Grindelia Health Dictionary

Grindelia: From 3 Different Sources

Gumweed. Tarweed. Grindelia camporum, Greene. Flowering tops. Keynote: asthma. Constituents: flavonoids, diterpenes, fat, wax, resins.

Action: antispasmodic, expectorant, hypotensive, sedative, diuretic, reduces the heart rate. Antidote to rhus poisoning, internally and externally.

Uses: Bronchial asthma where associated with rapid heart action. Emphysema, whooping cough, catarrh – nose and throat. Poison Ivy dermatitis – as a topical wash by decoction. Once used by the Western Indians, USA, for venereal disease.

Tincture BHP (1983) 1:10 in 60 per cent alcohol. Dose: half-1ml.

Large doses irritate kidneys. 

Health Source: Bartrams Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine
Author: Health Encyclopedia
Grindelia camporum. N.O. Compositae.

Synonym: G. robusta, G. squarrosa, Gum. Plant, Hardy or Scaly Grindelia.

Habitat: Indigenous to western regions of North America, and imported from


Features ? Leaves broad, narrowing at base, brittle, smooth, serrate, approximately three inches long by half an inch to one inch broad. Flower heads globular, florets yellow, scales of involucre reflexed. Bitterish taste.

Part used ? Herb.

Action: Anti-asthmatic, tonic, diuretic.

Widely prescribed for asthma and bronchitis, and often combined with Euphorbia and Yerba Santa for the former complaint. The paroxysms are quickly reduced both in sharpness and frequency. Figures prominently in the American herbal materia medica.
Health Source: Herbal Manual
Author: Health Dictionary
Grindelia squarrosa

FAMILY: Asteraceae

SYNONYMS: Gumweed, hardy grindelia, gum plant, scaly grindelia, rosin weed, curlytop gumweed, curlycup gumweed, tarweed, resin-weed, sticky-heads.

GENERAL DESCRIPTION: A biennial or short-lived perennial up to one metre high with yellow, daisy-like flower heads, each with overlapping rows of backward-curling, bracts: squarrosa is Latin for ‘scaly or rough’, referring to these curling bracts. The leaves are dotted with resinous glands: thus many common names for Grindelia squarrosa, such as gumweed, refer to the gooey resin that they exude, which has a sweet incense-like scent. This white viscous gum may cover the entire bud top and flowers, which bloom in late summer from July to September. However, the dried flowering heads may persist for several years due to the preservative action of the gummy resin!

DISTRIBUTION: This plant is native to western North America and Mexico. It is naturalized in eastern North America and the Pacific Coast states: several species are also cultivated as ornamentals in Europe.

OTHER SPECIES: Grindelia comprises about 60 species: the name of the genus honours the Russian botanist, David Grindel. All are native to North and Central America and chiefly distributed in warm-temperate regions. Several species are used to produce essential oils, including G. oregana and G. robusta as well as G. squarrosa. All these oils were found to contain alpha-pinene, ?-pinene, limonene, borneol, bornyl acetate trans-pinocarveol and germacrene D as the main constituents and only showed small differences in chemical composition. However, menthol, menthone and pulegone were detected only in the essential oil of G. oregano.

HERBAL/FOLK TRADITION: Grindelia has been used as a traditional herbal remedy by indigenous cultures all over the Americas for centuries. The plant was harvested when in full bloom and used fresh as a poultice or herbal extract or dried for infusions etc. The herb was used by Great Plains Tribes mainly to treat respiratory problems, such as asthma, colic, coughs and bronchitis, especially among the aged; the leaves were smoked to relieve spasmodic asthma. Externally, the crushed flowers were used to make poultices, which was applied to burns, rashes, poison ivy, blisters, dermatitis, eczema, saddle sores and raw skin. The leaves and flowering tops was used to make an herbal tea used to relieve coughs and dizziness. The sticky sap was chewed as gum and herbal extracts were also used to treat rheumatic conditions. Spanish New Mexicans would also drink a tea made from boiling the flower buds in water, for treating kidney problems. The Eclectic School of Medicine used Grindelia externally to promote skin regrowth and to heal reluctant, persistent ulcers.

