(Linn.) Briq.Synonym: G. pentaphylla DC. Cleome gynandra Linn.Family: Capparidaceae.
Habitat: Throughout warmer parts of India.
Ayurvedic: Tilaparni (white var.), (Pita or yellow-flowered var. is equated with Cleome viscosa Linn.), Ajagandhaa, Pashugandhaa, Ugragandhaa, Puutigandhaa, Barbaraka. Suuryaavartta has been equated with G. pentaphylla DC.Siddha/Tamil: Thaivelai, Nalvelai.Action: Leaves and seeds—used in the same way as mustard. Bruised leaves—rubefacient and vesicant, used as counter-irritant in headache, neuralgia, rheumatic affections. Roots—decoction, febrifuge. Seeds—anthelmintic; externally counter-irritant. Applied as poultice to sores with maggots. An infusion is given for coughs.
The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia ofIn- dia recommended the use of the seed in chlorsis, chronic obstructive jaundice and enlarged prostate.The seeds are reported to contain cleomin, hexacosanol, free beta-sitos- terol and kaempferol; also glucosino- lates.Alcoholic extract of the whole plant exhibited anti-inflammatory activity in carrageenan-induced inflammation in rats.The medicinal properties of the seeds are attributed to the presence of cleomin. Seeds also contain 1% tannins.Dosage: Seed—1-3 g powder. (API Vol. I.) Leaf—50-100 ml decoction. (CCRAS.)