Golden fire Health Dictionary

Golden Fire: From 1 Different Sources

Salve for rheumatic joints, stiff muscles, lumbago, backache and to prepare the spine or skeleton for manipulation as in osteopathy.

Ingredients: Cayenne pods 2oz (or Tincture Capsicum 60 drops); Camphor flowers quarter of an ounce; Peppermint oil 20 drops; Cajuput oil 50 drops; Eucalyptus oil 20 drops; Beeswax 2oz. Sunflower seed oil 16oz.

Method: Gently heat Sunflower seed oil. If Cayenne pods, are used: add pods, steep for one and a half hours. Stir. Strain. Over gentle heat add wax stirring gently until dissolved. Add other ingredients (including Tincture Capsicum if used), stirring well. Pour into jars while fluid. 

Health Source: Bartrams Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine
Author: Health Encyclopedia

Golden Seal

Hydrastis canadensis. N.O. Ranunculaceae.

Synonym: Orange Root, Yellow Root.

Habitat: This valuable plant appears, according to Coffin, to have been first discovered and used by the aborigines of North America. It is indigenous to that part of the world.

Features ? Golden Seal is found growing to a height of one to two feet in rich, moist and shady soils. The leaves are alternate, the lower one stalked, the upper one sessile. Both are unequally toothed, and have from three to seven acute lobes. White and red single terminal flowers bloom in April. The root is short, knotty with the bases of stems, and covered with many rootlets. The taste is very bitter, and the scent strong and unpleasant.

Part used ? Golden Seal was so named by the followers of Thomson, who first used the root about 1845, since when it has figured prominently in herbal practice.

Action: Tonic, alterative, and laxative.

Golden Seal has proved itself to be a very valuable remedy in digestive disorders and in debilitated conditions of mucous membranes. Its use is indicated in various gastric complaints, and it may be taken with advantage by most dyspeptics in doses of 10 grains of the powdered root.

Hydrastis is also given in conjunction with Lime flowers and Valerian to reduce blood pressure.... golden seal


(American) A feisty and passionate woman

Fyre, Firey, Firy, Firi, Firie, Firee, Firea... fire

Fire Coral

The colloquial name for Millepora.... fire coral

Fire Jelly

See Morbakka.... fire jelly

Fire Weed

The colloquial term for Lytocarpus philippinus.... fire weed


Epilobium angustifolium

Description: This plant grows up to 1.8 meters tall. It has large, showy, pink flowers and lance-shaped leaves. Its relative, the dwarf fireweed (Epilobium latifolium), grows 30 to 60 centimeters tall.

Habitat and Distribution: Tall fireweed is found in open woods, on hillsides, on stream banks, and near seashores in arctic regions. It is especially abundant in burned-over areas. Dwarf fireweed is found along streams, sandbars, and lakeshores and on alpine and arctic slopes.

Edible Parts: The leaves, stems, and flowers are edible in the spring but become tough in summer. You can split open the stems of old plants and eat the pith raw.... fireweed

Golden Monkey Tea

Golden Monkey tea is a rare and savourless type of black tea, benefic in treating diseases and maintaining a good physical and mental shape. Golden Monkey Tea description Golden Monkey tea is a type of black tea, originating from the Chinese provinces Fujian and Yunnan. It is considered to be the finest black tea from the abovementioned provinces, due to its chocolate flavor, and honey peach notes. According to the legend, its name is related to its appearance: the leaves resemble monkey paws. In ancient times, Golden Monkey tea was consumed by local overlords and Taipans. This tea was rare and the Taipans drank every ounce of tea claiming that it provided them “the agility and sexual prowess of the patriarch of a golden monkey troop”. Golden Monkey Tea brewing Golden Monkey tea could be brewed in two ways: hot or cold. Hot tea brewing method:
  • Bring cold water to a rolling boil.
  • Place 1 teaspoon of tea for each cup into the teapot.
  • Pour the boiling water into the teapot.
  • Cover the teapot and let it steep between 3 and 7 minutes according to taste (the longer the soaking time the stronger the tea). Milk and sugar could be added.
Cold tea brewing method  (to prepare 1 liter/quart):
  • Place 6 teaspoons of tea into a teapot or heat resistant pitcher.
  • Pour 1 1/4 cups of boiled water over the tea. Steep it for about 5 minutes.
  • Quarter fill a serving pitcher with cold water.
  • Pour the tea into the serving pitcher straining the leaves.
  • Add ice and top up the pitcher with cold water.
  • Sugar could be added.
Golden Monkey Tea benefits Like any type of black tea, Golden Monkey tea contains a high content of antioxidants, benefic in fighting free radicals which are responsible for tumors growth and cancer spreading. But also, Golden Monkey tea has a good proven action over:
  • digestive system
  • stressful moods
  • senses
  • metabolic processes
Golden Monkey Tea side effects Golden Monkey tea has few acknowledged side effects. The majority are related to its content of caffeine, which may rarely cause diarrhea or the syndrome of upset stomach. In case of medication intaking, it is advisable to speak with the physician regarding the safety usage and recommended daily allowance of this tea. It is indicated that pregnant women drink Golden Monkey tea in small quantities, so as not to consume more than 300 mg of caffeine per day. Golden Monkey tea, part of the black teas family, is successfully preserving their health benefits and could be easily included in the daily health ritual to gain an impressive stamina.... golden monkey tea

Chrysanthemum (golden)

Chrysanthellum americanum. Whole plant.

Action: choleretic, hepatic, circulatory stimulant.

Uses: Circulatory disorders, varicose veins, menstrual problems, to protect against hardening of the liver in alcohol consumers. Rheumatism, gout. Heavy legs.

Preparations: Tea: 1 teaspoon to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes. Dose: half a cup thrice daily. Powder, capsules: 250mg. 3 capsules thrice daily before meals. (Arkocaps) ... chrysanthemum (golden)


n. (in mining) an explosive mixture of gases, usually containing a high proportion of methane, occasionally encountered in pockets underground. It can be distinguished from *blackdamp (chokedamp), which does not ignite.... firedamp

St Anthony’s Fire

an old colloquial name for the inflammation of the skin associated with ergot poisoning. See ergotism.... st anthony’s fire

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