Healthy ageing Health Dictionary

Healthy Ageing: From 1 Different Sources

An approach which recognizes that growing older is a part of living; recognizes the interdependence of generations; recognizes that everyone has a responsibility to be fair in their demands on other generations; fosters a positive attitude throughout life to growing older; eliminates age as a reason to exclude any person from participating fully in community life; promotes a commitment to activities which enhance well-being and health, choice and independence, and quality of life for all ages; encourages communities to value and listen to older people and to cater for the diverse preferences, motivations, characteristics and circumstances of older persons in a variety of ways.
Health Source: Community Health
Author: Health Dictionary


The result of a combination of natural, largely genetically programmed changes occurring in all body systems. Diseases or injuries may in?uence these changes, which impair the body’s homeostatic mechanisms; environment and lifestyle also affect the ageing process.

The effects of ageing include: cessation of MENSTRUATION in females; wrinkling of the skin due to a loss of elastic tissue; failing memory (especially short term) and a reduced ability to learn new skills, along with slowed responses

– changes caused by the loss of or less e?cient working of nerve cells; the senses become less acute; the lungs become less e?cient, as does heart muscle, both causing a fall in exercise tolerance; arteries harden, resulting in a rise in blood pressure and poor blood circulation; joints are less mobile, bones beome more brittle (OSTEOPOROSIS) and muscle bulk and strength are reduced; the lens of the EYE becomes less elastic, resulting in poorer sight, and it may also become opaque (CATARACT).

In developed countries people are living longer, in part because infant and child mortality rates have dropped dramatically over the past 100 years or so. Improved standards of living and more e?ective health care have also contributed to greater longevity: the proportion of people over 65 years of age has greatly increased, and that of the over-75s is still rising. The 2001 census found 336,000 people in the UK aged over 90 and there are 36,000 centenarians in the US. This extreme longevity is attributed to a particular gene (see GENES) slowing the ageing process. Interestingly, those living to 100 often retain the mental faculties of people in their 60s, and examination of centenarians’ brains show that these are similar to those of 60-year-olds. (See MEDICINE OF AGEING; CLIMACTERIC.)

Help and advice can be obtained from Age

Concern and Help the Aged. See ageing

Active Ageing

The process of optimizing opportunities for health, participation and security in order to enhance quality of life as people age.... active ageing

Ageing / Aging

The lifelong process of growing older at cellular, organ or whole-body level throughout the life span.... ageing / aging

Ageing / Aging In Place

Meeting the desire and ability of people, through the provision of appropriate services and assistance, to remain living relatively independently in the community in his or her current home or an appropriate level of housing. Ageing in place is designed to prevent or delay more traumatic moves to a dependent facility, such as a nursing home.... ageing / aging in place

Ageing Of The Population

See “population ageing”.... ageing of the population

Blue Flag Tea For A Healthy Liver

Blue Flag tea has a long history in treating liver ailments: Native American tribes used to consume it for its hepatic properties. Blue Flag Tea description Blue flag is a perennial herb also known as the liver lily and the fleur-de-lis, native to North America. It has smooth spear-shaped leaves topped with a light bluish-purple flower. Blue flag plants grow in bunches and bloom during late June and early July. Blue Flag tea is the resulting beverage from brewing the abovementioned plant. Blue Flag Tea brewing To prepare Blue Flag tea, place 1 teaspoon of the dried roots in a cup of boiling water. Let it steep for 10 minutes. The tea can be consumed three times a day. Blue Flag Tea benefits Blue Flag has been successfully used to:
  • stimulate the liver and thus, it is helpful in the treatment of jaundice and hepatitis
  • fight impurities of the blood
  • fight against skin problems like acne and psoriasis
  • detoxify the body by increasing the production of bile, as well as frequency of urination
  • help treat indigestion
  • treat rheumatism
  • help in weight loss
Blue Flag tea can be an effective laxative, diuretic and as an emetic. It is also effective in reducing inflammation of the skin, decreasing the symptoms of skin infections. It is also good in treating burns, bruises and wounds. Blue Flag Tea side effects Until further studies are conducted, pregnant and nursing women should avoid intaking this type of tea. Blue Flag tea has proven its efficiency in dealing with severe liver-related diseases. Also, applied topically, it can treat skin problems, but not only.... blue flag tea for a healthy liver

