Gumma Health Dictionary

Gumma: From 3 Different Sources

A soft tumour that may develop in the late stages of untreated syphilis.

These tumours are very uncommon in developed countries.

Health Source: BMA Medical Dictionary
Author: The British Medical Association
A hard swelling, or GRANULOMA, characteristic of tertiary SYPHILIS. It normally develops in the skin or subcutaneous tissue, mucous membranes or submucosa, and the long bones. Although often painless, it may produce marked symptoms by interfering with the brain or other internal organs in which it may be located. Treatment with penicillin (or tetracycline if the patient is allergic) usually ensures a rapid disappearance of the gumma.
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary
n. a small soft tumour, characteristic of the tertiary stage of *syphilis, that occurs in connective tissue, the liver, brain, testes, heart, or bone.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin


A sexually transmitted or CONGENITAL disease (the latter variety is now rare). Because in most cases the disease is acquired as a result of sexual intercourse with an infected individual, syphilis is classed as one of the SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES (STDS). It normally affects only human beings.

Today, around 40 million new cases are noti?ed annually in the world, and this is probably an underestimate. In the UK the annual incidence of new cases of syphilis diagnosed in NHS genito-urinary medicine clinics has risen from 8.8 to 9.7 per million of male population between 1991 and 1999; among women the ?gures were 4.0 to 4.5 per million. The infection is most common in homosexual men (see HOMOSEXUALITY).

Causes The causative organism is the Treponema pallidum, a long, thread-like wavy organism with pointed tapering ends. It is found in large numbers in the sores in the primary stage of the disease and in the skin lesions in the secondary stage.

Syphilis may be acquired from people already suffering from the disease, or it may be congenital. The acquired form is usually got by sexual intercourse, kissing or other intimate bodily contact. The epithelium covering the general surface of the skin seems to be an e?cient protection, but the infective material penetrates mucous membranes. The acquired form of the disease is infectious from contact with sores, both in its primary and secondary stages; infants suffering from the congenital form are also highly infectious. Accordingly, anyone frequently handling such an infant is at risk of infection, although the mother may handle the baby with impunity.

Symptoms The acquired form of the disease is commonly divided into three stages – primary, secondary, and tertiary (although the latter is much less common than it was 50 years ago). The clinical manifestations are varied and are sometimes confused with those of other diseases. There are several laboratory tests for con?rming the diagnosis.

The incubation period ranges from ten to 90 days, although most frequently it is around four weeks. Then, a small persistent ULCER appears at the site of infection, which is accompanied by a typical cartilaginous hardness of the tissues immediately around and beneath it. This, which is known as the primary sore (or chancre), may be very much in?amed, or it may be so small as to pass almost or quite unnoticed. A few days later, the lymphatic glands in its neighbourhood, and then those all over the body, become swollen and hard. This condition lasts for several weeks before the sore slowly heals and the glands subside. After a variable period – usually about two months from the date of infection – the secondary symptoms appear and resemble the symptoms of an ordinary FEVER, with pyrexia, loss of appetite, vague pains through the body, and a faint red rash seen best upon the front of the chest. People with syphilis are infectious in the primary and secondary stages but not in the latent or tertiary stages.

In untreated or inadequately treated cases, manifestations of the tertiary stage develop after the lapse of some months or even years: this is known as the latent period. These consist in the growth, at various sites throughout the body, of masses of granulation tissue known as gummas. These gummas may appear as hard nodules in the skin, or form tumour-like masses in the muscles, or produce thickening of bones. They may develop in the brain and spinal cord, where their presence causes very serious symptoms. Gummas yield readily, as a rule, to appropriate treatment, and generally disappear speedily.

Still later, effects are apt to follow, such as disease of the arteries, leading to ANEURYSM (see also ARTERIES, DISEASES OF), to STROKE, and to mental deterioration (see MENTAL ILLNESS); also certain nervous diseases, of which tabes dorsalis and general paralysis are the chief.

The congenital form of syphilis, now rare, may affect the child before birth, leading then as a rule to miscarriage or to a stillbirth if born at full time. Alternatively he (or she) may show the ?rst symptoms a few weeks after birth, the appearances then corresponding to the secondary manifestations of the acquired form.

