Gypsy Health Dictionary

Gypsy: From 1 Different Sources

(English) A wanderer; a nomad Gipsee, Gipsey, Gipsy, Gypsi, Gypsie, Gypsey, Gypsee, Gipsi, Gipsie, Gipsea, Gypsea
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary


(Hungarian) A gypsy girl; one who moves from place to place Cziganey, Czigani, Cziganie, Cziganee, Cziganea, Cziganeah... czigany


(Spanish) A gypsy woman Gitanah, Gitanna, Gitannah, Gitane... gitana


(English) A gypsy... rumer


(Hungarian) A gypsy Tzigan, Tzigain, Tzigaine, Tzigayne... tzigane


(Hungarian) A Gypsy girl Ziganah, Zygana, Zigane, Ziganna, Zigannah, Zyganna, Zygannah, Zyganah... zigana

Breast (female) Tenderness, Pain

May be from hormonal imbalance for which Agnus Castus is almost specific.

Rosemary. 1 teaspoon leaves to cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes. Half-1 cup 2-3 times daily.

Tea. Formula. Equal parts leaves, Agnus Castus, Rosemary, Balm. 1-2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes; 1 cup 2-3 times daily.

Evening Primrose oil. 10 drops (or 2 × 250ml capsules) 3 times daily.

Poke root. Internally and externally.

Yorkshire gypsy device: fix a cabbage or a rhubarb leaf beneath brassiere.

Liquid Extract Blue Cohosh BHP (1983): 0.5-1ml, Thrice daily. Alternative: Liquid Extract Rosemary BHP (1983): 2-4ml. Thrice daily.

Vitamins. All-round multivitamin and mineral supplement. Vitamin C (1g daily). Vitamin E (400iu daily). ... breast (female) tenderness, pain

Fluid Retention Syndrome (frs)

Accumulation of fluid beneath the skin; frequent sites – fingers, abdomen, breast, ankles.

Symptoms. Headache, frequency of urine, palpitation, possible irritable bowel syndrome. “My feet are killing me”, “I can’t get my wedding ring off” are typical complaints by women with FRS. Sometimes a complication of diabetes, or follows abuse of laxatives or diuretic drugs. A part of the premenstrual syndrome.

Alternatives. Teas. Any of the following: Buchu, Dandelion, Hawthorn, Motherwort, Yarrow. One or more cups daily, cold.

Tablets. Popular combination. Powdered Dandelion root BHP (1983) 90mg; powdered Horsetail extract 3:1 10mg; powdered Uva Ursi extract 3:1 75mg. (Gerard House)

Formula. Equal parts: Hawthorn, Dandelion, Broom. Dose: Powders: 750mg (three 00 capsules or half a teaspoon). Liquid extracts: 1 teaspoon. Tinctures: 1-2 teaspoons. Thrice daily.

Practitioner. Tincture Lily of the Valley (Convallaria) BHP (1983) (1:5 in 40 per cent alcohol). Dose 8- 15 drops (0.5-1ml). Thrice daily.

Aromatherapy. 6 drops Lavender oil on wet handkerchief: use as a compress for relief of ankles during a journey.

Traditional Gypsy Medicine. The sufferer is exposed to the rising smoke of smouldering Juniper berries which exudes volatile oils and has a gentle diuretic effect.

Diet. Salt-free. High protein. Dandelion coffee. Supplements. Vitamin B-complex, Potassium, Copper. ... fluid retention syndrome (frs)

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