Haemostatic Health Dictionary

Haemostatic: From 3 Different Sources

(styptic) n. an agent that stops or prevents haemorrhage; for example, *tranexamic acid and *phytomenadione. Haemostatics are used to control bleeding due to various causes.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin


A group of drugs used to treat bleeding disorders such as HAEMOPHILIA. Factor VIII is one of the clotting factors available for treatment: preparations of it are injected after abnormal bleeding or before surgery. Vitamin K preparations are another haemostatic group used to treat an overdose of ANTICOAGULANTS.

Haemostatic preparations of gelatine and cellulose are used to stem bleeding from the skin and gums, or as a result of tooth extractions.... haemostatics

Haemostatic Drugs

A group of drugs used to treat bleeding disorders and to control bleeding. Haemostatic preparations that help blood clotting are given to people who have deficiencies of natural clotting factors. For example, factor VIII is used to treat haemophilia. Drugs that prevent the breakdown of fibrin in clots, such as tranexamic acid, can also improve haemostasis.... haemostatic drugs

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