The medicinal value of this plant was not recognized by the orthodox practitioners of medicine in the US till the middle of the nineteenth century, after which it came into prominence as a major medicinal plant. Official recognition of Grindelia came with the introduction of the herb in the Pharmacopoeia of the United States in 1882. It is still listed in the U.S. Dispensatory, and is currently used by modern Americans in the treatment of colds, hay fever, nasal congestion, whooping cough, bronchial catarrh, asthma etc. It is current in the German Commission E for catarrh of the upper respiratory tract and the British Pharmacopoeia also lists the antispasmodic, expectorant and cardiac depressant properties of this herb. The positive effects of this herb on the relief of symptoms of common cold have been recognized empirically. Indeed recent studies have shown it to have good expectorant and antispasmodic as well as moderate anti-inflammatory and antibiotic effects. It also appears to aid allergenic attacks, not only by relieving the symptoms but in creating anti-bodies to reduce episodes and their severity. Secondary uses include the treatment of cystitis and fever, usually in combinations with other herbs. It is also indicated externally in lotion form for the treatment of eczema, dermatitis and rashes due to poison ivy, hives etc.

ACTIONS: Anti-asthmatic, antibacterial, antidepressant, antihistamine, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiseptic, antispasmodic, astringent, cooling, decongestant, emetic, expectorant, immune support, mucolytic, regenerative, sedative.

EXTRACTION: The essential oil is steam distilled from the flowering plant.

CHARACTERISTICS: A mobile liquid with a strong, earthy-herbaceous, medicinal and slightly camphoraceous odour. It blends well with eucalyptus, ravintsara, myrtle, pine, cypress and peru balsam.

PRINCIPAL CONSTITUENTS: Alpha-pinene (aprox. 25 per cent) is the major constituent, with ?-pinene, limonene, borneol, bornyl acetate and germacrene D. Data is lacking regarding the interaction of the chemistry of the aromatic resin and the volatile oils.

SAFETY DATA: No adverse effects have been reported in the literature regarding the safety of Grindelia in the case of therapeutic application. However, data is lacking regarding the essential oil specifically.


Skin Care: Acne, blisters, cuts, eczema, dermatitis, rashes (hives etc), stretch marks, scars, ulcers, wounds and skin care generally.

Respiratory System: Aids breathing, asthma, catarrh, chronic colds, bronchitis, congestion, hay fever, fever, ’flu, sinusitis, sore throat, whooping cough.

Immune System: Supports the immune system.

Nervous System: Nervous tension, stress.

OTHER USES: A homeopathic remedy is prepared from the leaves and flowering stems. It is used by pharmaceutical companies in whooping cough and asthma drugs; also available as a tincture.

Health Source: The Encyclopedia of Essential Oils
Author: Julia Lawless


To reduce cough severity, ease expectoration and clear the lungs. Over a hundred medicinal plants are listed from which the following are a small selection: Angelica, Balm of Gilead, Coltsfoot, Comfrey, Cowslip, Elecampane, Fenugreek, Garlic, Grindelia Hyssop, Linseed, Liquorice, Marshmallow, Irish Moss, Mousear, Mullein, Pleurisy root, Senega, Sweet Chestnut leaves, Sundew, Violet leaves, Thyme (Garden or Wild), White Horehound, Slippery Elm bark, Marsh Cudweed,. ... anti-tussives


Damage to bronchi when ballooned beyond normal limits, usually from chronic infection. May be a legacy from lung infections, whooping cough, measles, tuberculosis, foreign body or other bronchial troubles. Predisposing factors: smoking, working with asbestos and other industrial materials. Now known that some structural changes in bronchial epithelium caused by cigarette smoking are reversible by abstinence for over two years.

A plug of tenacious mucus may be clogged in the bronchial tree and gradually sucked into the smaller bronchi, blocking them. This prevents air from passing through to replace air that has been absorbed and precipitates cough, sputum, spitting of blood. A stethoscope reveals crepitations; chronic cases may be detected by clubbing of the fingers, which sign may be missing in bronchitis and other chest infections. Alternatives. Treatment. Bronchitics are most at risk and should never neglect a cold. Stimulating expectorants followed by postural drainage indicated. To control infection, plenty of Echinacea should be given. Where a localised area becomes septic a surgical lobectomy may be necessary. See: POSTURAL DRAINAGE. Cases of developed bronchiectasis can be maintained relatively well over a period of years by judicious use of herbs: Bayberry bark, Blood root, Elecampane root, Ephedra, Eucalyptus oil, Grindelia, Senega root, Mullein, Pleurisy root, Red Clover. Lobelia. Not Comfrey.

Tea. Formula. Equal parts: Yarrow, Mullein, Lungwort. 1 heaped teaspoon in each cup boiling water; infuse 5-15 minutes; 1 cup morning and evening and when necessary.

