An adequate daily intake of essential fatty acids is assured by the golden oils (Sunflower, Corn, etc) which can be well supported by Evening Primrose oil capsules.
Internal: Bamboo gum. Nettle tea, Alfalfa, Horsetail, Soya.
Topical. Shampoo. Soapwort or Yucca. Chop 2 tablespoons (dry) or 1 tablespoon (fresh) leaves or root. Place in cup of warm water. Stir until a froth is produced. Decant and massage liquor into scalp.
Aloe Vera gel is noted for its moisturising effect and to provide nutrients. It may be used as a shampoo, hair set and conditioner. Jojoba oil has been used for centuries by the Mexican Indians for a healthy scalp; today, it is combined with Evening Primrose and Vitamin E with good effect. Olive oil stimulates strong growth.
One of several herbs may be used as a rinse, including Nettles, Rosemary, Southernwood, Fennel, Chamomile, Yellow Dock and Quassia. Hair should be washed not more than once weekly with warm water and simple vegetable soap; rinse four times with warm rinse, finishing off with cold. Brunettes should add a little vinegar; blondes, lemon juice. Selenium once had a reputation as a hair conditioner; recent research confirms. Selenium shampoos are available.
Supplements: Vitamins B (complex), B6, Choline, C and E. Copper, Zinc, Selenium, Vitamin B12 (50mg thrice daily).
Aromatherapy. 2 drops each: Sage, Nettles, Thyme; to 2 teaspoons Gin or Vodka, and massage into the scalp daily. ... hair care
Itchy scalp. Catmint leaves and flowers, Chamomile, Comfrey. ... hair – dry
Topical. Massage scalp with creams or lotions of Jojoba, Aloe Vera, or wash with strong teas made from Burdock, Sage, Elder leaves, Walnut leaves or Nettles. Apple Cider vinegar.
Aromatherapy. 2 drops each: Sage, Nettles, Thyme to two teaspoons Gin, Vodka or strong spirit. Massage into scalp daily.
Supplements. Biotin, a growth factor, seems to slow down hair loss and is a substitute for oestrogen in a penetrating cream applied to the scalp. Inositol 300mg; Zinc 15mg, daily. ... hair falling
Supplements: PABA, Vitamin B-complex, Kelp, Selenium, Zinc. ... hair – greying
Causes: hormone deficiency (Agnus Castus) in females, where it may be associated with failing thyroid or ovarian function. In such cases, other agents include: Helonias, Motherwort, Black Haw bark. Other causes may be pregnancy, the menopause, or simply discontinuing The Pill. Certain skin diseases predispose: ringworm (Thuja), eczema (Yellow Dock), from thyroid disorder (Kelp, Blue Flag root).
Exposure to some cosmetics, excessive sunlight, strong chemicals and treatment of cancer with cytotoxic drugs may interfere with nutrition of the hair follicles. To ensure a healthy scalp a correct mineral balance is essential calling for supplementation of the diet with vitamins, selenium, zinc and silica. Yellow Dock is believed to counter toxicity of chemicals; Pleurisy root opens the pores to promote sweat and action of surface capillaries.
Baldness sometimes happens suddenly; eye-lashes or beard may be affected. Though emotional stress and a run-down condition is a frequent cause, most cases are not permanent, returning to normal with adequate treatment.
Baldness of the eyebrows alerts us to a lowered function of the thyroid gland, being an early outward sign of myxoedema. A pony-tail hair style or the wearing of a crash helmet may cause what is known as traction alopecia. Heavy coffee drinkers invariably lose hair lustre.
Soviet Research favours silica-rich plants internally and as a lotion: Horsetail, Burdock, Nettles, Bamboo gum.
Growth of hair is assisted by improving surface circulation of the scalp which is beneficial for conveying nutrients to the hair roots and facilitating drainage. Herbal vasodilators stimulate hair follicle nutrition and encourage growth: Cayenne, Pleurisy root, Black Cohosh and Prickly Ash, taken internally. A convenient way of taking Cayenne is the use of a pepper-shaker at table.
Topical. Hair rinse. 2-3 times weekly. Infusion: equal parts Yarrow, Sage and Rosemary. 1oz (30g) to 1 pint (500ml) water. Simmer gently five minutes. Allow to cool. Strain before use.
Cider vinegar – minimal success reported.
Day lotion. Liquid Extract Jaborandi half an ounce; Tincture Cantharides half an ounce; Oil Jojoba to 4oz. Shake well before use.
Oily lotion. Equal parts Olive and Eucalyptus oils.
Bay Rhum Lotion. Oil of Bay 50 drops; Olive oil half an ounce; Rum (Jamaica or other) to 4oz. Shake well before use.
Oil Rosemary: rub into hair roots.
Russian Traditional. Castor oil half an ounce; Almond oil 1oz; Oil Geranium 15 drops; Vodka to 6oz. Rub into hair roots.
Aromatherapy. To 1oz Castor oil and 1oz Olive oil add, 10 drops each – Oils Neroli, Lavender and Rosemary.
Gentian plant extract. Japanese scalp massage with extract from roots to thicken thinning hair. Some success reported.
Supplements. B-vitamins, Kelp, Silicea Biochemic salt. Zinc. Low levels of iron and zinc can cause the condition.
Note: Studies show that male occipital baldness confers a risk of heart disease, being associated with a higher total cholesterol and diastolic blood pressure than men with a full head of hair. Frontal baldness has not been found to be associated with increased risk of coronary heart disease and myocardial infarct. “It seems prudent for bald men to be specially vigorous in controlling risk factors for such conditions.” (S.M. Lesko, Journal of the American Medical Association, Feb 24, 1993, 269: 998-1003) ... hair loss
HAKIMS. A group of herbal therapists, usually Indian or Muslim, who practise the Ayurvedic system of medicine. See: AYURVEDIC.
HALFA SUDANI. Sudanese grass. Hamareb. Traditional reputation in Egypt and the Sudan for breaking- up gravel and stone. Due to high salt content in soil and water, gravel is a common native affliction.
Tea: whole plant: 1oz to 1 pint water simmered 5 minutes. 1 cup freely until all is taken during the day. Continue until positive results ensue. ... hair – surplus
It may also be shaved from around an incision site before surgery.
Temporary methods include shaving, waxing, depilatory creams, and waxing; electrolysis is the only permanent method of removal.... hair removal
Stinging capsules discharge when jellyfish tentacles are touched.
Usually, the sting causes only a mildly painful or itchy rash, but some jellyfish and Portuguese men-of-war (other members of the same group) can cause a severe sting.
Rarely, venom may cause vomiting, sweating, breathing difficulties, and collapse.
Dangerous species live mainly in tropical waters.
Antivenoms may be available.... jellyfish stings
In strip grafting, a strip of skin and hair is taken from a donor site, usually at the back of the scalp or behind the ears. The removed hairs and their follicles are then inserted into numerous incisions made in a bald area, known as the recipient site. The procedure usually takes 60–90 minutes. The patient is given a mild sedative and anaesthetic on the donor and recipient sites. The donor site heals in about 5 days. Transplanted hairs fall out shortly afterwards, but new hairs grow from the follicles 3 weeks to 3 months later.
Other transplant techniques include punch grafting, in which a punch is used to remove small areas of bald scalp, which are replaced with areas of hairy scalp; flap grafting, in which flaps of hairy skin are lifted, rotated, and stitched to replace bald areas; and male pattern baldness reduction, which involves cutting out areas of bald skin and stretching surrounding areas of hair-bearing scalp to replace them.... hair transplant