Healthy City

A city that is continually creating and improving physical and social environments and expanding community resources which enable people to mutually support each other in performing all the functions of life and in developing to their maximum potential.... healthy city

Healthy Life Expectancy

See “disability-adjusted life expectancy”.... healthy life expectancy

Healthy Public Policy

Public policy characterized by an explicit concern for health and equity in all areas of policy and by an accountability for health impact.... healthy public policy

Optimal Ageing

See “healthy ageing”.... optimal ageing

Population Ageing

The increase over time in the proportion of the population of a specified older age.... population ageing

Positive Ageing

See “healthy ageing”.... positive ageing

Lemongrass Tea - A Healthy Herbal Tea

Lemongrass tea is one of the most popular teas from South Asia. The lemongrass plant grows in India and tropical Asia being commonly used in teas, soups and curries. This plant has been used in medicinal purposes since ancient times due to its wonderful health benefits. How To Make Lemongrass Tea Lemongrass tea has a mild lemon taste with a hint of ginger and a tropical flower scent. You can easily brew your own herbal lemongrass tea by following some few easy steps: First of all you will need a pair of gloves to protect your hands from the leaves of the lemongrass plant because they can cut your skin when you pull them from the parent plant. To cut easier, use a sharp knife. Peel the outer layers of the lemongrass leaves (the dark green leaves surrounding the stalk inside) because they will give the tea a bitter taste if they are used. Then cut the remaining lemongrass plant into slices, about 3 inches long. For each cup you will need 1 tablespoon of lemongrass. Put the slices into the teapot, pour in the hot water and let it steep for about 5 minutes. Then strain the tea into your cup and sweeten it with honey or sugar. Optionally, you can add milk. Lemongrass Tea Benefits If you suffer from insomnia, a cup of lemongrass tea before bed provides you relaxation and a restful sleep. Lemongrass tea is a good aid in digestion, so drinking a cup of tea after a meal removes that full feeling and also, helps remove unhealthy food additives, chemicals and excess fats. Since it acts like a natural diuretic, lemongrass tea helps keep the kidneys and bladder working properly. Also, its powerful antioxidants keep the liver and pancreas healthy. A university study revealed that lemongrass tea may have a cholesterol-lowering effect in people. Another benefit is that lemongrass tea reduces the symptoms of anxiety and nervousness and it has been used in Brazil for centuries to treat nervous disorders. You can also use this tea on a wet rag to heal wounds or other skin problems, since lemongrass tea is known for its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. Lemongrass Tea Side Effects Despite the fact that it has a lot of health benefits, lemongrass tea also has a few side effects. Make sure you will not drink lemongrass tea if you experience allergy symptoms after consuming lemongrass. It is not indicated for pregnant or breastfeeding women to drink lemongrass tea since it may have different effects on their child. In conclusion, lemongrass tea has a lot of benefits, from its calming effects to skin healing properties. Served hot or iced, this tea makes a wonderful drink during meals or before bed to have calm all night sleep.... lemongrass tea - a healthy herbal tea