Powders. Mix: Lobelia 2; Grindelia quarter; Capsicum quarter. Dose: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one- third teaspoon) morning, evening and when necessary.

Tablets/capsules. Iceland Moss. Lobelia.

Tinctures. Formula. Ephedra 2; Echinacea 1; Elecampane root 1; Capsicum quarter. dose: 2-5ml teaspoons morning and evening and when necessary.

Practitioner. Liquid Extract Senega 1; Ephedra 1; Lungwort 2 (spitting of blood add: Blood root quarter). Dose: 2-5ml morning and evening and when necessary. In advanced cases there may be swollen ankles and kidney breakdown for which Parsley root, Buchu or Juniper may be indicated.

The sucking of a clove (or single drop of oil of Cloves in honey) has given temporary relief. Aromatherapy. Inhalants or chest-rub – Eucalyptus, Cajeput, Hyssop, Rosemary, Sandalwood.

Diet. Wholefoods. Low fat, low salt, high fibre. Avoid all dairy foods.

Supplementation. Vitamin B-complex. Vitamin E for increased oxygenation. Vitamins A, C, D, F. Outlook. Relief possible from regular herbal regime as dispensed by qualified practitioner. Requirements of each individual case may differ. ... bronchiectasis

Bronchitis, Acute

Inflammatory condition of the bronchial tubes caused by cold and damp or by a sudden change from a heated to a cold atmosphere. Other causes: viral or bacterial infection, irritating dust and fumes, colds which ‘go down to the chest’.

Symptoms: short dry cough, catarrh, wheezing, sensation of soreness in chest; temperature may be raised. Most cases run to a favourable conclusion but care is necessary with young children and the elderly. Repeated attacks may lead to a chronic condition.

Alternatives. Teas – Angelica, Holy Thistle, Elecampane leaves, Fenugreek seeds (decoction), Hyssop, Iceland Moss, Mouse Ear, Mullein, Nasturtium, Plantain, Wild Violet, Thyme, White Horehound, Wild Cherry bark (decoction), Lobelia, Liquorice, Boneset. With fever, add Elderflowers.

Tea. Formula. Equal parts: Wild Cherry bark, Mullein, Thyme. Mix. 1 heaped teaspoon to cup water simmered 5 minutes in closed vessel. 1 cup 2-3 times daily. A pinch of Cayenne assists action.

Irish Moss (Carragheen) – 1 teaspoon to cup water gently simmered 20 minutes. It gels into a viscous mass. Cannot be strained. Add honey and eat with a spoon, as desired.

Tablets/capsules. Iceland Moss. Lobelia. Garlic. Slippery Elm.

Prescription No 1. Morning and evening and when necessary. Thyme 2; Lungwort 2; Lobelia 1. OR Prescription No 2. Morning and evening and when necessary. Iceland Moss 2; Wild Cherry bark 1; Thyme 2.

Doses:– Powders: one-third teaspoon (500mg) or two 00 capsules. Liquid Extracts: 30-60 drops. Tinctures: 1-2 teaspoons.

Practitioner. Alternatives:–

(1) Tincture Ipecacuanha BP (1973). Dose, 0.25-1ml.

(2) Tincture Grindelia BPC (1949). Dose, 0.6-1.2ml.

(3) Tincture Belladonna BP (1980). Dose, 0.5-2ml.

Black Forest Tea (traditional). Equal parts: White Horehound, Elderflowers and Vervain. One teaspoon to each cup boiling water; infuse 5-15 minutes; drink freely.

Topical. Chest rub: Olbas oil, Camphorated oil. Aromatherapy oils:– Angelica, Elecampane, Mullein, Cajeput, Lemon, Eucalyptus, Lavender, Mint, Onion, Pine, Thyme.

Aromatherapy inhalants: Oils of Pine, Peppermint and Hyssop. 5 drops of each to bowl of hot water.

Inhale: head covered with a towel to trap steam.

Diet: Low salt, low fat, high fibre. Halibut liver oil. Wholefoods. Avoid all dairy products. Supplements. Vitamins A, C, D, E. ... bronchitis, acute



ASTHMA. Spasmodic contraction of the bronchi following exercise, emotional tension, infection, allergens, pollens, house dust, colds.

Symptoms. Obstruction of airways with wheezing, rales or whistling sounds with a sense of constriction. Often related to eczema – ‘eczema of the epithelium’. Infantile eczema treated with suppressive ointments may drive the condition ‘inwards’ and worsen asthma. “My son’s eczema has got better, but he now has asthma” is a common observation.

