the body, and elevated cholesterol in the blood is often the result of internal hormone and neurologic stimulus, not the diet. Cannabis can act to interfere with androgenic hormones, and Taraxacum phytosterols can both block the synthesis of some new cholesterol by the liver and increase the excretion of cholesterol as bile acids; but other than that, plants offer little direct hormonal implication. The first method discovered for synthesizing pharmaceutical hormones used a saponin, diosgenin, and a five-step chemical degradation, to get to progesterone, and another, using stigmasterol and bacterial culturing, to get to cortisol. These were chemical procedures that have nothing to do with human synthesis of such hormones, and the plants used for the starting materials-Mexican Wild Yam, Agave, and Soy were nothing more than commercially feasible sources of compounds widely distributed in the plant kingdom. A clever biochemist could obtain testosterone from potato sterols, but no one would be likely to make the leap of faith that eating potatoes makes you manly (or less womanly), and there is no reason to presume that Wild Yam (Dioscorea) has any progesterone effects in humans. First, the method of synthesis from diosgenin to progesterone has nothing to do with human synthesis of the corpus luteum hormone; second, oral progesterone has virtually no effect since it is rapidly digested; and third, orally active synthetic progesterones such as norethindrone are test-tube born, and never saw a Wild Yam. The only “precursor” the ovaries, testes and adrenal cortices EVER need (and the ONLY one that they can use if synthesizing from scratch) is something almost NONE of us ever run out of...Low Density Cholesterol. Unless you are grimly fasting, anorectic, alcoholic, seriously ill or training for a triathlon, you only need blood to make steroid hormones from. If hormones are off, it isn’t from any lack of building materials...and any product claiming to supply “precursors” better contain lard or butter (they don’t)...or they are profoundly mistaken, or worse. The recent gaggle of “Wild Yam” creams actually do contain some Wild Yam. (Dioscorea villosa, NOT even the old plant source of diosgenin, D. mexicana...if you are going to make these mistakes, at least get the PLANT right) This is a useful and once widely used antispasmodic herb...I have had great success using it for my three separate bouts with kidney stones...until I learned to drink more water and alkalizing teas and NEVER stay in a hot tub for three hours. What these various Wild Yam creams DO contain, is Natural Progesterone. Although this is inactive orally (oral progesterone is really a synthetic relative of testosterone), it IS active when injected...or, to a lesser degree, when applied topically. This is pharmaceutical progesterone, synthesized from stigmasterol, an inexpensive (soy-bean oil) starting substance, and, although it is identical to ovarian progesterone, it is a completely manufactured pharmaceutical. Taking advantage of an FDA loophole (to them this is only a cosmetic use...they have the misguided belief that it is not bioactive topically), coupled with some rather convincing (if irregular) studies showing the anti-osteoporotic value of topical progesterone for SOME women, a dozen or so manufacturers are marketing synthetic Natural Progesterone for topical use, yet inferring that Wild Yam is what’s doing good. I am not taking issue with the use of topical progesterone. It takes advantage of the natural slow release into the bloodstream of ANY steroid hormones that have been absorbed into subcutaneous adipose tissue. It enters the blood from general circulation the same way normal extra-ovarian estradiol is released, and this is philosophically (and physiologically) preferable to oral steroids, cagily constructed to blast on through the liver before it can break them down. This causes the liver to react FIRST to the hormones, instead of, if the source is general circulation, LAST. My objection is both moral and herbal: the user may believe hormonal effects are “natural”, the Wild Yam somehow supplying “precursors” her body can use if needed, rejected if not. This implies self-empowerment, the honoring of a woman’s metabolic choice...something often lacking in medicine. This is a cheat. The creams supply a steady source of pharmaceutical hormone (no precursor here) , but they are being SOLD as if the benefits alone come from the Wild Yam extract, seemingly formulated with the intent of having Wild Yam the most abundant substance so it can be listed first in the list of constituents. I have even seen the pharmaceutical Natural Progesterone labeled as “Wild Yam Progesterone” or “Wild Yam Estrogen precursor” or, with utter fraud, “Wild Yam Hormone”. To my knowledge, the use of Mexican Yam for its saponins ceased to be important by the early 1960’s, with other processes for synthesizing steroids proving to be cheaper and more reliable. I have been unable to find ANY manufacturer of progesterone that has used the old Marker Degradation Method and/or diosgenin (from whatever Dioscorea) within the last twenty years. Just think of it as a low-tech, non invasive and non-prescription source of progesterone, applied topically and having a slow release of moderate amounts of the hormone. Read some of the reputable monographs on its use, make your choice based solely on the presence of the synthetic hormone, and use it or don’t. It has helped some women indefinitely, for others it helped various symptoms for a month or two and then stopped working, for still other women I have spoken with it caused unpleasant symptoms until they ceased its use. Since marketing a product means selling as much as possible and (understandably) presenting only the product’s positive aspects, it would be better to try and find the parameters of “use” or “don’t use” from articles, monographs, and best of all, other women who have used it. Then ask them again in a month or two and see if their personal evaluation has changed. If you have some bad uterine cramps, however, feel free to try some Wild Yam often helps. Unless there is organic disease, hormones are off is because the whole body is making the wrong choices in the hormones it does or doesn’t make. It’s a constitutional or metabolic or dietary or life-stress problem, not something akin to a lack of essential amino acids or essential fatty acids that will clear up if only you supply some mythic plant-derived “precursor”. End of tirade.... steroids, plant

Ginseng - Siberian

Eleutherococcus senticosus, Maxim. Part used: root. Believed to be stronger and more stimulating than Panax Ginseng.

Action. Anti-stress, antiviral, adaptogen, aphrodisiac, vasodilator, hypoglycaemic, tonic, adrenal hormone stimulant, anti-toxic activity in chemotherapy. Beneficial for boosting the body’s natural defence system, to resist viruses, free-radical toxins and even radiation. Increases immune resistance.

Uses: Conditions related to stress. Improves capacity for mental and physical exertion, to revitalise a run- down constitution, shingles, myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), atherosclerosis in heart and arterial conditions, increases cerebral circulation in the elderly, non-caffeine invigorator, depression from overwork, jet-lag, children – classroom stress, recovery from surgical operation, radiation injury, immune stimulant in cancer therapy. To increase fertility. Enables patient to tolerate higher doses of radiation. Counters nuclear reactor leakage. Inhibits HIV-1 replication in cells acutely or chronically infected. Preparations. Miscellaneous products available.

Tea. Quarter of a teaspoon powdered root to each cup boiling water. OR: dissolve 1-2 capsules in cup of boiling water, once daily.

Tablets/capsules. 150mg, one thrice daily.

General uses and contra-indications: see GINSENG (PANAX). ... ginseng - siberian

Plants, Poisonous

Several species of plant, including foxglove, holly, deadly nightshade, and laburnum, are poisonous. Nettles, hogweed, poison ivy, and primula cause skin reactions, including rash and itching, on contact. Young children are the most commonly affected. Symptoms of poisoning vary according to the plant but may include abdominal pain, vomiting, flushing, breathing difficulties, delirium, and coma and require urgent medical advice. Skin reactions can be treated by application of alcohol or calamine lotion; corticosteroid drugs may be prescribed for severe reactions. Poisoning usually requires gastric lavage. Fatal poisoning is rare. (See also mushroom poisoning.)... plants, poisonous

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