Synonym: A. belladonna auct. non L.
Family: Solanaceae.
Habitat: Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh up to 2,500 m.
English: Indian Belladonna, Indian Atropa.
Ayurvedic: Suuchi.
Unani: Luffaah, Luffaah-Barri, Yabaruj, Shaabiraj.
Action: Highly poisonous; sedative, narcotic, anodyne, nervine, antispasmodic (used in paralysis); parkinsonism; encephalitis; carcinoma; spastic dysmenorrhoea; whooping cough, spasmodic asthma; colic of intestines, gall bladder or kidney, spasm of bladder and ureters; contraindicated in enlarged prostate.
Key application: In spasm and colic-like pain in the areas of the gastrointestinal tract and bile ducts. (German Commission E, The British Herbal Pharmacopoeia.) It is contraindicated in tachycardiac arrhythmias, prostate adenoma, glaucoma, acute oedema of lungs.A. belladonna L. (European sp. Belladonna, Deadly Nightshade) is cultivated in Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh.The herb contains tropane (tropine) or solanaceous alkaloids (up to 0.6%), including hyoscamine and atropine; flavonoids; coumarins; volatile bases (nicotine).Tropane alkaloids inhibit the para- sympathetic nervous system, which controls involuntary bodily activities; reduces saliva, gastric, intestinal and bronchial secretions, and also the activity of urinary tubules. Tropane alkaloids also increase the heart rate and dilate the pupils. These alkaloids are used as an additive to compound formulations for bronchitis, asthma, whooping cough, gastrointestinal hy- permotility, dysmenorrhoea, nocturnal enuresis and fatigue syndrome.Atropine provides relief in parkin- sonism and neurovegetative dystonia.The root is the most poisonous, the leaves and flowers less, and the berries the least. (Francis Brinker.)
Dosage: Leaf, root—30-60 mg powder. (CCRAS.)... atropa acuminata royle ex