Laboratory con?rmation of a clinical diagnosis is done by identifying active spirochaetes (see SPIROCHAETE) in a smear taken at the site of the initial chancre, and by blood tests such as the treponomal antibody absorption tests. These tests are strongly positive at the secondary stage, and in patients with neurosyphilis the tests may have to be done on CEREBROSPINAL FLUID.

Treatment Any person with syphilis is a source of infection, and should take precautions not to spread it. PENICILLIN is the drug of choice in the disease in all its stages, but resistant strains of the Treponema pallidum have emerged and are causing problems, especially in developing countries. Treatment must be instituted as soon as possible after infection is acquired: (1) a full course of treatment is essential in every case, no matter how mild the disease may appear to be; (2) periodic blood examinations must be carried out on every patient for at least two years after he or she has been apparently cured.

Prevention is important and promiscuous hetero- or homosexual intercourse involves a risk of infection. Condoms provide some, but not complete protection. Infection can be avoided by maintaining a monogamous relationship.... syphilis

Coomb Teak

Gmelina arborea


San: Gumbhari;

Hin:Gamari, Jugani-chukar;

Mal: Kumizhu, Kumpil;

Guj: Shewan; Pun:Gumbar; Mar: Shivanasal;

Kan: Kummuda;

Tam: Uni, Gumadi;

Tel: Gummadi;

Importance: Coomb teak, Candahar tree or Kashmeeri tree is a moderate sized, unarmed, deciduous tree which is a vital ingredient of the ”dasamula” (group of ten roots). The whole plant is medicinally very important. It promotes digestive power, improves memory, overcomes giddiness and is also used as an antidote for snake bite and scorpion sting. Roots are useful in hallucination, fever, dyspepsia, hyperdipsia, haemorrhoids, stomachalgia, heart diseases, nervous disorders, piles and burning sensation. Bark is used in fever and dyspepsia. Leaf paste is good for cephalagia and leaf juice is a good wash for foul ulcers and is also used in the treatment of gonorrhoea and cough. Flowers are recommended for leprosy, skin and blood diseases. The fruits are used for promoting the growth of hair and in anaemia, leprosy, ulcers, constipation, strangury, leucorrhoea, colpitis and lung disease.

Wood is one of the best and most reliable timber of India. It is used for making furniture, planks, carriages, printing boxes, musical instruments, shafts, axles, picture frames, jute bobbins, calipers, ship buildings, artificial limbs and stethoscopes.

In south India the bark of the tree is used by arrack manufacturers to regulate the fermentation of toddy. The plant is also grown in garden or avenues (Dey, 1988; Sivarajan and Indira, 1994).

Distribution: The plant is found wild throughout India from the foot of Himalayas to Kerala and Anadamans, in moist, semideciduous and open forests upto an altitude of 1500 m. It is also distributed in Sri Lanka and Philippines.

Botany: Gmelina arborea Roxb. Syn. Premna arborea Roth. belongs to Family Verbenaceae. It is an unarmed deciduous tree growing up to 20m height with whitish grey corky lenticellate bark, exfloliating in thin flakes. Branchlets and young parts are clothed with fine white mealy pubescence. Leaves are simple, opposite, broadly ovate, cordate, glandular, glabrous above when mature and fulvous-tomentose beneath. Flowers brownish yellow in terminal panicle. Calyx campanulate, pubescent outside and with 5 lobes. Corolla showy brownish yellow with short tube and oblique limbs. Stamens 4, didynamous and included. Ovary is 4 chambered with one ovule each; style slender ending in a bifid stigma. Fruits are fleshy ovoid drupes, orange yellow when ripe. Seeds 1 or 2, hard and oblong.

