Hang Health Dictionary

Hang: From 1 Different Sources


After-effects of excessive alcohol consumption.

Symptoms. Dry mouth, thirst, increased output of urine, fatigue, irritability. Alcohol increases REM (rapid eye movement) during sleep. Brain cell excitability is followed by depression.

Potassium loss may be severe, as also loss of Vitamins B, B6 and C. Bananas are rich in potassium. Alternatives. Tea. 1-2 cups Chamomile tea. Ginger. Gin-and-tonic with juice of lemon, plus teaspoon honey.

Morning-after tea. Meadowsweet (antacid) 1; Centuary (bitter) 1; Black Horehound (antiemetic) 1; Gentian (tonic) quarter; Ginger (stomach settler) quarter. Mix. 2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water; infuse 10 minutes. Drink freely.

Diet. Honey for energy. Slippery Elm gruel. Avoid coffee.

Supplements. B-complex, C, E. Essential fatty acids. Potassium, Magnesium, Selenium, Zinc.

Note: Alcohol is a strong diuretic which drains the body and brain cells of vital fluids. Alcohol also contains congeners, the chemical by-products of fermentation which have a poisonous effect upon the body. The most important treatment is water – long drinks to rehydrate the body and brain. Water also helps the kidneys and liver to wash out the poisons. ... hangover


A splitting of the skin (cuticle) at the side of a ?ngernail. In manual workers it is usually caused by trauma, but ISCHAEMIA of the ?ngers (see also RAYNAUD’S DISEASE) may predispose to the condition. Secondary infection and in?ammation may make hang-nail a very tender condition; treatment consists of reducing trauma, and the use of EMOLLIENTS and ANTIBIOTICS if necessary.... hang-nail


Hanging is a form of death due to suspension of the body from the neck – either suddenly, as in judicial hanging (although not in the United Kingdom, as the death penalty is not used in the UK justice system), so as to damage the spinal column and cord, or in such a way as to constrict the AIR PASSAGES and the blood vessels to the brain. Death is, in any case, speedy, resulting in 2–3 minutes if not instantaneously. Apart from judicial hanging, and in the absence of any signs of a struggle, hanging is usually due to SUICIDE. The resuscitation of people found hanging is similar to that for drowning. (See APPENDIX 1: BASIC FIRST AID – Cardiac/respiratory arrest.)... hanging


A strip of skin torn away from the side or base of a fingernail, exposing a raw, painful area.... hangnail

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