Graded self-exposure Health Dictionary

Graded Self-exposure: From 1 Different Sources

a technique used in the *behaviour therapy of phobias. A hierarchy of fears (increasingly fearful stimuli) is set up and the patients expose themselves to each level of the hierarchy in turn. Exposure continues until *habituation occurs; the patient then proceeds to the next highest level of the hierarchy. The patient is ultimately able to cope with the feared object or situation.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin


(1) A term used in BEHAVIOUR THERAPY to describe a method of treating fears and phobias (see PHOBIA). The subject is confronted by the circumstances that he or she fears, either gradually or suddenly, with the aim of defusing the fear or phobia.

(2) The term is also a colloquialism for public exposure by a man of his genitals to achieve sexual grati?cation.... exposure

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