Neglected professional dental attention may result in deposits of plaque or tartar on the teeth, responsible for gum recession and loose teeth. Gums become soft and sensitive. Usually associated with refined sugar intake, carbonated beverages, the aftermath of infections, etc. Recession may be caused by incorrect brushing of the teeth.
To harden gums: 5-10 drops Tincture Myrrh in tumbler of water as a mouth rinse, freely. To inhibit plaque: chew sticks of Marshmallow root, Liquorice root, or Orris root. Saliva from such chewing inhibits lactic acid; reduces adherence of Saliva mutans.
Mouth wash. Leaves of Comfrey, Sage or Walnut. 2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes.
Marie Treben’s Mouth Rinse. Equal parts, Ladies Mantle, Oak bark, Sage, Knotgrass. Mix. 2 teaspoons to cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes. Strain off.
Bloodroot makes a mouth wash for reducing plaque and blocks enzymes that destroy collagen in gum tissue. (American Herbal Association)
Cider Vinegar. 2 teaspoons in glass of water. Sips throughout the day.
Diet. Alfalfa tea. Sugar-free, salt-free diet. Reject foods known to contain additives. Supplementation. Vitamin C (1 gram daily). Calcium. Dolomite.
Painful from ill-fitting dentures or injury caused by new dentures, with soft sensitive gums. Same treatment as for GUMS, RECEDING. Leave out artificial teeth at night to allow gums to “breathe”. Sage tea as a mouth rinse – success reported. Coenzyme Vitamin Q10: 60mg daily. ... gums
Withdrawal of the gums from around the teeth, exposing part of the roots. The teeth may be sensitive to hot and cold substances, and the attachment of the tooth in the socket may weaken, causing the tooth to become loose. Severe cases of receding gums are usually a signs of gum disease (see periodontitis; gingivitis).... receding gums