Causes: drinking water with a high degree of hardness. When rhubarb, gooseberries, chocolate or spinach are eaten calcium oxalate is formed between the water and oxalic acid in these foods.
Treatment. A pelvic nervine is sometimes added to formula.
Alternatives. Teas. Cornsilk, Couchgrass, Cranesbill (American), Clivers, Hollyhock, Marshmallow leaves, Parsley, Parsley Piert, Pellitory-of-the-wall, Sea Holly, Wild Carrot.
Tablets/capsules. Parsley Piert.
Powders. Hydrangea 2; Gravel root 1; Valerian half. Mix. Dose: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon) thrice daily.
Decoction. Clivers 4; Gravel root 1; Valerian half. Mix. Half ounce to 1 pint water simmered gently 20 minutes. Strain. Dose: half-1 cup thrice daily.
Formula. Pellitory 2; Hydrangea 1; Stone root half; Valerian quarter. Mix. Dose: Liquid extracts: 1 teaspoon. Tinctures: 2 teaspoons. Thrice daily.
Practitioner. Tincture Hydrangea 20ml; Gravel root 10ml; Ephedra 20ml; Stone root 10ml; Sig: 5ml in cup of Marshmallow tea. Thrice daily and when necessary. Tincture Belladonna for sudden pain.
Diet. Dandelion coffee. Slippery Elm beverage or gruel. No dairy products, calcium of which disposes to gravel formation. No tap water, only bottled low-calcium waters. Vitamins A, B6, C and E. Magnesium is credited with dissolving gravel.