Inflammation of an artery. Chiefly refers to temporal arteritis (giant cell) from which blindness may develop. Over 60s at risk. Associated with polymyalgia rheumatica.
Symptoms. Frontal headache – single or double-sided. Forehead tender to touch. Red line on forehead may confirm temporal arteritis. Feverishness. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is always high and should be frequently checked in a Haematology laboratory. Steroids may be sight-saving but should only be resorted to until effective phytomedicines are discovered.
Alternatives. Teas. Cactus, Feverfew, Ginkgo, Meadowsweet, Nettles, Parsley, Rutin, Skullcap.
Tea, formula. Combine equal parts: Hawthorn, Ginkgo, Valerian. 1 heaped teaspoon to each cup water gently simmered 5 minutes. Dose: Half-1 cup thrice daily.
Tablets/capsules. Bamboo gum, Ginkgo, Hawthorn, Prickly Ash, Rutavite, Wild Yam.
Practitioner. (1) Liquid extracts: Lily of the Valley 10ml; Hawthorn 15ml; Valerian 5ml. Tincture Capsicum 0.3ml (5 drops). Dose: 15-60 drops in water thrice daily.
(2) Lily of the Valley, tincture BPC 1934: dose 0.3-1.2ml.
(3) Tincture Gelsemium for severe headache.
Diet. See: DIET – HEART AND CIRCULATION. Pineapple juice.
Supplements. B-complex, Vitamin E (500-1000iu daily). Evening Primrose oil, Maxepa, Glanolin. Iodine, Magnesium, Selenium, Zinc. ... arteritis