Agrotechnology: Coomb teak is a sun loving plant. It does not tolerate drought. But it grows in light frost. Rainfall higher than 2000mm and loose soil are ideal. The best method of propagation is by seeds but rarely propagated vegitatevely by stem cuttings also. Seed formation occurs in May-June. Seeds are dried well before use. They are soaked in water for 12 hours before sowing. Seed rate is 3kg/ha. Seeds are sown in nursery beds shortly before rains. Seeds germinate within one month. Seedlings are transplanted in the first rainy season when they are 7-10cm tall. Pits of size 50cm cube are made at a spacing of 3-4m and filled with sand, dried cowdung and surface soil, over which the seedlings are transplanted. 20kg organic manure is given once a year. Irrigation and weeding should be done on a regular basis. The common disease reported is sooty mould caused by Corticium salmonicolor which can be controlled by applying a suitable fungicide. The tree grows fast and may be ready for harvesting after 4 or 5 years. This plant is coppiced and traded. The roots are also used for medicinal purposes. The tree may stand up to 25 years.

Properties and activity: Roots and heart wood of Coomb teak are reported to contain gmelinol, hentriacontanol, n-octacosanol and -sitosterol. The roots contain sesquiterpenoid and apiosylskimmin, a coumarin characterised as umbelliferone-7-apiosyl glucoside and gmelofuran. The heart wood gives ceryl alcohol, cluytyl ferulate, lignans, arboreol, gmelonone, 6”-bromo isoarboreol, lignan hemiacetal and gummidiol. Leaves yield luteolin, apigenin, quercetin, hentriacontanol, -sitosterol, quercetogenin and other flavons. Fruits contain butyric acid, tartaric acid, and saccharine substances (Asolkar et al, 1992; Dey, 1988).

The roots are acrid, bitter, tonic, stomachic, laxative, galactogogue, demulcent, antibilious, febrifuge and anthelmintic. Bark is bitter, hypoglycaemic, antiviral, anticephalalgic and tonic. The leaves are demulcent, antigonorrhoeic and bechic. Flowers are sweet, refrigerant, astringent and acrid. Fruits are acrid, refrigerant, diuretic, astringent, aphrodisiac, trichogenous, alterant and tonic (Warrier et al; 1995).... coomb teak

Muscles, Disorders Of

Compression syndrome The tense, painful state of muscles induced by excessive accumulation of INTERSTITIAL ?uid in them, following unusual exercise. This condition is more liable to occur in the muscles at the front of the shin, because they lie within a tight fascial membrane: here the syndrome is known as the anterior tibial syndrome (‘shin splints’). Prevention consists of always keeping ?t and in training for the amount of exercise to be undertaken. Equally important is what is known in sporting circles as ‘warming down’: i.e., at the end of training or a game, exercise should be gradually tailed o?. Treatment consists of elevation of the affected limb, compression of it by compression bandages, with ample exercise of the limb within the bandage, and massage. In more severe cases DIURETICS may be given. Occasionally surgical decompression may be necessary.

Cramp Painful spasm of a muscle usually caused by excessive and prolonged contraction of the muscle ?bres. Cramps are common, especially among sportsmen and women, normally lasting a short time. The condition usually occurs during or immediately following exercise as a result of a build-up of LACTIC ACID and other chemical by-products in the muscles

– caused by the muscular e?orts. Cramps may occur more frequently, especially at night, in people with poor circulation, when the blood is unable to remove the lactic acid from the muscles quickly enough.

Repetitive movements such as writing (writer’s cramp) or operating a keyboard can cause cramp. Resting muscles may suffer cramp if a person sits or lies in an awkward position which limits local blood supply to them. Profuse sweating as a result of fever or hot weather can also cause cramp in resting muscle, because the victim has lost sodium salts in the sweat; this disturbs the biochemical balance in muscle tissue.

Treatment is to massage and stretch the affected muscle – for example, cramp in the calf muscle may be relieved by pulling the toes on the affected leg towards the knee. Persistent night cramps sometimes respond to treatment with a drug containing CALCIUM or QUININE. If cramp persists for an hour or more, the person should seek medical advice, as there may be a serious cause such as a blood clot impeding the blood supply to the area affected.

Dystrophy See myopathy below.