Causes: hypersensitivity to domestic animals, horses and pet birds. Common salt. Red or white wine allergy. An older generation of practitioners recognised a renal-bronchial asthma encouraged by faulty kidney function. With addition of a relaxing diuretic (Dandelion, Buchu or Parsley root) to a prescription, respiratory symptoms often abate.

Broncho-dilators such as Ephedra and Wild Thyme are widely used by the practitioner. To relieve spasm: Lobelia, Pleurisy root. White Horehound, Ammoniacum, Cramp bark, Garlic, Grindelia, Hyssop.

Anti-cough agents serve to remove sticky sputum: Coltsfoot, Garden Thyme, Slippery Elm bark, Maidenhair Fern, Linseed, Bayberry bark.

For the chronic asthmatic, bacterial invasion spells distress, when Echinacea or Balm of Gilead should be added. Where an irregular pulse reveals heart involvement, add: Hawthorn or Lily of the Valley.

Lobelia is of special value for the anxious patient with spasm of the bronchi. Should be tried before resorting to powerful spray mists which frequently produce gastro-intestinal disturbance.

Alternatives. Teas. Coltsfoot, Comfrey, Horehound (White), Mullein, Skullcap, Marshmallow, Thyme, Valerian, Wild Cherry bark, Elecampane, Plantain. Formula: equal parts herbs Coltsfoot, Mullein, Valerian. 1-2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water; infuse 10-15 minutes; dose, 1 cup twice daily and when necessary.

Antispasmodic Drops. See entry.

Practitioner. Ephedra, Lobelia, Gelsemium, Grindelia, Euphorbia (pill-bearing spurge), Skunk Cabbage, Senega, Pulsatilla, Lily of the Valley (cardiac asthma), Thyme. Formula. Equal parts, Tincture Lobelia simp; Tincture Belladonna; Tincture Ephedra. 5-10 drops thrice daily (maintenance), 10-20 drops for spasm.

Cockayne, Ernest, FNIMH. Hyssop tea for children throughout childhood to avoid respiratory disorders. Dr Finlay Ellingwood. Gelsemium 3.5ml; Lobelia 3.5ml. Distilled water to 120ml. One 5ml teaspoon in water every 3 hours.

Dr Alfred Vogel. Ephedra 20 per cent; Ipecac 15 per cent; Hawthorn berry 10 per cent; Blessed Thistle 5 per cent; Burnet Saxifrage 5 per cent; Garden Thyme 5 per cent; Grindelia 1 per cent. 10-15 drops in water thrice daily.

Dr Wm Thomson. 1 teaspoon Ephedra herb to cup boiling water; infuse 10-15 minutes. Half-1 cup 2-3 times daily.

Traditional. 2 teaspoons shredded Elecampane root in cup cold water; stand overnight. Next day, heat to boiling point when required. Strain. Sips, hot, with honey: 1 cup 2-3 times daily.

Potter’s Asthma & Bronchitis Compound 32. 40g medicinal teabags. Ingredients: Clove BPC 4.84 per cent; Elecampane root 17.24 per cent; Horehound 26.20 per cent; Hyssop 17.24 per cent; Irish Moss 17.24 per cent; Liquorice 17.24 per cent. Dose: 1-2 teaspoons when necessary.

Chinese Medicine. Decoction or extract from the Gingko tree widely used, as also is Ephedra, Garlic, Liquorice and Bailcalensis.

Tablets/capsules. Lobelia. Iceland Moss, (Gerard). Euphorbia (Blackmore).

Powders. Formula. Lobelia 2; Hyssop 1; Elderflowers 1; Grindelia quarter; Liquorice quarter: pinch Cayenne. Dose: 750mg (three 00 capsules or half a teaspoon) 2-3 times daily.

Aromatherapy. 6 drops Rosemary oil in 2 teaspoons Almond oil for massage upper chest to relieve congestion.


Nebulizer. A germicidal solution is made from 5 drops oil Eucalyptus in one cup boiling water. Use in nebulizer for droplet therapy.

Ioniser – use of.

Cider Vinegar. Sips of the vinegar in water for whoop.

