Symptoms: skin hot, dry and flushed. High temperature and high humidity dispose. Sweating mechanism disorganised. Delirium, headache, shock, dizziness, possible coma, nausea, profuse sweating followed by absence of sweat causing skin to become hot and dry; rapid rise in body temperature, muscle twitching, tachycardia, dehydration.
Treatment. Hospital emergency. Reduce temperature by immersion of victim in bath of cold water. Wrap in a cold wet sheet. Lobelia, to equalise the circulation. Feverfew to regulate sweating mechanism. Yarrow to reduce temperature. Give singly or in combination as available.
Alternatives. Tea. Lobelia 1; Feverfew 2; Yarrow 2. Mix. 2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes. Half-1 cup freely. Vomiting to be regarded as favourable.
Tinctures. Combine: Lobelia 1; Pleurisy root 2; Valerian 1. Dose: 1-2 teaspoons in water every 2 hours. Decoction. Irish Moss; drink freely.
Practitioner. Tincture Gelsemium BPC (1973). Dose: 0.3ml (5 drops).
Alternate hot and cold compress to back of neck and forehead. Hot Chamomile footbath.
Diet. Irish Moss products. High salt. Abundant drinks of spring water.
Supplements. Kelp tablets, 2 thrice daily. Vitamin C (1g after meals thrice daily). Vitamin E (one 500iu capsule morning and evening).
Vitamin C for skin protection. Increasing Vitamin C after exposure to the sun should help protect against the sun’s ultra violet rays, as skin Vitamin C levels were shown to be severely depleted after exposure. (British Journal of Dermatology 127, 247-253)