In?ammation (myositis) of various types may occur. As the result of injury, an ABSCESS may develop, although wounds affecting muscle generally heal well. A growth due to SYPHILIS, known as a gumma, sometimes forms a hard, almost painless swelling in a muscle. Rheumatism is a vague term traditionally used to de?ne intermittent and often migratory discomfort, sti?ness or pain in muscles and joints with no obvious cause. The most common form of myositis is the result of immunological damage as a result of autoimmune disease. Because it affects many muscles it is called POLYMYOSITIS.

Myasthenia (see MYASTHENIA GRAVIS) is muscle weakness due to a defect of neuromuscular conduction.

Myopathy is a term applied to an acquired or developmental defect in certain muscles. It is not a neurological disease, and should be distinguished from neuropathic conditions (see NEUROPATHY) such as MOTOR NEURONE DISEASE (MND), which tend to affect the distal limb muscles. The main subdivisions are genetically determined, congenital, metabolic, drug-induced, and myopathy (often in?ammatory) secondary to a distant carcinoma. Progressive muscular dystrophy is characterised by symmetrical wasting and weakness, the muscle ?bres being largely replaced by fatty and ?brous tissue, with no sensory loss. Inheritance may take several forms, thus affecting the sex and age of victims.

The commonest type is DUCHENNE MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, which is inherited as a sex-linked disorder. It nearly always occurs in boys.

Symptoms There are three chief types of myopathy. The commonest, known as pseudohypertrophic muscular dystrophy, affects particularly the upper part of the lower limbs of children. The muscles of the buttocks, thighs and calves seem excessively well developed, but nevertheless the child is clumsy, weak on his legs, and has di?culty in picking himself up when he falls. In another form of the disease, which begins a little later, as a rule at about the age of 14, the muscles of the upper arm are ?rst affected, and those of the spine and lower limbs become weak later on. In a third type, which begins at about this age, the muscles of the face, along with certain of the shoulder and upper arm muscles, show the ?rst signs of wasting. All the forms have this in common: that the affected muscles grow weaker until their power to contract is quite lost. In the ?rst form, the patients seldom reach the age of 20, falling victims to some disease which, to ordinary people, would not be serious. In the other forms the wasting, after progressing to a certain extent, often remains stationary for the rest of life. Myopathy may also be acquired when it is the result of disease such as thyrotoxicosis (see under THYROID GLAND, DISEASES OF), osteomalacia (see under BONE, DISORDERS OF) and CUSHING’S DISEASE, and the myopathy resolves when the primary disease is treated.

Treatment Some myopathies may be the result of in?ammation or arise from an endocrine or metabolic abnormality. Treatment of these is the treatment of the cause, with supportive physiotherapy and any necessary physical aids while the patient is recovering. Treatment for the hereditary myopathies is supportive since, at present, there is no cure – although developments in gene research raise the possibility of future treatment. Physiotherapy, physical aids, counselling and support groups may all be helpful in caring for these patients.

The education and management of these children raise many diffculties. Much help in dealing with these problems can be obtained from Muscular Dystrophy Campaign.

Myositis ossi?cans, or deposition of bone in muscles, may be congenital or acquired. The congenital form, which is rare, ?rst manifests itself as painful swellings in the muscles. These gradually harden and extend until the child is encased in a rigid sheet. There is no e?ective treatment and the outcome is fatal.

The acquired form is a result of a direct blow on muscle, most commonly on the front of the thigh. The condition should be suspected whenever there is severe pain and swelling following a direct blow over muscle. The diagnosis is con?rmed by hardening of the swelling. Treatment consists of short-wave DIATHERMY with gentle active movements. Recovery is usually complete.

Pain, quite apart from any in?ammation or injury, may be experienced on exertion. This type of pain, known as MYALGIA, tends to occur in un?t individuals and is relieved by rest and physiotherapy.

Parasites sometimes lodge in the muscles, the most common being Trichinella spiralis, producing the disease known as TRICHINOSIS (trichiniasis).