Mango Tea And Its Healthy Freshness

Mango tea is a complex type of tea, due to its ingredients: green tea, black tea and mango pieces. It is considered to be ideal both for tea consumers and fruit lovers worldwide. About Mango Tea Mango, originally coming fromsouth Asia, was brought to the United States in 1880. It symbolizes love and apparently, its leaves are a good choice to be gifted at weddings. It is a delicious and juicy fruit, that can be eaten fresh or cooked, sliced, pureed or, as part of several beverages. Mango tea is a type of tea resulting from mixing green tea, black tea and whole mango pieces. It gathers the freshness of mangoes and the strong flavor of the two teas mentioned above. How to make Mango Tea?
  • infuse 1 tablespoon per cup
  • use boiling water
  • infuse it for 3 minutes
Mango tea can be also consumed cold. In this case, ice is recommended to be added. To boost its freshness, connoisseurs indicate the use of fresh mint leaves use. Mango Tea benefits Owing to the high quantity of contained antioxidants, Mango tea is effectively used in treating cancer and helping cells to recover from this disease. This type of tea has proven its efficiency in dealing with:
  •  Anemia
  •  Stress
  • Muscle cramps
  • Digestion
  • Weight Control
  • Bone Growth
  • Immune Functions
  • Vision
  • Wound Healing
  • Protein Synthesis
  • Dehydration
Mango Tea side effects Mango tea side effects are generallyassociated to overconsumption or, citrus intolerance. It is indicated that individuals suffering from cardiac problems or hypertension to consume it moderately. Pregnant and breast-feeding women are advised to reduce the amount of Mango tea consumed (less than 2 cups per day), in order not to cause agitation to the baby. Mango teacould be successfully introduced in a daily diet, providing energy and enhancing mood for consumers of all ages and thus, carefully strengthening the immune system.... mango tea and its healthy freshness

Medicine Of Ageing

Diseases developing during a person’s lifetime may be the result of his or her lifestyle, environment, genetic factors and natural AGEING factors.

Lifestyle While this may change as people grow older – for instance, physical activity is commonly reduced – some lifestyle factors are unchanged: for example, cigarette smoking, commonly started in adolescence, may be continued as an adult, resulting in smoker’s cough and eventually chronic BRONCHITIS and EMPHYSEMA; widespread ATHEROSCLEROSIS causing heart attacks and STROKE; osteoporosis (see BONE, DISORDERS OF) producing bony fractures; and cancer affecting the lungs and bladder.

Genetic factors can cause sickle cell disease (see ANAEMIA), HUNTINGTON’S CHOREA and polycystic disease of the kidney.

Ageing process This is associated with the MENOPAUSE in women and, in both sexes, with a reduction in the body’s tissue elasticity and often a deterioration in mental and physical capabilities. When compared with illnesses described in much younger people, similar illnesses in old age present in an atypical manner

– for example, confusion and changed behaviour due to otherwise asymptomatic heart failure, causing a reduced supply of oxygen to the brain. Social adversity in old age may result from the combined effects of reduced body reserve, atypical presentation of illness, multiple disorders and POLYPHARMACY.

Age-related change in the presentation of illnesses This was ?rst recognised by the specialty of geriatric medicine (also called the medicine of ageing) which is concerned with the medical and social management of advanced age. The aim is to assess, treat and rehabilitate such patients. The number of institutional beds has been steadily cut, while availability of day-treatment centres and respite facilities has been boosted – although still inadequate to cope with the growing number of people over 65.

These developments, along with day social centres, provide relatives and carers with a break from the often demanding task of looking after the frail or ill elderly. As the proportion of elderly people in the population rises, along with the cost of hospital inpatient care, close cooperation between hospitals, COMMUNITY CARE services and primary care trusts (see under GENERAL PRACTITIONER (GP)) becomes increasingly important if senior citizens are not to suffer from the consequences of the tight operating budgets of the various medical and social agencies with responsibilities for the care of the elderly. Private or voluntary nursing and residential homes have expanded in the past 15 years and now care for many elderly people who previously would have been occupying NHS facilities. This trend has been accelerated by a tightening of the bene?t rules for funding such care. Local authorities are now responsible for assessing the needs of elderly people in the community and deciding whether they are eligible for ?nancial support (in full or in part) for nursing-home care.

With a substantial proportion of hospital inpatients in the United Kingdom being over 60, it is sometimes argued that all health professionals should be skilled in the care of the elderly; thus the need for doctors and nurses trained in the specialty of geriatrics is diminishing. Even so, as more people are reaching their 80s, there seems to be a reasonable case for training sta? in the type of care these individuals need and to facilitate research into illness at this stage of life.... medicine of ageing

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