A herb to induce vomiting. Given to expel poisons. Physiomedical doctors of the 1880s employed emetics at the onset of a feverish condition, setting much store on emptying and cleansing the stomach, relaxing the skin, regulating the bowels, claiming that a fever could often be aborted or cut short in its early stages.
While emetic therapy is no longer popular, it has a tradition of use for dropsy, dysentery, jaundice, bilious attacks and acidity – even swollen testicles!
Important agents: Balm, Boneset, Catmint, Elderflowers, Elecampane (mild), Holy Thistle (mild), Poke root, Senega, Squill, Queen’s Delight, Grape bark (Guarea). Mustard: 1 tablespoon to 8oz warm water. Simple emetic: 1 teaspoon Lobelia herb to cup boiling water.
To restore stomach-tone after use of emetics give bitters: Centuary, Gentian, Angostura, Chamomile, Bogbean, Poplar bark, White Horehound, Vermuth. ... emetic