Rupture of a muscle may occur, without any external wound, as the result of a spasmodic e?ort. It may tear the muscle right across – as sometimes happens to the feeble plantaris muscle in running and leaping – or part of the muscle may be driven through its ?brous envelope, forming a HERNIA of the muscle. The severe pain experienced in many cases of LUMBAGO is due to tearing of one of the muscles in the back. These conditions are usually relieved by rest and massage. Partial muscle tears, such as occur in sport, require more energetic treatment: in the early stages this consists of the application of an ice or cold-water pack, ?rm compression, elevation of the affected limb, rest for a day or so and then gradual mobilisation (see SPORTS MEDICINE).

Tumours occur occasionally, the most common being ?broid, fatty, and sarcomatous growths.

Wasting of muscles sometimes occurs as a symptom of disease in other organs: for example, damage to the nervous system, as in poliomyelitis or in the disease known as progressive muscular atrophy. (See PARALYSIS.)... muscles, disorders of


A non-venereal spirochaetal infection caused by Treponema pertenue ; it was formerly widespread in most tropical and subtropical regions amongst the indigenous population, ?orid disease being more common in children than adults. The term is of Carib-Indian (native to north-eastern South America, the east coast of Central America, and the lesser Antilles) origin. It is directly contagious from person to person; infection is also transmitted by ?ies, clothing, and living in unclean huts. Clinically, the primary stage is characterised by a granulomatous lesion, or papule (framboesioma or ‘mother yaw’) at the site of infection – usually the lower leg or foot; this enlarges, crusts, and heals spontaneously. It appears some 2–8 weeks after infection, during which time fever, malaise, pains, and pruritus may be present. In the secondary stage, a granulomatous, papular, macular or squamous eruption occurs; periostitis may also be present. The late, or tertiary stage (which appears 5–10 years later), is characterised by skin plaques, nodules, ulcers, hyperkeratosis (thickening of the skin of the hands and feet) and gummatous lesions affecting bones. Recurrence of infection in individuals suffering from a concurrent infection (e.g. SYPHILIS or TUBERCULOSIS) renders the infection more serious. Diagnosis is by demonstration of T. pertenue in exudate from a suspected lesion. Treatment is with PENICILLIN, to which T. pertenue is highly sensitive. Extensive eradication campaigns (initiated by the WHO in 1949) have been carried out in endemic areas; therefore, the early stages of the infection are rarely counted; only tertiary stages come to the attention of a physician. Failure of surveillance can lead to dramatic local recurrences.... yaws

Cancer – Tongue

May be scirrhus or epithelial.

Causes. Smoking, alcohol, jagged teeth, chemical irritants, septic toxins, sprayed fruit and vegetables, poisoning by lead, arsenic and other chemicals, additives, hot foods, spicy curries and peppers, chewing tobacco.

Over 80 per cent found to be present in old syphilitic cases. Charles Ryall, surgeon, Cancer Hospital, regarded the two as comparable with that between syphilis and tabes. Dr F. Foester, Surgeon, concluded that epithelioma of the tongue as far more frequently preceded by syphilis than any other form of cancer.

(Hastings Gilford FRCS, “Tumours and Cancers”)

The condition may arise from a gumma or patch of leucoplakia (white patches) – at one time known as smoker’s tongue.

Of possible value. Alternatives:– Many plants have been shown to produce neoplastic activity, as observed in discovery of anti-cancer alkaloids of the Vinca plant (Vinchristine) and Mistletoe. Dr Wm Boericke confirms clinical efficacy of Clivers, promoting healthy granulations in ulcers and tumour of the tongue. Dr W.H. Cook advises a mouthwash of Goldenseal. For scirrhous hardening, juice of fresh Houseleek has a traditional reputation.

Tinctures. Equal parts Condurango and Goldenseal. 30-60 drops before meals in water; drops increased according to tolerance.

Local paint. Thuja lotion.

Case record. Dr Brandini, Florence, had a patient, 71, with inoperable cancer of the tongue. In the midst of his pain he asked for a lemon which immediately assuaged the pain. The next day gave him even greater relief. The doctor tried it on a number of similar patients with the same results, soaking lint in lemon juice.

Diet. See: DIET – CANCER.

Treatment by a general medical practitioner or hospital oncologist. ... cancer – tongue

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