Supportives. Yoga. Singing. Cures have been reported of patients on taking up singing. “During singing, up to 90 per cent of the vital capacity may be used without a conscious effort to increase tidal volume.” (Dr M. Judson, New England Journal of Medicine)

Diet. Low salt, low fat, high fibre, cod liver oil, carrots, watercress, Soya beans or flour, lecithin, sunflower seed oil, green vegetables, raw fruit, fresh fish. These foods are valuable sources of antioxidant vitamins and minerals essential for the body’s defence mechanism. A diet deficient in these reduces ability of the airways to withstand the ravages of cigarette smoke and other air pollutants.

Foods that are craved are ones often causing sensitivity. Among problem foods are: milk, corn, wheat, eggs, nuts, chocolate, all dairy products, fat of meats. Check labels for tartrazine artificial colouring.

Salt intake. Linked with chest diseases. “Those who eat a lot of salt had more sensitive airways than those with low salt intake . . . excess salt tended to cause most pronounced symptoms.” (Institute of Respiratory Diseases, Oavia, Italy)

Asthma mortality could be significantly reduced by sufferers lowering their salt consumption, an epidemiologist predicted.

Supplements. Daily. Vitamin B6 50-100mg. Vitamin C 500mg. Vitamin E 400iu. Magnesium, Zinc. Cod liver oil: 2 teaspoons.

Anti-allergic bedding. Provides a protective barrier against the house dust mite on mattresses and bedding. Droppings from the tiny pests are worse in the bedroom. ... asthenia

Bronchitis, Chronic

The ‘English Disease’. The result of repeated attacks of the acute condition. Menace to the elderly when bronchi becomes thickened and narrowed. Inelastic walls secrete a thick purulent mucus of fetid odour which plugs tubes and arrests oxygen intake. Aggravated by cold and damp, hence the need of a warm house with warm bedroom. Causes are many: smoking, industrial pollution irritants, soot, fog, etc. Breathlessness and audible breathing sounds may present an alarming spectacle.

A steady herbal regime is required including agents which may coax sluggish liver or kidneys into action (Dandelion, Barberry). Sheer physical exhaustion may require Ginseng. For purulent sputum – Boneset, Elecampane, Pleurisy root. To increase resistance – Echinacea. Where due to tuberculosis – Iceland Moss. For blood-streaked mucus – Blood root. For fever – Elderflowers, Yarrow. To conserve cardiac energies – Hawthorn, Motherwort. A profuse sweat affords relief – Elderflowers.

Alternatives. Capsicum, Ephedra, Fenugreek, Garlic, Grindelia, Holy Thistle, Iceland Moss, Lobelia, Mullein, Pleurisy Root, Wild Cherry.

Tea. Formula. Iceland Moss 2; Mullein 1; Wild Cherry bark 1. 1 heaped teaspoon to each cup water gently simmered 10 minutes. Dose: 1 cup 2-3 times daily.

Powders. Pleurisy root 2; Echinacea 1; Holy Thistle 1. Pinch Ginger. Mix. Dose: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon) 2-3 times daily.

Tinctures. Formula. Iceland Moss 2; Lobelia 2; Grindelia quarter; Capsicum quarter. Dose: 1-2 teaspoons two or more times daily.

Practitioner. Liquid Extract Ephedra BHP (1983), dose 1-3ml. Or: Tincture Ephedra BHP (1983), dose 6-8ml.

Topical. Same as for acute bronchitis.

Note: In a test at Trafford General Hospital, Manchester, blowing-up balloons proved of benefit to those with chronic bronchitis. Fourteen patients were asked to inflate balloons and 14 refrained from doing so. After 8 weeks, the balloon-blowers showed considerable improvement in walking and a sense of well- being. Breathlessness was reduced. Condition of the others was either unchanged or worse. ... bronchitis, chronic


A protective reflex for the expulsion of an obstruction or irritant from lower respiratory organs. Causes are legion, smoking being most common. A cough is often secondary to an underlying condition which should receive prompt attention, (bronchitis, pleurisy, croup, etc).

The modern herbalist does not use suppressives but favours expectorants or ‘eliminatives’ to soothe irritated surfaces and expel excess mucus. If a dry unproductive irritating cough persists despite treatment, a qualified practitioner should be consulted.

Addition of a nervine (Skullcap, Wild Lettuce, etc) acts as a relaxant. May be a particular help for nervous cough. Add Hawthorn or Motherwort to sustain the heart where necessary.

Alternatives. Teas. Any one: Aniseed, Caraway, Blessed Thistle, Coltsfoot, Comfrey leaves, Ground Ivy, Hyssop, Liquorice (shredded root), Marshmallow, Mouse Ear, Mullein, Plantain, Soapwort, Iceland Moss, Wild Violet, Thyme, White Horehound, Lungwort. Formulae:

(1) Equal parts; Coltsfoot, White Horehound, Liquorice. (2) Equal parts; Hyssop, White Horehound, Valerian. (3) Equal parts; Mullein, Lemon Balm, Valerian.

Decoctions. Any one: Balm of Gilead buds, Elecampane root, Fenugreek seeds, Grindelia, Marshmallow root, Pleurisy root, Wild Lettuce, Wild Cherry bark. Valerian (nervous cough). Formula: Equal parts: Elecampane root, Marshmallow root, Wild Cherry bark. 1 heaped teaspoon to 2 cups water gently simmered 20 minutes. Half-1 cup freely.

Tablets/capsules. Lobelia, Iceland Moss, Garlic.

Powders. Formula: equal parts, Lobelia, Liquorice root, Elecampane. Dose: 750mg (three 00 capsules or half a teaspoon) 2-3 times daily.

Liquid Extracts. (1) Formula: Lobelia 2; Sundew 3; Red Clover 3; Ginseng 6. 30-60 drops in hot water, every 2 hours. (George Slack)

(2) Formula Elderflowers 1; Boneset 1; Hyssop 2; Liquorice half. 1 teaspoon in cup hot water, every 2 hours.

Tinctures. Formula. Elecampane 2; Black Cohosh 2; Lobelia 1; Few drops Tincture Capsicum. Dose: 30- 60 drops in hot water every 2 hours.

BHP (1983) recommends: Elecampane, Hops, Mullein, Wild Cherry bark, Wild Lettuce.

Potter’s. Balm of Gilead Cough Mixture.

Onion juice and honey.

Topical. Rub back and chest with Olbas oil, or warm Camphorated oil. Bran or Slippery Elm poultices to chest.

Aromatherapy. Chamomile and Thyme, 5 drops each in cup boiling water, with towel over the head, as an inhalant.

Preventative. 2 Garlic capsules or tablets at night. Honey. German Chamomile tea.



Herbs that increase bronchial mucous secretion by promoting liquefaction of sticky mucus and its expulsion from the body. Their secondary action is that of a vasoconstrictor which, in the case of a stuffy nose, relieves by reducing blood supply to the inflamed lining of the nasal passage. They improve the outlook for respiratory troubles.

Aniseed, Ammoniacum gum, Asafoetida, Balm of Gilead, Blood root, Boneset, Chickweed, Coltsfoot, Comfrey, Elderflowers, Elecampane, Eucalyptus, Fenugreek seeds, Garlic, Goldenseal, Grindelia, Heartsease, Holy Thistle, Hyssop, Iceland Moss, Irish Moss, Life root, Liquorice, Lobelia, Lungwort, Marshmallow, Mouse Ear, Mullein, Maidenhair Fern, Myrrh, Parsley root, Pleurisy root, Queen’s Delight, Red Clover, Senega, Skunk Cabbage, Slippery Elm, Squill, Thuja, Thyme, White Horehound, Wild Cherry, Wild Violet, Yerba Santa. ... expectorants

Legionnaire’s Disease

Non-contagious acute infection affecting the mucous membrane of the lungs. A form of pneumonia, caused by the organism Legionella pneumophilla.

Onset: 2-10 days.

Sources of infection: water-cooling and air-conditioning plants, Aerosols.

Usually attacks those with existing lung weakness. Those with low natural resistance and smokers are most at risk. Epidemic or single cases. Diagnosis confirmed by Haematological laboratory.

Symptoms. High body temperature (above 39°C). Rigor. Shivering. Diarrhoea. Dry cough. Bleeding from stomach and intestines. Mental confusion. Chest pains, shortness of breath, occasional diarrhoea. Differential diagnosis. Glandular fever. Other forms of pneumonia.

Indicated: anti-microbials and expectorants.

Treatment. Formula. Pleurisy root 2; Echinacea root 2; Grindelia quarter. Dose – Powders: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon). Liquid extracts: one 5ml teaspoon. Tinctures: two 5ml teaspoons. Every 3 hours. Take together with:–

Fenugreek tea. 2 heaped teaspoons seeds to each cup water simmered gently 10 minutes. Drink freely 1 cup. Seeds should be swallowed.

Enema. Strong Yarrow tea enema to control bowel bleeding. ... legionnaire’s disease

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